Kidnapped by a Demon, Part 4 [BDSM, cheat]

The demon returns several hours later. When we hear him coming down the hall I turn to Court and say, "Alright, you know what to do?"

"Yea…" she says hesitantly.

"It'll be ok, babe. I don't want you to do it either but it's the best way."

"I know. I know. Alright…" She takes a deep breath. "Ok. I can do this!"

The demon walks up to her cell door completely ignoring me and says, "Hello, beautiful. Ready for another round?" He unlocks the cell and places the keys back on his belt.

Court stands up in the corner of the room and says, "Actually…Yes. I've missed you ever since you left me." She walks up to him and places her hands on his chest. Caressing him she continues, "All I can think about is how big you are… and how good it felt to have you inside me…" She lowers herself onto her knees and begins to pull his pants down around his ankles.

"Mmm…that's right. I knew you'd want me sooner or later." He smiles down at her as she takes him in one of her hands.

"Mhm. I want you more than anything else." I watch as she brings him to her lips and slowly opens her mouth. Leaning forward, she takes him in but at the same time she manages to get a hold of the keys. The demon doesn't notice this until she bites down hard and then tosses them across the hall to me.

Screaming in pain the demon recoils from Court which gives her the opening she needs to run to the door of her cell and leave. Using the keys on my door, I follow after her.

"Where do we go?!" she calls back to me.

"I don't know! Just keep running!"

We take off down the hall rounding a few corners as we try to escape. Everything looks the same though and we have no idea if we are making any progress at all or if we are just running in circles. All the while, we keep looking over our shoulders but we never see any signs that we are being chased.

At some point we make a bad turn and run into a dead end. "Shit!" Court yells. She doubles over trying to catch her breath. I do the same but when I look down at my clothes I start to remove them.

"Here. Put these on. You've spent enough time naked." I hand her my shirt and pants leaving only my boxers on.

"Thank you," she says as she gets dressed. When she finishes she wraps her arms around me in a huge hug and buries her face into my shoulder.

I'm at a loss for words knowing that there is really nothing I can say that could ever repair the damage that has been done.

"Awww, how sweet."

Looking up I see a dark portal opening up in the wall of the dead end. We back up and I put myself in front of my fiancee. The demon steps out of the portal saying, "There is no escaping this place. Only I can let you go." Following him are the second demon that forced me to watch what happened to Court and a large four-legged beast with a huge maw for a mouth.

"Step aside and no one needs to get hurt," the demon says to me.

"Fuck you," I say with as much venom in my voice as I can manage.

"She already has," the demon says. "And she will again. You can't protect her. I've already proven that. Now stand-"

Before the demon can finish talking Court and I take off back the way we came. We don't have to look over our shoulders now. We can hear them chasing after us.

Coming around a corner we suddenly find ourselves in a large entrance hall. Huge double doors face us from the other side of the room.

"There! Go! That must be the-!" I let out a grunt when I'm knocked to the ground from behind. Turning around onto my back I look directly into the maw of the beast. "Shit!" I yell as I scramble backward trying to keep away from it.

Hearing me yell, Court turns back to see what happened. At the same time she is tackled by the demon who wrestles her to the ground as he tears my clothes off of her.

"No! Get away from her!" I yell at him. Rolling onto my stomach I try to crawl toward the two of them. That's when I feel something long and slimy move around my legs. Looking back I see the beast has started to wrap its tongue around me. I'm dragged backward as it almost immediately begins to pull me into its mouth.

Seeing the danger that I'm in Court disregards the fact that the demon is stripping her yet again as she actually shrugs out of the shirt so that she can get free of him to help me.

"Oh no you don't!" the demon says as he lunges forward. He grabs her newly exposed breasts as he pulls her back to him. "I told you! There's…no…ESCAPING!" With the last word he manages to put him self in position again and he thrusts deep inside her.

"STEVE!" Court calls out to me as she reaches for my outstretched arm.

I fight against the pull of the beast's tongue to try and save the love of my life but it has already wrapped around my torso and one of my arms leaving me without much room to move. Before I even realize it I'm in up to my waist in its mouth. It pulls on me again and I go in up to my mid-chest.

Turning my attention, for just a moment, to my own situation I look down into the maw of the beast and I realize I don't stand a chance. A deep sadness fills me as I look back to Court knowing that I failed her.

When I do look back to her all I see is the demon relentlessly thrusting in and out of her. Then the second demon steps between us. Facing her I see him drop his pants. Beyond his legs I can see Court look up at him with such sadness and horror that it breaks my heart.

And then everything goes black as my head is pulled into the beast's mouth, leaving only my flailing arm left outside it.

Court doesn't see me swallowed alive. All she sees is the second demon as he drops to his knees and pushes himself inside her mouth, forcing her into a threesome.

Several minutes later the demons finish inside of her before taking her back to her cell.


Days pass. And with every day comes a new round of sex from the demon. Sometimes the leader allows the other one to join in like when they recaptured her but for the most part it's just the two of them.

Every time the demon enters her cell Court cowers against the wall. But just a few minutes later her body betrays her and her reluctant moans echo down the hallway. She cries for me during and afterward but eventually her tears run dry.

Soon after that when the demon enters she doesn't back away.

"What's this? Not going to fight?"

"I've decided to stop lying to myself. I DO like it. I DO want you." Stepping forward Court leads the demon to the bed he's provided for them. Laying him down she climbs on top of him for the first time. "Oh!" she moans softly as she lowers her hips down over him…

The End


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