Wish Cums True Pt 2 [M, F, Long]

After my run in with my sexy college-aged neighbor, I decided to take a little nap. My wife would be home soon and I wanted to show her the new body, and maybe make some improvements. I woke up from my nap to the sound of my wife Megan walking in the room.

“Hey honey, what’re you doing home so early? I wasn’t expecting you to be here. . .” she asked at seeing my sleepy form in bed.

“Oh, I wasn’t feeling very good at work today and well, it was a slow day, so I took the afternoon off and thought I’d get some rest,” I said.

“Oh, okay, well, I was going to go take a run before we go over to my parent’s house for dinner tonight and pick the kids back up,” she reminded me. “What doesn’t feel good?” she asked over her shoulder as she walked into the closet to grab running clothes.

“I don’t know, I just felt really tired and worn down for some reason, I thought I really wanted to take a rest. . .” I answered before trailing off as she stripped naked to put her running clothes on.

Megan is definitely a looker, and I was, and am still, extremely lucky to have her. She’s 6’ tall, maybe 135 or 140lbs. 36B-22-36 shape. She was and is sexy as hell to me, and probably to most people. Her gray-blue eyes are welcoming always and piercing when she wants them to be. She has shoulder length dirty blonde hair in one of the various versions of the ‘Rachel’ haircut from ‘Friends’. However, she’s not 21 anymore and despite being in really good shape for her situation, she has had 2 kids and the second one pretty recently. She’s still really thin, but lacks a lot of the muscle definition she used to have when she played sports and ran all the time.

Seeing her sexy naked body in front of me while she talked about the logistics of our vacation coming up at the end of the week, I began to imagine what her body used to look like, and with my new powers of control, and I could see her abs tone up and get definition. Her breasts became taut and perky again and her legs became toned and defined as well and her ass. . . it looked like a damn supermodel. She now had the tightest ass, a washboard stomach, sexy toned arms and legs and the perkiest set of D cups (I upgraded, what can I say) you have ever seen. She was standing in our bedroom with no mirrors, so of course she didn’t notice the transformation, other than saying her sports bra must’ve shrunk in the dryer. As we finished our boring conversation, I imagined one last thing: instead of the runners high that some people get, running would literally get her right on the edge of an orgasm. Her body was also in the fittest shape it had ever been, so I figured she would enjoy her run.

“Bye honey!” Her exclamation brought me out of my daydreaming.

“Have a good run, what time to do we need to leave for dinner?” I asked.

“Not until 6 or so, so we have a good few hours,” she answered.

“Okay, enjoy your run, I’m going back to sleep. . .” I woke up an hour later to the sound of the shower running in our bathroom and my wife’s moaning. She had her back to me in the shower and appeared to be masturbating, or at least teasing herself pretty good. She wasn’t having an orgasm, but she definitely sounded like she was getting near one.

Slowly I crept over to the shower as I stripped off my clothes. Megan hadn’t seen my new body or my new cock, which was now standing at full 11” or 12” attention (damn, I’m going to have to measure myself just to be sure). I silently opened the shower door to our big stand up shower, which was big enough to have a bench and enough room for 4 or 5 people to stand in with a shower head in the ceiling raining down and 4 shooting massage jets out of the wall.

As I put my arm over her shoulder and my hands between her breasts and the other arm around her middle, I whispered in her ear “How was your run?” She tried to turn to face me, but I grabbed her solidly in my arms and said “ah ah, I like the view back here. . .” I didn’t want her to see the new body just yet.

“My run was amazing. . .” she said breathily. “I’ve never had one like that before. It was almost orgasmic. I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting back to where I used to be with running 2 or 3 miles after work, but today it felt like I was shot out of a cannon and my body wouldn’t let me stop running. I usually run 3 miles in 30 mins, today, without even realizing it, I ran 10 miles in 50 mins!”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, it looks like it’s working. God you look fucking sexy in here, and if I’m not mistaken, it sounds like you were trying to get off when I came in. Do you need some help with that?” I queried in a low and sexy near whisper while I pulled her body back against me and rubbed my mostly hard cock between her ass cheeks.

“Mmmmmm, that would be lovely. . . but I thought you were sick?” she cooed, with her head arched back as I played with her breasts with one hand and ran the other across her pussy.

“Oh, I’m feeling MUCH better,” I assured her. I could feel her pushing her body back against me and grinding her ass on my cock. She started to reach behind her to get a hand on it, but I pulled her arm back in front of her and again whispered in her ear “ah-ah, not yet.”

My wife is not a slutty woman, she’s not really into oral either giving or receiving, but she definitely likes to fuck, and she also likes to be a little controlled in bed and told what to do. I grabbed both of her wrists over her head and held them there while I rubbed every inch of her body with my right hand as I kissed her neck and ears. With the hot water streaming down and in between our bodies, I could feel her arching her back and pushing back into me as she let herself go to my hands. I ground my dick against her ass and rubbed her clit for a while until I could tell she was right on the edge and then I stopped and waited for a few minutes, just kissing her neck and pressing her body into my body. I did this a few more times, each time, getting really close to her letting go and I could tell she was getting off on my teasing, but combined with her edging during her run, I could feel she was getting a little frustrated.

Finally, with my third attempt to slow back down from a near orgasm, she finally hissed over her shoulder “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to break your legs! I need you inside me, RIGHT NOW!”

I could see in her eyes that she was past the point of playing games and just wanted to get fucked, and I wasn’t about to miss the opportunity. Her pussy was so wet from the run and the edging and the hand-play and the sexy teasing, it felt like it was dripping down her leg like the water from the shower. Not wanting to waste any time, I put her hands on the wall and pressed them there in an implicit command to keep them on the wall. I took a half step back and pulled her ass to me as she arched her back, just waiting for it to happen.

Finally, I lined up my now completely hard and giant cock at her entrance and grabbed onto her hips with 2 hands and pushed forward gently. I could feel her body tense as she realized that my formerly 7” long and 2” in diameter cock was now 3” wide and much much longer. At first her pussy didn’t seem like it would be able to stretch to accept it and I heard her wimper slightly until I gave a quick thrust suddenly felt my cock head pressing against her cervix.

“F-f-f-f-f-uuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkk,” Megan hissed as she arched her back and threw her head back against my shoulder in an involuntary spasm. “Oh my god! Yes! Fuck me!” she screamed as I began slowly pulling out all the way and quickly thrusting back in. After another minute of this, I began to thrust harder and faster and pulling her hips against me with each thrust. She slowly whimpered until she was almost making no sound and when I stopped on a downthrust to tickle her clit, she screamed “Oh yes, fuck, I’m going to cum, please keep fucking me-eeeee-eeeee”. With that, I began thrusting at a rapid pace again and I could feel her body tensing and spasming against mine and I could feel her pussy milking my cock with very intense waves. That started to send me over the edge and I could feel my orgasm coming on soon.

Hers was just winding down I could feel her slowly calming down. She could tell from my grunting that I was close and sluttily told me “Cum for me baby, anywhere you want, I don’t care. . . “ with her voice trailing off contentedly as she pushed with her arms against the wall to push her ass towards me.

Finally over the edge, I pulled out of her, and stroked my cock once or twice before shooting a giant spurt that started at her tailbone and went all the way up her body, in, on and over her hair and maybe a foot up the wall. I’m not even sure she noticed, but I watched, for maybe 30 or 40 seconds as 8 and then 10, and then 12 of these giant spurts of cum shot out and just COVERED her back.

Finally finished, I pulled her back up against me, rubbing the cum between our bodies as I kissed her over her shoulder.

“Jesus Christ I needed that,” Megan said.

“Me too,” I responded. “Good thing we’re in the shower, we both made quite a mess!”

Almost for the first time, she noticed how sticky we both were. She looked at her back over her shoulder, and then ran her fingers through her hair.

“Yeah, jesus, what the fuck? Did your cock get bigger?” She said as she reached behind her. Grabbing a hold of my cock, which was still completely hard, she turned and said “It did! What the fuck did you do? Holy shit, you’re ripped, and I am too, what happened?”

“Well, my wish came true, in more ways than one. . . “ I said cryptically. “I can change how people look and think just by thinking it. Look, you’re a D cup now and I’ve got a giant, always-ready-to-shoot-a-gallon-of-cum cock!”

“If I hadn’t seen you do it and still be hard, I wouldn’t have believed it, but I do. As crazy as it sounds.”

After our shower, we decided to leave the kids with her parents for the night so we could play around some more. After 3 more sessions of the best fucking we had, we ran out of sheets. Megan had been covered by so much cum, that I think she began to start liking it. However, she wanted to set some ground rules.

“Okay, first things first, that thing is always ready to go, you’re going to need to get fucked like 3 or 4 times a day. I love the sex, I mean LOVE it, holy shit, but I can’t do that. So, I will let you take care of that thing with other women, but only one 2 conditions. . .” she said.

“Okay, what two conditions?”

“One, you can’t get emotion involved, I love you, you love me, we have a life and a family together that needs to be number one. . .” she stated. “And that goes both ways, I might feel the need as well. . .”

“Okay, that’s fine, I don’t want more strings in my life, I like the ones I have now. . .”

“. . .and Two: you have to tell me about them when it happens and fuck me if I want to while you’re telling me, and that DEFINITELY goes both ways,” she said.

“Well. . . “ my voice trailed off.

“What?!” she said with surprise.

“Well, I came home late this morning and our neighbor Haley stopped by. . .”

“You asshole! I hadn’t even told you you could yet!” she shouted with mock outrage. “Tell me EVERYTHING. . .” she demanded as she straddled me on the bed and pulled me in for a kiss.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2hk1f0/wish_cums_true_pt_2_m_f_long


  1. Sorry, I’m traveling for work without my laptop this week. Part 3 is mostly written and should be posted early next week, and I’ve already got ideas on about 4 or 5 more parts, so let me know if the stories are good and I’ll write more!

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