Trouble in Deep Space Part 3 [SciFi, FF]

—Sorry it's been so long, everyone. Work and other obligations got in the way. Here's Part 1 and Part 2

Court and her boyfriend Steve are sitting at the table in the main room the next morning when Jess and Ashley walk in. Usually Jordan comes in with them so Steve asks where she is.

"Not sure," Ashley says, "Neither of us heard her come back to the room after she left to take a shower."

Brittany and Peter walk in shortly after this. Her hair is wet from a shower.

"Did you see Jordan?" Jess asks.

"No. Why?" Britt responds.

"We haven't seen her since last night."

"That’s strange," Peter says.

"Attention, crew," the Captain says suddenly walking in. "There's been an accident."

They all look at him expectantly. "It would seem that after Jordan left to take a shower last night the elevator malfunctioned taking her to the lower floor. It is unclear what may have happened to her but since she is no longer in the elevator and not with us it can only be assumed the creature below took her."

Trouble in Deep Space Part 2 [SciFi, MF]

A few minutes after the Captain finishes, Jess walks into the main room and finds everyone waiting for her. "What happened with the Captain?" Court asks her. Jess waits a moment before saying, "Everything is fine. I talked to him and he said he'd explain everything to all of us tomorrow morning. For now I think we should all just go and finish the jobs he gave us and leave it alone till then."

Later that night they return to their bunks. As Brittany and Peter change for bed he says, "I don't know, Britt. I don't like that we are carrying illegal cargo."

Stepping out of her pants she turns and sees him shirtless. She pauses a moment to take in his muscular build and then says, "I don't like it either but from what Jess said it seems like he has an explanation for it."

He walks over to the dresser lowering his pants and says, "Right but why is he waiting until tomorrow morning to tell us? Something just doesn't seem right to me."

Trouble in Deep Space Part 1 [SciFi, Coerced MF, oral]

The Captain, a fit man in his mid-40s with a lot of experience in his position, runs down a list of things his crew needs to have done by the end of the day. No one complains. The work isn’t hard and the pay at the end of this trip out into space is more than worth it. Before dismissing them Captain says, "And remember, no one is allowed down onto the lower deck. It is strictly off limits. Anyone who is caught going down there will be severely punished." No one knows what is down there. In fact, no one even knows what their mission is but they know that Captain means business so they heed his warning and go about their duties.

Back in their bunk, Jess and Jordan grab a few supplies before heading out to do their jobs. "How many times do you think he's going to remind us not to go down there?" Jess asks her sister. Laughing, Jordan says, "I don't know but I think we all understand by now."

"Yea, I mean, if anything it’s only making me more curious about what's down there." Jess sits up from tying her boots and tosses her shoulder length auburn hair back behind her ears and looks at Jordan.

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 4 [BDSM, cheat]

The demon returns several hours later. When we hear him coming down the hall I turn to Court and say, "Alright, you know what to do?"

"Yea…" she says hesitantly.

"It'll be ok, babe. I don't want you to do it either but it's the best way."

"I know. I know. Alright…" She takes a deep breath. "Ok. I can do this!"

The demon walks up to her cell door completely ignoring me and says, "Hello, beautiful. Ready for another round?" He unlocks the cell and places the keys back on his belt.

Court stands up in the corner of the room and says, "Actually…Yes. I've missed you ever since you left me." She walks up to him and places her hands on his chest. Caressing him she continues, "All I can think about is how big you are… and how good it felt to have you inside me…" She lowers herself onto her knees and begins to pull his pants down around his ankles.

"Mmm…that's right. I knew you'd want me sooner or later." He smiles down at her as she takes him in one of her hands.

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 3 [BDSM, cheat]

Note to the readers: Sorry its been so long since I've written. As you all can imagine I've been busy wit the holidays and family from out of town. Anyway, let's continue…

I try to turn away as my fiancee begins to moan again and again while the demon licks and sucks away between her legs but the demon in my cell is holding me too tight for me to do much. I have to watch…

A few more moments pass and her moans start to slow down. I notice that the demon is starting to let up on her. Eventually he stops. "Very, good!" he says as he stands up, wiping his mouth. "I knew that would make you give in to me."

"I didn't give in to you," Court says through gritted teeth. "I just couldn't hold back much longer."

"Because you liked it."

"No I didn't!"

"Ha. I bet. Well either way, let's see how much you like this." The demon approaches her with a huge grin as he reaches up and unchains her from the wall. He presses a button near the chains and a platform rises from the center of the cell floor. The platform is suspiciously sized like a king bed. The demon steps behind her and says, "Lay down."

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 2 [BDSM, cheat]

Court continues to rock her head back and forth along the demon's length. I try to get her to stop by talking to her but she has already made up her mind and is unfortunately going to see this through.

After what feels like an eternity of giving him head, Court feels him begin to twitch inside her mouth. Knowing he's probably not far from finishing she starts to pull further away from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" the demon asks her with a smile. She doesn't get to answer when he places a hand on the back of her head and forces her to move forward again. "I'm almost there, beautiful… And when I…mmm…when I do cum…You're going to…UNNGH!" The demon let's out a huge moan while still holding Court on him.

When she starts to protest I can tell that the demon is finishing in her mouth. He lets her go a moment later and then says, "Swallow it or I hurt him."

Unable to say anything with her mouth so full…Court complies.

"Good girl," the demon says. "Was that really so bad?"

"Fuck you," Court says without looking up at him.

Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 1 [BDSM, cheat]

It's Halloween night and I am walking down the street with my fiancee Court. Holding her hand I look over at her and think to myself how amazing she looks in her Harley Quinn nurse costume from Arkham Asylum. The short skirt of the costume shows off her slender legs while the top half reveals a decent amount of her C-cup breasts and cleavage.

"You're so beautiful," I say to her as I run my hand through her short dark red hair.

She smiles and says, "You're no so bad yourself," before turning and giving me a kiss. I take her hand in mine again and I smile, knowing how lucky I am to have her.

We walk for a few more minutes checking out all the different costumes people are wearing but then one catches our eye from all the way down the street.

"Check that out!" I say pointing to the guy dressed as a demon. Even at a distance we can see that he is about seven feet tall and that the detailing of the demon's muscles are extremely impressive. When we reach him we look up at him and compliment how awesome his costume is.