XXX Granny Tales [MF]

Chapter 1

Most people take one look at me and tend to think that I’m constantly knocking on deaths door. To be honest, this is true at times, but just like you I also have days when I’m full of life. I may be getting on but that doesn’t mean that I don’t deserve to have my itches scratched every now and again; the only problem is, finding somebody who can get the job done. I’ve spoken to a few of my friends who live with me in the nursing home and the advice they usually give is for me to find an older gentlemen who’ll be able to sort me out once or twice a week. The thing is though, I’m quite limb for my age so it’s rather difficult for these poor men to keep up with me; I’ve already sent one to the hospital and that’s just about all the guilt I’m willing to deal with. So, where does this leave me? I don’t get many visitors, and the people that do come to see me are usually family; so most days I’m left to satisfy myself which isn’t always as rewarding.

I’ve been living in this nursing home for about three years now and with every passing day my need for sex began to overcome me; I was desperately in need of a young fella who’d be able to fuck me as if I were still in my early twenties. I didn’t want somebody who was going to be gentle with me, I wanted a manly man, someone ruthless, and hopefully just as kinky as I was. Luckily enough for me I was eventually able to find such a man; he wasn’t somebody that caught my eye right away, I mean he was a bit of a sloucher at times. He didn’t have a rock hard body or a handsomely rewarding face, but what he lacked in physical appeal he more than made up for with his mentally, at least for me. His name was Michael, he was just 24 years old and of Indian decent, he was charming and tremendously enthusiastic about his job. You’ve probably heard the countless horror stories circling the world about the goings on in various old people’s homes, but believe me when I say we couldn’t have been in better hands.

Chapter 2

Michael would come to check in on me every morning. He’d do the usual things like make sure I was in good health, check that my room was in order and if there was anything extra that I may need. When he first started checking in on me we never really said more than what was absolutely necessary. After all, who knows how long he’d be sticking around for? Usually these young boys’ get bored and move onto their next gig within weeks. It was a Thursday morning when things really started to heat up between us, he’d come in to conduct his usual checks but when he asked if there was anything more I needed, I told him that I’d had a sniff neck for the past few days and that no matter what I did I couldn’t shake it. He plodded on over to the bed where I was sitting, still pretty much tucked in and asked me to sit up, I looked at him with a perplexed expression; just what was he planning to do? I sat up carefully as I didn’t want to cause myself any further injury, he asked if he could get behind me. If I’m to be honest I was beginning to get quite flustered, I can’t remember the last time a man was in such close proximity of me. He placed his hands on top of my shoulders and started to rub me, gently, but firmly etching his thumbs into the lower part of my neck, ‘Is this okay Miss Robinson?’ he asked politely.

With my eyes closed and my body relaxed I replied, ‘That’s fine, keep going.’

His hands were so firm and steady, I couldn’t believe this was the same young man that came into my room check up on me every day. ‘Are you beginning to feel any better?’ He asked lovingly.

‘As a matter of fact, I am.’

He then rose to his feet and walked towards the door. The first thought that ran through my mind was, ‘Why did I tell him that I was okay?’ Without my even releasing it I’d watched him stroll towards the exit with my eyes fixated on his backside, I don’t know why I hadn’t noticed until now but he had a pretty nice tush. Later on that day whilst I having lunch with one of my dearest friends ‘Rebecca’ I brought up that fact that Michael had given me a fantastic massage earlier on, ‘Is that all he gave you?’ is what she responded with. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her sound less impressed.

‘What do you mean is that all?’ I questioned.

‘Well, the rumour is that he only got a job here because he has a thing for older women.’

The tea I was drinking erupted from my mouth, ‘That’s nonsense; he’s such an innocent young man.’

‘Tell that to Mary,’ Rebecca said whilst taking a sip of her coffee, ‘I heard just last week that she gave him a blowjob whilst he was doing his morning rounds.’

‘That can’t be true. I haven’t heard this rumour?’

‘I suppose it’s not something we should be blabbing about; it could cost him his job after all.’

‘So how do you know about it?’ I asked suspiciously.

Rebecca refused to answer and continued to sip her coffee with her eyes closed. She could be so rude at times.

‘Hello, I know you can hear me.’ Rebecca reluctantly lowered her mug and leaned in towards me.

‘Because, a few days ago I was joking around with dead Michal and asked if he’d cum on my breast because I had some dry skin and that I heard sperm could help with that. He clearly didn’t think I was kidding, before I knew it he’d pulled down his little shorts and whipped out his dick, he was hard as a rock I tell you.’

‘So you let him masturbate over you?’ I asked. Rebecca closed her eyes and raised her mug as if she were going to ignore me again.

‘Hmm, well, who was I to stop him once it’d gone so far? Beside, it’d been a while for me and boy was he equipped. Anyway, after we’d finished playing around I asked him if I was his first, of course his answer no.’ Rebecca responded unapologetically.

‘That’s ludicrous! If you’re telling me the truth, why didn’t you have sex?’ I said excitedly.

‘Ha! There’s no way I was about to let that big thing inside of me. I’m not a young girl anymore you know.’

