The Family Friend


It was that time of the month again, time to attend another Sunday Family dinner, I hated them so much. Once a month my parents would insist that my 2 brothers and I – Rick and Adam go to their house so that we could catch up. Since we’d all now grown up this was the only way that my folks thought they could bring us all together. It’s not that I hated spending time with the family, but every month they’d ask me the same old questions; do you have a boyfriend? How’s work? Are you thinking about your future? I’ve always told them that if anything interesting was to happened they’d be the first to know, but they still pester me at every opportunity they get. I’m only 23 years old, I’m not in a hurry to settle down, I have my whole life ahead of me yet. My brothers on the other hand are much older than I am; ‘Rick’ the eldest, is 37. He’s married with three kids, two girls and one boy. Next up was ‘Adam’ who’d recently turned 33; he’s a bit of a player, with quite the reputation. I get along with my brother’s fine enough but they still irritate me from time to time.

It was on a cold, stormy Sunday evening, that saw myself, Rick, Adam, mum, dad and one of dads’ friends gathered around the dinner table, sitting quietly in a deafening silence; the only thing that could be heard were the rain pellets beating against the window, it was as if stones were been launched in a never ending stream against the glass. The dining table wasn’t much to look at either, our plates sat empty whilst waited for the food to be serviced, ‘Dinner’ll be ready in 15,’ mum said in aloud in a desperate plea to break the silence.

‘Great,’ I said enthusiastically, ‘I’m starving, I don’t think I can hold out much longer.’

‘You’ve always been a lover of food haven’t you Sam?’ dad’s friend stated. I stared at him with a blank expression, trying figure out just why he’d been invited to dinner in the first place. I knew that he was one of my dad’s oldest friends, but still, an extra person at the table was the last thing that I needed.

‘Aren’t you going to answer Dave? It’s rude to stare at people Sam,’ said my father.

‘Oh, sorry. Yeah, I do love me a bit of grub,’ I replied, all the while thinking to myself, ‘who in the hell talks like that?’ Believe when I say I couldn’t have been more uncomfortable.

The awkward silence quickly returned and lingered in the air as I waited for my mum to utter the first typical question of the evening. ‘Sam, are you any closer to meeting anyone special?’

‘No mum, but when I’ am, I promise to let you know okay,’ I responded reluctantly.

Dave looked over at me with a snarky grin that illuminated the lower half of his face, ‘That’s rather surprising, how can a pretty girl like you be single? Surely it’s by choice, I can’t imagine any sensible man passing up an opportunity to land a beauty such as you,’ he said charmingly.

I don’t know why but I started to blush. I didn’t even know dad’s friend all that well, he’d only ever visited our home a handful of times in the past; so why did I care what he thought of me, ‘Thanks,’ I replied whilst turning my head towards the floor as I was consumed by embarrassment.

‘Don’t go hitting on my daughter Dave, stronger men than you have tried,’ my dad said jokingly.

‘I wouldn’t dream of it, besides, she’s well out of my league,’ Dave quickly responded.


The whole family, plus Dave started to laugh hysterically. I don’t know why, it wasn’t even that funny, but still, for a brief moment Dave made me feel, well, pretty. Although people have told me so in the past, I never really thought of myself as anything spectacular; most guys are into girls with long, blonde hair, whereas my jet black mop barely reaches the edges of my boney, pale shoulders. I’ve tried tanning in the past but it’s never really worked out, usually I just end up burning myself which isn’t pleasant for anybody; but to be honest, over the years I’ve grown used to the paleness of my skin. One thing that I do love about myself are my luminous green eyes, I have my mum to thank for those. Being so slim I’m not particularly strong so I’m not very helpful around the house, but I ‘am thankful for my perky tits and ass; I don’t know what I’d do if I lost those few redeeming qualities. Adam nudged me in my arm before leaning over and quietly muttering, ‘Maybe Dave can be your new boyfriend.’

I quickly pushed him away, ‘Don’t be so disgusting, he’s like, 45.’

‘So? Love doesn’t care for math. The only thing that matters is your happiness.’

‘What do you know about love? I’ve never seen you with the same girl more than once.’

‘That’s because for me, true love can only last a single night, two at the most,’ he replied with his right hand covering heart as he looked towards the distant heavens.

‘What rubbish,’ I yelled, sternly folding my arms.

‘Everything okay between you two?’ Dad asked.

We both sat up straight in our seats and replied in unison, ‘we’re fine.’

As the shadowy silence returned to once again hover above our heads I caught Dave surveilling me from the across the table. I quickly wiped my face thinking that he was trying to hint to me that there was something on it, but still, he continued to stare. Every now and again he’d redirect his attention towards something else in order to cover up the fact that he couldn’t take his eyes off me. ‘ Can you point me towards the toilet,’ Dave requested.

‘Sure, head back towards the front door, it’ll be on your right,’ dad responded.

The only way for Dave to the restroom was to walk by me and Adam as we were seated with our backs to the door. It’s not that I didn’t trust him, but for some reason I didn’t want him to be so close to me, ’Come to think of it I need to go too, I’ll use the one upstairs.’ I screamed with haste as I quickly jumped out of my seat, rushing to the exit. I quickly made my approached towards the kitchen door, I was in such a panic, I have no ideas as to what made me behave erratically. Dave followed me as I walked down the hallway, I kept looking back, upping my speed so that I may avoid him getting too close. The staircase laid ahead my right, I eagerly waited for the first opportunity to launch myself out of harm’s way. Taking two steps at a time I leaped towards the upstairs bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me, ‘What am I doing? Surely I’m over reacting,’ I thought to myself. I sat on the bathroom floor with my hands between my legs as I peered up at the misty window, the thunderous sound of the rain beating against the glass began to calm my spirits. After a few minutes had passed, I knew I couldn’t stay hidden away forever , I decided to make my way back down to the kitchen, doing my best to ensure that I’d get there after Dave. As I made my way to the bottom of the stairs Dave was standing there, In my mind I knew he should’ve been back at the dinner table by now, as I purposely waited for longer than I needed to, ‘was he waiting for me?’

‘Is everything alright Sam,’ he asked calmly.

‘I’m fine, I just had to take care of some lady stuff,’ I replied whilst flicking my hair over my ear.

‘That’s good; I’d hate to think that I somehow made you uncomfortable earlier.’

At this point I began to feel really stupid. Maybe he was just being nice to me; he was dad’s friend after all, so why wouldn’t he be nice, even if his compliments were not his true opinions? To be honest, he wasn’t even a creepy guy, I’m sure a lot of women would kill to be with a man like Dave. He was charming, took good care of himself and probably made quite a decent living. As he stood next to me I found myself wondering, ‘was he always this tall?’ He loomed over me with a presence that was nothing short of magnificent, the way in which the light from outside reflected off his broad shoulders, presented to me a definition of his build that I’d never cared to notice before. Despite how fiercely the droplets of rain would ricochet off the glass, accompanied by the terrorising roars of a distant thunder, I can honestly say that this was the safest I’d felt all night. ‘Are you okay?’ Dave asked, ‘You’ve been staring at me with that blank expression again.’

‘Oh, I’m good, I’m just a little tired,’ I diverted my attention towards the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed.

‘Let’s head back then,’ he said as he placed his hand upon my forehead, patting me as though I were a child. To be honest, it was quite patronising. I turned away from him and headed towards the kitchen, as I lightly swayed my hips from side to side I heard him quietly utter the words, ‘wow.’ Was it possible that he was being genuine when he said that any man would be lucky to have me? As we approached the kitchen I could feel him towering above me, we couldn’t be more that 30 centimetres apart because when I stopped to push the door open he bumped into me and his crotch hit the lower reaches of my back, I quickly straightened my posture, ‘Sorry,’ he said as I looked up into his eyes with a nervous grin.

‘It’s okay.’

For a moment I thought I felt something poke me in the back in my back, but it couldn’t be his cock, could it? ‘You guys were gone for long enough,’ Adam said whilst winking at me. I took my seat and shot him one to the back of the head for insinuating that something had gone on between me and Dave. I wasn’t really angry at my brother though, me him were always quite playful, it was Rick who I had a hard time connecting with, he just didn’t see interested in me at all. ‘Dinners almost ready,’ mum said, once again trying to shatter the impenetrable silence that’d cursed the dinner table for the majority of the evening. Dave, who was sitting across from me, seemed to be unable to avert his gaze from my perky breast. At this point I was starting to think that perhaps everything up until now hadn’t all been in my head, maybe he does think I’m pretty. ‘Ah, what difference does it make? There can never be anything between us,’ I thought.

I threw myself back in my seat and began to play with my hair as I waited for dinner to be served. It felt as though time had slowed to a crawl, that’s when I got the not so smart idea to play a little game with myself. I became unhealthily obsessed with finding out what was on Dave’s mind, maybe it was because I wanted some form of validation, or perhaps I was after something else entirely. I really didn’t know what I was seeking but I thought that now was as good a time as any to see if there was anything between me and Dave. I slowly straightened my right leg towards Dave’s direction, hoping that my foot would softly rub against his, but I didn’t to touch him too intensely as I wanted to be able to pass it off as a mistake if he responded negatively to my come on. As I strung my fingers through my hair I edged my foot closer and closer to him, until I made a connection. Dave jumped up out of his seat and looked underneath the table in a hurry, ‘sorry,’ I belted apologetically.

‘It’s ok, I thought it was a cat or something, I don’t fair too well with animals,’ Dave calmly said.

‘Me neither, but then again I’m not very good with people either,’ I nervously replied.

Dave looked at me and smiled. ‘That should just about do it,’ my mum said as she got up to serve the food.

‘I’ll help you, darling,’ my dad said whilst hurrying after her.

