The Worlds Best Train Journey

Chapter 1

This is a story of how one thing lead to another, resulting in one of the best train journeys of my life. It was a bright, warm sunny Wednesday morning, I’d woken up, full of excite to start my new job as a Lab Technician in Central London. I was pretty excited to be able to finally make a living for myself, naturally, I couldn’t wait to start work and commence on my new adventure to becoming an independent woman.

However, things didn’t go smoothly as I would have hoped; stupidly I got up pretty late so already things weren’t looking too good for me. The last thing I wanted was be late to work on my first day, to save time I skipped breakfast and hopped straight into the shower. I hate rushing my morning showers as I quite enjoying lathering my body in soap and then watch it drip off my body as I hose myself down; quite often this would make me horny so I’d have to tinker with my little, tight pussy before I could bring myself to focus on anything else. Unfortunately for me, I had no time to play as I had to be out of the house in minutes. I showered and then quickly got dressed and hurried out the door; I glanced at my watch and found that I had just over 15 minutes to catch my train. As soon as I left my flat and paced down the street with great urgency whilst doing my very best not to sweat. I didn’t want damp armpits as I wanted to make a good first impression at my new job, and who knows, I could’ve met the man of my dreams on that fateful day. To show off my best features I word my favourite rose blouse, along with a short, jet black skirt, my tits were almost burst through, there’s no way they’d let me wear this around the lab, but as long as people noticed me when I arrive, that was all that mattered. However, it wasn’t long before I started to swear, forcing me to take off my blazed and flop it over my bag, looking at my watch again it seemed as though I was making good time, but I had no intention of slowing down. The moment I got the station I decided to lightly jog through to my platform, I heard the announcer say warn passengers that the train to Central London would be departing in a few minutes. I panicked and ran like an Olympic gold medallist I could see my sweating, bouncing tits earn the attention of various men as I passed them by. Finally making it to my platform I launched myself on to the train just before it took off, crashing head first into a tall, broad shouldered handsome man; he barely even noticed me as he was occupied with a game he was playing.

The train was jam packed, and there was hardly any spaced to move. All of the passengers were standing shoulder to shoulder; we were so bunched up that you could feel the breath of strangers flowing down the back of your neck. Needless to say I really wasn’t enjoying my day so far. Stood behind me to my left was the guy I’d just bumped into, the look of boredom on his face was undeniable, I could see that this was the last place that he wanted to be. His eyes were glued to his phone as if he were trying to escape the reality that we were being forced to endure. He must have sensed me staring, because it wasn’t long before he looked up and caught my eye. I didn’t want things to get awkward so I gentle waved and smiled at him; he didn’t respond though. I turned my head back towards the door and took a deep breath; I couldn’t wait for this journey to be over.

Chapter 2

I don’t know what signals I was sent this mysterious stranger, but it wasn’t long he was standing right behind me. I glanced back at him and smiled, all the while thinking that he was way too close. I didn’t really think much of it of the time, but as he stood behind me I notice that he was no longer glued to his phone. At the time I just assumed he was preparing to get off the train, however, when we reached the next destination he didn’t move, instead her quietly moved in closer to me. It wasn’t long before I could feel him pressing up against me and just above my ass, I could feel a hard bulge digging into me, at first I thought it was his phone, but the longer it prodded me, the more convinced I became that he simply had a hard on. I turned to him with a cold glare, as if I was warning him to back away, but instead we caught each other’s gaze and lost ourselves in one another. Suddenly we hit a slight bump on the track which caused me to fall back ever so slightly, and off course, now my ass was directly on top of his dick. To stop me from falling further he grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into his body, my eyes shot wide open as the bulge in his trousers had got even larger. I looked around hoping that I’d be able to find somewhere to escape to, but there wasn’t a single seat in sight. How the hell am I going to survive this journey, ‘I asked myself?’

The funny thing is, a few minutes later I found myself lightly grinding my ass against his bulge, I had no idea what made me think that’d be a good idea; but, when I realised what I was doing, I immediately put a stop to it. However, it was too late, he’d already got the message that I was kind of into it. With his dick stabbing me in the back I could feel him begin to lower himself, soon enough his cock was resting directly on top of the outer cuff of my asshole. My skirt wasn’t very thick, so I could feel him edging into me, I pushed my ass back against him as hard as I could, to the point where I felt as though the head of his dick was about the penetrate my tiny arsehole. As he got harder, he reached over with his right hand and started to glide it up my inner thigh, he didn’t aim straight for my pussy though, instead, he massaged my legs as he grinded his cock in between my perky ass cheeks.

