My Unfaithful Love Bite

**Chapter 1**

There’s nothing fun about being a real estate agent, not really. Most of my days are spent behind a desk, processing paperwork and speaking to potential customers, I say potential because that’s all we seem to get these days. When I do get to go it isn’t particularly much fun either, at least not anymore. I used to love giving wealthy people a tour around various beautiful homes, places that I could never afford. However, after a while these gorgeous homes became reminders of what I could never have, unless of course I won the lottery or something. That being said, I’m pretty happy with the way that my life has turned out, I don’t have any kids, I’ve never really been family orientated like that, but I do have a husband that loves me dearly. He always tells me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is to have me, and I do appreciate him, I really do, but sometimes, I feel as though I’m stuck in a rut. Every day is the same, and sometimes it’s near impossible to tell one week apart from the next, I feel like a hamster on a wheel, stuck in a world in which there is no escape.

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After College Fling [MF]

Chapter 1

I’ve always been a hard worker, so staying behind after class when the other students had home was never an unusual thing for me. I’m only 18, but I’m pretty bright for my age, well, at least that’s what my parents say. I don’t really get along with the other students on my course, I suppose it’s because our interest differ so much; and it doesn’t really help that I’m not into clubbing, smoking or just hanging out on street corners on the weekends. I much prefer to spend my time reading or watching documentaries about animals, I really do love animals.

I wouldn’t say that I’m an interesting girl, to look at, at least; but I wouldn’t deny that there was a certain innocent hotness about me. I mean, I must be somewhat attractive for the likes of someone like Professor Simmons to fuck me; that was something I never saw coming, I mean, why would a beefy hunk like Professor Simmons be interested in a girl like me? It’s not like I could match him on an intellectual level or anything, but I guess fucking sex a young, barely legal student is what turns these grown men these days. I mean, what else could it be? I’m cute, but I’m not a model; I’m barely 5’1” & my skin is pale as snow, the only thing that gives my face any colour my brown freckles.

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The Worlds Best Train Journey

Chapter 1

This is a story of how one thing lead to another, resulting in one of the best train journeys of my life. It was a bright, warm sunny Wednesday morning, I’d woken up, full of excite to start my new job as a Lab Technician in Central London. I was pretty excited to be able to finally make a living for myself, naturally, I couldn’t wait to start work and commence on my new adventure to becoming an independent woman.

The Family Friend


It was that time of the month again, time to attend another Sunday Family dinner, I hated them so much. Once a month my parents would insist that my 2 brothers and I – Rick and Adam go to their house so that we could catch up. Since we’d all now grown up this was the only way that my folks thought they could bring us all together. It’s not that I hated spending time with the family, but every month they’d ask me the same old questions; do you have a boyfriend? How’s work? Are you thinking about your future? I’ve always told them that if anything interesting was to happened they’d be the first to know, but they still pester me at every opportunity they get. I’m only 23 years old, I’m not in a hurry to settle down, I have my whole life ahead of me yet. My brothers on the other hand are much older than I am; ‘Rick’ the eldest, is 37. He’s married with three kids, two girls and one boy. Next up was ‘Adam’ who’d recently turned 33; he’s a bit of a player, with quite the reputation. I get along with my brother’s fine enough but they still irritate me from time to time.

XXX Granny Tales [MF]

Chapter 1

Most people take one look at me and tend to think that I’m constantly knocking on deaths door. To be honest, this is true at times, but just like you I also have days when I’m full of life. I may be getting on but that doesn’t mean that I don’t deserve to have my itches scratched every now and again; the only problem is, finding somebody who can get the job done. I’ve spoken to a few of my friends who live with me in the nursing home and the advice they usually give is for me to find an older gentlemen who’ll be able to sort me out once or twice a week. The thing is though, I’m quite limb for my age so it’s rather difficult for these poor men to keep up with me; I’ve already sent one to the hospital and that’s just about all the guilt I’m willing to deal with. So, where does this leave me? I don’t get many visitors, and the people that do come to see me are usually family; so most days I’m left to satisfy myself which isn’t always as rewarding.

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My 18th Birthday [MF]

So a few weeks ago, it was my 18th birthday, and it was definitely a celebration that I’ll never forget. Unlike most of my friends I’ve never been crazy about sex, my friends would talk about it all day and night. Telling each other about all the one nighters they’ve had and how they liked to be fucked; I mean sometimes it got real graphic. I didn’t really have many stories of my own to tell so I usually just sat back and listened to what they had to say. I always thought my first sexual encounter would be sweet & gentle, something that like you’d see in a romantic film. I always imagined that the first guy I gave my body to would be mine forever, I wouldn’t say I was the kind of girl who’d fantasize about falling in love with her prince charming, but still, this dream of mine was something that was very special to me. On my 18th birthday, the night in which I lost my virginity was nothing like what I’d imagined it’d be, and to be honest, looking back on it, I can’t say that I have any regrets.

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A Homely Enocounter

It wasn’t often I’d have the house to myself, but whenever my husband was away I always tried to make the most of it. Usually I’d spend the weekend catching up with my girls, you know, doing the typical girly things we like to do which mostly talking about men I guess; but this weekend, things were going to be different. It was a Friday night; my girls were busy so I was forced to stay home alone. I flicked through numerous TV channels but there wasn’t anything interesting on. I was bored out of my mind, I actually wished that my husband hadn’t gone away that weekend, and it was rare that I’d ever miss him like that. However as my girls began to settle down and start families I felt myself feeling like this more and more. I has almost given up all hope in regards to having any sort of excitement occur at the weekend when my childhood friend Jessica called me up out of the blue and asked if she and her new boyfriend ‘Daniel’ could drop by. I can’t express to you how excited I was ‘Of course you can come over’ I yelled down the belted down the phone.

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