Post Wine Tour Threesome [MFF]

So this past weekend, something amazing happened and I’m just now getting a chance to write about it (thanks work!). With the 3 day weekend, a bunch of the Moms/Ladies in our neighborhood got together to organize a Wine Tour for the day on Sunday, knowing that they’d have Monday to recover. I had a bunch of things to do around the house and encouraged my wife, Kayla to go and make some friends, and I also got in touch with my parents to take the kids overnight so I could actually get some work done.

At about 10 am, the ladies all boarded the bus at the ringleader’s house about 1/2 mile away. It was super hot out, so most of the ladies had on casual clothes and even a couple had on like shorts and bikini tops so they could get some sun on the patios at the wineries on the trip. My wife wore a bikini top with a tanktop over it and a short skirt that she looked damn good in. I packed up the kids and dropped them off at my parents house and set about getting my projects done for the day. At about 8pm, I hadn’t heard from my wife and so I texted her a message asking where they were at.

Wish Cums True Pt 5: The Business Trip (Long) [MF, Shapeshifting, Mind-control]

For those who haven't read the first parts of the series (since they were posted MONTHS ago) a TL;DR primer: I woke up from a very vivid dream where I had 3 wishes and my three wishes came true. I gained the powers to change physical form/skills/attributes for myself and others, as well as control/introduce thoughts in others, along with a shitload of money and some 3rd wish I haven't decided on yet. Also, my wife and I came to an agreement that I could fuck whomever I want as long as I tell her about it and then fuck her too…

It had been several weeks since my wishes came true and changed my life. I've had plenty of fun fucking my wife and many other women. I'd hooked up with my masseuse and the sexy college girl next door. I've even gone online and hooked up with several escorts a day because why not. But so far there was one woman I wanted to hook up with that I hadn't been able to crack and I just figured out a way to make it happen.

Nympho Cu[m]slut Girl[F]riend RETURNS!

I've written about my ex-girlfriend Kerry before, but now I have a fresh story to tell! I haven't spoken to her in about 10 years. We dated on and off (mostly on. . .) for about 7 years starting in HS and through college, and then had a FWB/booty call relationship while being best friends for years after college. However, at that point, I had missed my chance to marry her and knew we were never really going to get back together as a couple, so when I met my now wife and started dating her, I had to break things off with Kerry. It was too hard to be so close but not together and it worked out better for both of us to get some space, so we could find our spouse or even be open to a long-term relationship. So I said my peace to her and cut off communication and haven't looked back (other than remembering/fantasizing about some of the crazy things we did to/with each other).

The other day, I went on Facebook to check out my feed and noticed that there was a message in my inbox. I clicked over to the inbox and a message from Kerry was waiting. Her message was short and quick:

[M]assage Role-play with Sexy Wi[f]e

It's been a long couple weeks around my house. I've been out of town with a new job for most of the last 2 weeks and my wife's been home from work several times with sick kids and we're working on getting our new house set up. It's all led to a pretty long dry spell in terms of the sexy times between the wife and I. Over the long weekend, I hatched a plan to deal with that directly. We had plans to go to a cookout on Sunday afternoon and then drop the kids off with the Grandparents overnight until dinnertime on Monday. My plan was to take advantage of this kid-free day and get some sexy-times started.

The cookout went well, the kids played and my wife and I got to visit with some of our friends we hadn't seen in a long time. At about 4, we left the cookout and drove over to the Grandparent's house to drop the kids off. They were both a little cranky and tired from not getting a nap, but in good spirits because of the sleepover away from home. After dropping off the kids, we went and did a little shopping for the house. You know, the kind of stuff you can't take little kids to because they'll be bored to tears almost instantly. After the shopping, we went to a new restaurant not far from our house and had a nice dinner and more importantly, my wife had 3 big glasses of Sangria.

Repost: Public [f]uck with nympho cu[m]slut girlfriend

It happened 15-20 years ago, but it still happened, so I'm going to post this here.

The summer between high school and college was a crazy time for me with the ladies. One of the best though, was my public daytime sex romp with my tall hot cumslut nympho girlfriend. I'll set the scene: We had been dating for almost 2 years at this point, and since we became sexually active in our relationship, there was almost nothing we didn't try and we seriously almost never went more than 2-3 days without getting each other off, and most of the time it was every day.

This particular day though was one of the outliers. It was a summer saturday in our suburb of DC and I had returned the previous night from a 2 week long volleyball tournament trip and I was leaving the next day for a week at the beach with my family. The volleyball trip was great, but I didn't want to do any hooking up because I had a great sexy girlfriend who wanted to do all sorts of kinky shit to me, but with 11 teammates and 3-4 coaches plus a couple parent chaperones, it was really really hard to get enough time to jerk off, and back then, as an 18 year old with a super high porn and nympho fueled libido, I was jerking off or having sex like 3-5 times a day usually. Needless to say I was DESPERATE and frankly, after 2 weeks, so was my girlfiend Kerry.

Bi GF loaned [m]e out to her Roommate [f]or the night (Long)

I've written about my girlfriend Kerry before, but here's another story from about 15 years ago. She and I dated for the last two years of high school, and continued on into college. She was a dirty slut (and I mean that with absolute reverence, she was a nympho of the highest order and just plain creative in her approach to fucking) and I knew that it was going to be hard to stay together at different colleges 3 hours apart if we tried to go strictly monogamous. So we made a deal, we'd try to visit each other on the regular, we'd have a shitload of sex, but we'd also have a greenlight to hook up with other people on occasion with the caveat that we had to tell the other one about it. Shortly after she started college (she was a year behind me), she also expressed lots of fantasies of hooking up with other girls, which I encouraged. Not only was it hot, but it was also a nice first step towards a potential threesome, which I always wanted, and I was certainly less jealous of her being with girls than other guys.

Wish Cums True Pt 4: Wife takes advantage [oral][FMMMM][buk]

Ever since my husband had his crazy wish granted, things have taken a very sexy turn. It's only been a few days, but in that time span, I've been constantly horny, we've had sex more than we had in the past year combined practically, and I've been working out like crazy. Every time I even walk briskly, it feels like I'm 80% to an orgasm. My body has changed too, to the point where everyone is looking at me and I'm just constantly aroused by all the attention and my pussy is swollen and dripping seemingly 24 hours a day. In short, I've become insatiable.

I was hot before the kids and time combined to soften my body a little bit, but now. . . My body is like a victoria's secret model, or a fitness model. My D cups have zero droop to them, they're so soft and supple but firm and bouncey, that I barely need to wear a bra anymore (and I often don't). Often, I no longer wear panties, simply because I'm so wet all the time that they would just be soaked and in the way. I find that I've been masturbating like 5 times a day at least, and even more if I can't fuck my husband Steve. Work has been kind of impossible, I can't concentrate in meetings and I'm constantly rubbing myself off under my desk.

Wish Cums True Pt 3: The Massage [Threesome (MFF), Cumplay, HJ, Mast, Oral]

Wish Cums True Pt 3 [Writer’s note: for those who tl;dr part 1 or part 2, I made a wish in a dream to be able to physically and mentally change myself and others. As a result, I went from a tall out of shape dad to a sexy hot model type with an insatiable lust for sex. Here is part three, where I start to really have fun!]

Now that I had the blessings of my wife, it was time to have some more fun with my powers. I thought about what to do, and where to go, and then I remembered Carrie. About a year ago I hurt my back playing basketball and I had to get physical therapy to get it fixed. Part of my physical therapy regimen was getting a massage every 2 weeks. My physical therapist recommended a massage spa across town and I went and saw Carrie for 12 sessions over 6 months.

I called up the spa and made and appointment and asked specifically for Carrie. The girl who answered said that the only appointment she had left was her last of the day at 4pm, so I booked an hour and tried to think of how I would get through the rest of the day until my appointment.

Wish Cums True Pt 2 [M, F, Long]

After my run in with my sexy college-aged neighbor, I decided to take a little nap. My wife would be home soon and I wanted to show her the new body, and maybe make some improvements. I woke up from my nap to the sound of my wife Megan walking in the room.

“Hey honey, what’re you doing home so early? I wasn’t expecting you to be here. . .” she asked at seeing my sleepy form in bed.

“Oh, I wasn’t feeling very good at work today and well, it was a slow day, so I took the afternoon off and thought I’d get some rest,” I said.

“Oh, okay, well, I was going to go take a run before we go over to my parent’s house for dinner tonight and pick the kids back up,” she reminded me. “What doesn’t feel good?” she asked over her shoulder as she walked into the closet to grab running clothes.

“I don’t know, I just felt really tired and worn down for some reason, I thought I really wanted to take a rest. . .” I answered before trailing off as she stripped naked to put her running clothes on.

Wish Cums True Part 1 [M,f] (Long)

Hey Everyone, sorry this is so long. I'm trying to set up a series of stories here, so I guess bear with me on this first one. Also, this is my first submission, so let me know if you have any tips. Here we go:

I have this little trick that I do, to help me fall asleep. I had a lot of problems being able to quiet my brain when I was in high school and college and it would take me hours and hours to fall asleep. Over time, I developed a little brain trick to quiet my mind and help me sleep: I think about what I would do with 3 wishes. It clears my mind and lets me be creative and focus on something good. Last night, I did used my trick and had a great night sleep. My first wish was to be able to control or change the knowledge/abilities of the brain and body of myself and others. For example, think of the movie ‘The Matrix’, when Neo is in training and the guy shoots all the fighting knowledge into his brain and he blinks a couple times and says “I know Kung Fu.” That’s kind of what this is like. Except if I also want to be able to bench press a car, well, that can happen too. It’s also limited by what’s reasonably possible, so I can’t fly or shoot lasers out of my eyes or have adamantium claws or something. I drifted off to sleep dreaming about being the first player to play in the NBA, NFL and MLB in the same season.