Wish Cums True Pt 3: The Massage [Threesome (MFF), Cumplay, HJ, Mast, Oral]

Wish Cums True Pt 3 [Writer’s note: for those who tl;dr part 1 or part 2, I made a wish in a dream to be able to physically and mentally change myself and others. As a result, I went from a tall out of shape dad to a sexy hot model type with an insatiable lust for sex. Here is part three, where I start to really have fun!]

Now that I had the blessings of my wife, it was time to have some more fun with my powers. I thought about what to do, and where to go, and then I remembered Carrie. About a year ago I hurt my back playing basketball and I had to get physical therapy to get it fixed. Part of my physical therapy regimen was getting a massage every 2 weeks. My physical therapist recommended a massage spa across town and I went and saw Carrie for 12 sessions over 6 months.

I called up the spa and made and appointment and asked specifically for Carrie. The girl who answered said that the only appointment she had left was her last of the day at 4pm, so I booked an hour and tried to think of how I would get through the rest of the day until my appointment.

After running 15 miles and taking a nap, my alarm woke me up at 3:30 for the appointment. I threw on some golf shorts and a polo and started driving over to the spa. When I arrived, Carrie was at the main desk where the receptionist usually sits and talking on the phone. She smiled brightly when she recognized me and held up one finger to let me know she would just be a minute.

“. . . sir, I’m afraid that’s not our policy. I understand that things come up and you might have to cancel, but if you can’t make it for your appointment, you’re going to have to forfeit your deposit or reschedule for another time. . . You’re going out of town for a month, then I’ll have to charge your card the $40 deposit to hold your appointment. Sir. . .?” She looked up at me, “He hung up. I guess he didn’t need that $40.”

“What’re you doing out here? Don’t you guys have a receptionist/office manager lady who usually makes appointments and manages the clients?” I asked.

“We do, but Sue went home sick after lunch. I think she got food poisoning. You’re lucky you got your appointment, there’s been no one to really answer the phones since she left since Katrina and I are always in with clients and without Sue here, it’s been just us two all afternoon. Thank god you’re my last client, I’m not sure this day could get any worse. Katrina’s in with her last client of the day and with no one else here, at least it should be pretty quiet from here on out. Anyway, let’s get you back and get started so we can all get out of here. . .”

I couldn’t believe my luck. I was hoping for a little privacy during this session. I was also curious about Katrina, but that was beside the point. As Carrie stood up to open the door to bring me back to the massage room, I got a good look at her. She was just as I had remembered. She was a very petite woman, maybe in her late 20’s or early 30’s. She was maybe 5’1 at best and I couldn’t imagine she weighed more than 105lbs. She was very thin, but wiry. Not much of an hourglass figure, but there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her and her muscles were extremely toned. She also had a thigh gap that you could put a can of red bull in and not touch either sides. She was wearing black yoga pants with no shoes on and a black tank top with what appeared to be no bra underneath with a light blue button up shirt unbuttoned on top.

Walking behind her and seeing her taut ass bouncing in front of me was definitely having an effect. I tried my best not to get hard, but only prevented my cock from coming to full attention. We got into the massage room and compared to the heavily air conditioned reception area, it was extremely warm, which explained the long-sleeve shirt she was wearing. The room itself had muted wall sconces that cast a light glow around the room. It was dark enough that your eyes had to adjust for a few minutes, but not so dark you couldn’t see anything. There was some new age music playing and a water feature to give some humidity and sound effects. In one corner of the room was an overstuffed chair and diagonal from that was a love seat with a shelf full of oils and towels in between them. In the middle of the room was a full massage table. The kind with the U shaped head pillow and covered in warm leather. Across from the door we entered, there was a bathroom attached to the room.

“Okay, you know the drill, go get comfortable and hop on the table under this towel and I’ll be back in a few minutes when you’re ready. I’ve got to go check on Katrina and her client,” She said over her shoulder as she walked back out of the room.

Not wanting to waste any time, I went into the bathroom, got undressed down to my boxer briefs and laid down on the massage table, pulling the towel on top of me. I wasn’t sure about getting naked just yet. On my previous visits, I never did, but she often would move my underwear out of the way to get my lower back and hamstrings. But at the same time, I realized that my cock was already semi-hard and straining at the material. If I didn’t want to scare her off, I figured I’d have to hold it back until the time was right.

After about 10 minutes, Carrie peeked in the door to see if I was ready to go and saw me very relaxed on the table. I didn’t see her come in because my head was in the U shaped pillow, but I saw her feet below my face and rose up on my elbows to get a look. As I suspected, now that we were getting started, she had taken off the long sleeve shirt and was just in the tank top and yoga pants.

“So, Steve, what brings you by today? Is there anything that’s bothering you? You look like you’ve gotten in pretty good shape since I last saw you!” She said as she patted her hand on my back.

“Yeah, there’s something I need rubbed alright. . . “ I thought. “No, nothing specific, but I’ve been working out really hard to get back in shape lately and pushing my limits, that I just want a massage to help me recover,” I said. “You’re the first person I thought of!”

“Okay, well, in that case, it’s good to see you back in without having you be injured first. Let’s get started. Put your head back down and relax. . . “ she said while lightly pushing my shoulders back down.

I laid back down on the massage table with my head in the head pillow and my arms tucked on top of the towel at my sides. She pumped some oil onto her hands and slowly started to work the muscles in my shoulders and upper back. After a few minutes, she switched to my upper arms and triceps. It felt extremely good. She had a soft yet firm touch and she knew just how long to put pressure on each stroke and where each muscle needed the pressure. I could feel myself getting extremely relaxed as she slowly turned each muscle group into putty in her hands.

“You must’ve REALLY been working out,” she said. “You weren’t exactly terrible before, but you definitely didn’t have this kind of definition. Whatever you’re doing, I’d say it’s working!”

“Thanks!” I mumbled. “I’ve been working from home on this new project, so I have really flexible time to work out.”

After about 10 or 15 minutes on my back and shoulders and neck, she moved down and started rubbing my feet. Her oiled hands making quick work of any outstanding muscle aches I had in my feet, she slowly worked her way up my calves and hamstrings towards my ass. As she got closer and closer up my leg, I couldn’t contain my growing cock anymore and I felt it spring out of the waistband of my boxer briefs.

“Thank god I’m lying on my stomach right now. . .” I thought to myself.

I felt her hands get up against the bottom of my boxer briefs and she said “I’ve got to rub your hamstrings, they seem real tight, so I’m just going to push these up a little, is that okay?”

“mmmmhhmmmmm. . . “ I answered, pretending to be sleepy and not paying attention to the fact that her hands were literally 4 inches from my rapidly solidifying monster cock.

She folded the towel over to get it out of the way and pushed up the legs of my boxer briefs as much as they would go and really dug into my upper hamstring/ass cheek. I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan and I swear I could feel her hands stop what they were doing for just a split second when I did.

“Okay, let’s turn you over and get the front side if you don’t mind,” she said as she unfolded the towel back down on either side to widen its coverage and then lifted the towel so I could flip over and she wouldn’t see anything. Thank god for that. Despite my efforts at controlling it, my cock was sticking at least 3 or 4 inches out of the waistband of my underwear and my balls were stretching the crotch seams. It seemed part of having this giant new cock was that it needed a release CONSTANTLY.

I flipped over under the towel and hoped she wouldn’t notice it just quite yet. There was still a lot of time on my massage, and whatever was going to happen here today, I wanted to at least make sure I got as much massaging as possible. She started off rubbing my chest and the front of my shoulders leaning over my head. I was face to face with her perky little breasts with what seemed to be only a thin layer of black fabric between us. I could see her hard abs working in the crack between her top and bottom and the sight made my cock jerk just a little under the towel.

“Boy I hope she was looking down. . .” I thought. She didn’t seem to react, so I closed my eyes just to be safe. She worked her way down my chest and then moved towards my stomach. “Here comes the moment of truth. . .” I thought. She was working her hands down my sides and rubbing the muscles in my hip. The anticipation of her being so near my cock was making me throb. First one hip and then the other her hands went underneath the towel.

Finally, she looked at me and said, “Okay, I’m going to have to push the band down a little to rub the bottom of your obliques, okay?”

“Uh, sure. . . “ I replied a little unsure.

She was still looking at me when she folded the towel over and then she looked down. There was no reaction at first, but after a few seconds she blinked and looked back over at me.

“Um, holy shit. . .” she trailed off while looking at me questioningly.

I just shrugged sheepishly and said “Sorry, it’s been awhile and you’re really sexy and your rubbing feels really good, I can’t help it.”

She absentmindedly put her hand on my cock and gave a half-hearted tug causing me to roll my eyes back and throw my head back. In her tiny hands it looked positively massive. She pulled the waistband of my underwear down to my hips and rubbed the bottom of my ab muscles on either side of my cock without ever taking her eyes off it. Finally, she looked back at me and slowly started to rub my cock.

“Oh my god that feels so good. . . “ I moaned. The whole massage had been a slow sexy build up to this point and I was already ready to burst.

“You know, we usually charge extra for this sort of thing,” she said.

“What?!” I cried as I lifted up onto my elbows. “What do you mean, USUALLY? I thought this was a therapeutic massage place not a rubdown joint?”

“It is,” she said. “I would say 80% of our clients are unaware of our ‘extras menu’ because either they’re not regulars or they don’t think to ask or I don’t like them enough and tell them we aren’t that kind of place. But with the economy in the tank, for certain regulars who make it worth our time, the girls and I have to do what we can to pay our bills. We never have sex, it’s always just hand stuff, but it’s a pretty good way to get a 50% tip.”

I can’t believe my luck. She’s not only super fucking hot, but she also seems to not mind jerking off guys for money. The thought of her being dirty and sexy like this instead of just a chaste masseuse made my cock jerk in her hands and brought us both back to the present.

“God that feels so good, you must have a lot of practice,” I ask.

“I guess you could say that, I do the extras maybe 5 times a week, but that’s an extra $500 or so a week that I get to keep, which makes a huge difference. In fact, sometimes we can get extra tips by doing extra stuff. When you were here getting ready and I was checking in on Katrina, it’s because her regular client wanted to have a 4 handed finish, and without Sue here to get you all ready for me, I had to leave you for 10 mins to go finish him off with Katrina.”

“Holy shit, you jerked a guy off before you came in here? I had no idea this place was this dirty! Why didn’t you mention this when I was in here for my PT? I could’ve used some extras then!”

“Well, I don’t usually bring it up. Most of the extras menu is available to regulars who hear about it from other regulars. We don’t solicit it, because that can get us in trouble. But I thought you were cute before and if you had asked, I’d have told you the menu.”

“Does this mean I need to pay $100 to keep you doing what you’re doing?” I groaned.

“No, she said, the first one’s always free and tipping is up to you. Plus, it’s Friday and you’re my last client of the day, so I’m feeling generous.”

With that, she took her hand off of my cock and pulled her tank top off. "Here, just to give you a visual. . . “ she said. Her body was fantastic. She was toned everywhere, with not a spare ounce of fat that I could see. Her breasts were small, but absolutely perfect. Big A cups, maybe like the size of a pear split in half with perfect tiny erect nipples.

Carrie slowly hooked her fingers under the band of my boxer briefs and started tugging them down. I lifted my butt off the table so she could get them off and my cock sprang up wildly like an angry ruler.

“Jesus you’ve got a big cock. . .” she said as she grabbed it with her hand and started stroking it one handed. My eyes rolled back in my head and I groaned again “Fuckkkkkkkkk that feels good. . .”

She started to use two hands on my cock, stroking it up and down. Her hands were so small, that even with two hands she struggled to reach around my cock fully. She changed her pace up, speeding up and then slowing down, and after a few minutes, she switch up and started swirling her left hand around the top of my cock head while still stroking rhythmically with her right hand. As soon as she started this, I could tell it wasn’t going to be long. After about 10 seconds of the swirling, my hips began to wiggle and my cock started bouncing in her hands and I couldn’t make a sound. I was so transfixed by the sight of her tiny hands and tiny titties and sexy face, it was all I could do to keep my eyes from closing and my head from flying back and my back from arching, but I damn sure wanted to watch what was about to happen.

“. . . come on, cum for me baby. . .” she cooed, and right as the words were out of her mouth, a massive load of semen shot out of my cock. It was thick and viscous and literally went straight up 4 feet and hit the ceiling tile. I watched her face, almost in slow motion as it happened. Her mouth was curling up into a sexy devilish smile when she saw a blur fly past her face. Her sexy confidence immediately changed into awe, and her mouth dropped completely open, not quite believing that she saw what her eyes told her she saw. Her head leaned back to look up and the goo flying and when she did so, her hand dropped and stroked my cock again, but also changed the angle from straight up, to right at her.

Without realizing it, she had just pointed a cum hose at herself. The next several shots hit her on her perfect little breasts, then her neck, and then her face as she tried to block the cum with one hand and point my cock away from her with the other. The fifth blast shot over her head and the tail end stuck in her hair and dripped down her pony tail. She finally managed to get it pointed away from herself and let go of my cock and as it flopped down onto my belly, the final shot went 2 feet over my head as I narrowly missed cumming on my own face.

After ducking a little to avoid my own facial, I looked up to see her completely covered in cum from belly button to the top of her ponytail. She just looked at me with shock and awe on her face and wiped some cum from her lip with her finger and tasted it. She was about to say something, when I heard a voice over my shoulder say “Holy fucking Christ that was hot. . . “.

Carrie’s eyes immediately left me and looked at the door, and I looked over my shoulder and saw the face of a young woman who couldn’t have been more than 23 or 24 sticking through the doorway. As soon as we looked at her, she began to close her eyes and moan deeply and I realized she had been masturbating to our little show. Her orgasm was sexy as she moaned and leaned against the doorway muttering “. . . fuck fuck fuck, oh god, ohmygodyesfuck. . . “ before she finally caught her breath and looked up at us hungrily.

“Did you enjoy the show Katrina?” Carrie stated, breaking the silence.

“Well, I was finished with my client and I was going to leave for the day and I was going to pop in to say bye because I didn’t think he was one of our ‘special’ clients and then I saw what was happening and I couldn’t help it. My boyfriend’s been out of town for like 2 weeks on business and I haven’t been getting much love at home,” Katrina said as she finally turned the corner of the doorway and into the room.

The first look at her was simply amazing. She was almost the exact opposite of Carrie. She was at least 5’9 or 5’10, she had long wavy/curly chestnut brown hair with auburn highlights flowing down past her shoulders, and she was beyond busty/full figured. She wasn’t fat per se, but she had to have at least a 36DD bust and 36 hips. She was curvy, with an hourglass figure and all kinds of sexy. She walked over to the shelf in the corner and grabbed a couple towels and some wet wipes and then walked over to the massage table. At this point, I was like a deer in the headlights. I wanted her to stay, and didn’t want her to get scared and leave, so I just laid very still. She took a washcloth and started wiping the cum off of the base of my cock and around my balls.

“This is Katrina, in case you hadn’t picked up on that yet,” stated Carrie bluntly. She took a wet wipe from the pile Katrina brought and began to wipe the cum from her face and neck. The whole cleanup operation took about 4 wipes and a bath towel to finally get her back to somewhat looking cum free, and she didn’t really get it out of her hair.

“Oh my god you have such a huge cock, I can see why Carrie brought you in to our ‘frequent clients extras’ program. You’ve also got a pretty rocking body. . . “ Katrina said while slowly trailing off her speech as she rubbed my abs with a wet wipe.

“This whole thing was Katrina’s idea,” explained Carrie. “She’s worked here for almost a year, but her job before that was as an escort. She really wanted something that was more regular and less dangerous, plus her new boyfriend is okay with her past, but doesn’t want her fucking random guys all day.”

“Yeah, now he only cares if they don’t pay me $1,000 first!” joked Katrina.

“Hi, I’m Steve,” I said weakly as I reached out my hand. I was still treating the situation like it could dissolve at any time, so I was wary about being too strong or forceful. I also wasn’t sure where it was going, but eager to let it play itself out since I was laying naked on a massage table alone in a spa with a sexy topless spinner and a busty amazon who was busy running her hands on my cock to clean up the massive amount of cum a just shot all over the room.

Katrina shook my hand and as she pulled her hand back to pick up the soiled towels and wipes, a huge gob of my cum fell down from the ceiling and landed on the back of her hand with a splat. She looked at it curiously and then held her hand up to her lips and took a tiny taste of it with her tongue.

“God, I love cum,” she said lustily. “You should’ve seen the other client. Carrie had to come in and help because he likes a very specific finish. He likes to sit on the edge of the table and have her reach around and jerk his cock while I crouch between his legs so he can cum on my tits.”

All this talk of cumshots on her perfect breasts made my cock strain and both ladies looked down at my crotch.

“How are you still hard after all that cum you just blew?!” said Carrie.

“Actually, I can usually cum as many times as I want without any loss in hardness or volume,” I stated, matter-of-factly. “At least I haven’t come to a limit yet, and believe me, I’ve tried.”

“How many have you had in one session?” asked Katrina.

“The best I’ve done is eight within about an hour or so, but even then, I ran out of time, not out of cock,” I bragged. “In fact, I can make it bigger or smaller too, or change things on other people too. . .”

“What? I don’t believe you!” Katrina almost shouted.

Without saying another word, I closed my eyes and imagined my cock getting bigger and bigger until it was about 2 feet long and as thick around as a large can of soup. My balls were the size of softballs and my sack hung low and tight with the weight. When I opened my eyes, both Katrina and Carrie were completely mouth agape. My cock was so big now, that it couldn’t even support its own weight, and flopped around on my stomach bouncing softly.

“I, I don’t even know what to say. . . “ muttered Katrina.

“How is this possible. . . “ trailed off Carrie.

“It works on others too, watch!” I said. I closed my eyes and imagined them switching bodies.

When I opened my eyes, they both were completely speechless again. Carrie’s now-Katrina sized giant tits were hanging out without a shirt on and she immediately grabbed them and started cupping them. Katrina’s clothes fell loosely on her, now that she was much shorter and petite. She looked like a pre-teen who was trying on her mom’s bra.

“Oh my god, I’ve always wanted to have bigger breasts, these are fantastic. . . but holy shit are they heavy!” said Carrie. She was fondling Katrina’s body so much that I closed my eyes and made her breasts super sensitive, and almost immediately, Carrie began to have a total soul-melting orgasm. Her eyes rolled back, she threw her hair and head back and arched her back and nearly fell over as her legs buckled and she had to catch herself against the massage table. I took this opportunity to imagine my cock back to its new normal state of 10”-11”, since I’d need an elephant to fuck with it at my current size.

While I was watching Carrie orgasm and resizing myself, Katrina had managed to strip completely naked. Or at least took off her shirt, the rest fell to the ground on their own based on her shrinking. She immediately started bending and stretching in Carrie’s body and feeling all around.

“God damn Carrie, you have an amazing body! I feel like I can do cartwheels,” she said. She then took to exploring her new pussy, which was completely shaved and had an extremely swollen clit/labia that looked almost comically big on such a small frame. Her ass was tiny and round and completely toned and she looked like she had a 24 pack of abs going. Her tiny tits were amazingly perky and her nipples were very small with protruding eraser heads from her arousal.

“Holy shit you are tight girl! I can barely get one of your fingers in here, how often are you getting fucked and by whom if you’re this tight?” asked Katrina incredulously.

“That orgasm was the first one I’ve had in months. I’ve been working too hard, and this business keeps me very busy,” said Carrie, leaning against the table for support after her monster orgasm. “It’s actually hard to find a good guy these days. Many are turned off and want someone more like you with the T&A and curves. I’ve had some guys say they like me, but when it comes time to hook up, they say it’s like trying to hook up with a 14 year old and then I’m left going home alone.”

“Well, I have something that might help with that,” I said as I sat up and started rubbing Carrie’s clit with my fingertip.

“But you’re married, aren’t you?” asked Carrie.

“I am married, but with this marathon horsecock, my wife gets as much as she can handle, and she’s told me in no uncertain terms that she can’t keep up with it, so I should find as much on the side as I can so as not to exhaust her. However, I do have to tell her everything that happens, so I hope she’ll like this story.” Without a moment’s hesitation, Carrie climbed up onto the massage table and straddled my hips. She positioned herself over my cock and slowly guided my inside while lowering herself down.

“Oh. . . . my. . . . god. . . . “ she hissed with ecstasy. “It’s so big, I feel so full, holy shit. . . “

She slowly started to rock herself forwards and back. I put my strong hands under her legs to help bear her weight. Even with Katrina’s body and bigger pussy, I was still too big for her to bury my cock to the hilt. After a few seconds of her getting slowly going, she started to bounce all over my cock. Katrina sat down on the love seat and began to furiously jill off watching her body have Carrie’s way with me while I had my way with Katrina’s dangling breasts. “This is so hot and weird!” muttered Katrina to no one in particular. “It’s like watching a third person porn movie starring me in person.”

By this time, Carrie was bouncing for all she was worth and getting really close to another monster orgasm. Her vocalizations were getting more guttural and high-pitched and I could feel her kegel muscles tightening in a rhythmic vice grip.

“Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, OHHHHHHHHH. . .” Carrie moaned as she completely lost herself in her orgasm.

After she came down from her high, she looked at me hungrily and said “I want you to tit-fuck me! Right now. I’ve always wanted bigger breasts, I’m going to try everything with them.”

Not wanting to waste any time, I picked Carrie up off of me and sat up on the massage table facing Katrina on the couch. Carrie looked at me confused for a second and then I grabbed her by the armpits and pulled her down towards my cock. She got the idea of what I wanted to do, and got on her knees and wrapped my massive tool in her newly ample cleavage. She looked up at me with lust in her eyes and what a sight it was to see. With her tits wrapped around the base of my cock, I was big enough to go completely up underneath her chin. Without saying a word, she took the end of my dick in her mouth and began to slowly raise herself up and down so that she sucked and drooled on the top 1/3 of my cock while her tits massaged the lower 2/3s. I was in heaven.

After 10 or 12 strokes up and down, she lifted her head off my cock and said “Is this hot for you? I’ve never done this before, but I’ve seen it in porn and always wanted to try it.”

I was so out of it with pleasure from the view that I could barely get my mouth to utter the words “this is absolutely fucking hot. . .”

With her mouth off my cock, she started using her tits to go from tip to base on my cock, varying the speed and pressure and always maintaining eye contact. She also started talking like a goddamned porn star.

“Come on baby, cum for me. I want to see it, I want to taste it. Don’t hold back, make me your little cumslut. . . “ and so on. I heard moaning in the background of this lovely XXX rated spoken word concert and looked up to see Katrina laying back with her feet on the floor and her butt hanging off the loveseat furiously masturbating herself in Carrie’s body. She arched her back at the sounds of the dirty words and the surrealness of seeing her friend tit fuck me and beg for cum in her voice. Her taut body tightened up even further and her butt lifted up in the air as her body took over. She moaned loudly without saying any words as her fingers rubbed and prodded and caressed and her whole body spasmed in pleasure.

Between the sight of Katrina’s orgasm behind her and the sight/sounds of Carrie’s tit-fuck/blowjob combo, I couldn’t hold back any longer. Carrie, sensing what was about to happen, tried to push my cock as far in her mouth as it would go while still rubbing my cock with her breasts. I was only loosely aware of my own guttural roar as the first spasm of my orgasm jolted through me. First one, and then two huge loads shot right down Carrie’s throat, forcing her to pull back on my cock lest she start to choke. As my cock popped out of her mouth, a huge wad of cum that she was trying to swallow in vain dribbled down her neck onto her tits. At this point, she continued jerking my cock and the third shot completely covered her face like she got hit with a water balloon filled with cum.

She dropped my cock in surprise and I grabbed it and began to jerk furiously for the massive orgasm that was only halfway through. Because my cock dropped when she let go of it, my first 2 jerks each shot a huge load on one of Carrie’s fantastic tits and as I raised up to finish jerking off, I shot another load into Carrie’s hair and 2 over her shoulder that landed on Katrina’s legs and stomach on the couch. Finally, my orgasm subsided and I looked at the carnage around us.

Katrina was just regaining awareness from her orgasm when she opened her eyes and saw my still hard cock after finishing with Carrie.

“Get over here right now, I don’t know if that thing will fit, but I need to find out. . .” commanded Katrina.

Not skipping a beat, I jumped up and knelt between her outstretched legs in front of the loveseat. My cock looked positively huge next to her tiny petite body. With the base of my cock next to her pussy, my cock head reached all the way past her belly button. I slowly rocked my hips to rub my shaft against her swollen clit, which elicited sighs of encouragement. After a minute or two of this, she finally said “Come on, I need it. . . don’t make me beg!”

I pushed my hips back and aligned myself with her. She felt so tight, I wasn’t sure my finger would get in, much less my cock. However, in the heat of the moment, I was literally as hard as a steel pipe. Slowly, I began to press against her opening without budging.

“Ugh. . . ungh. . . oooh, come on, push it in!” she hissed in encouragement.

Finally, I felt her starting to stretch out to accept my member, and with a pop, my cock went in at least 5 inches.

“Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh, god that hurts so good,” she yelped.

I slowly began to work my hips back and forth, slowly pulling back and pressing farther, while making sure not to pull out too much and have to press back in again. After a minute or two of rhythmically stretching her out, I started to pull back and press in on deep, smooth strokes, almost to the full length of my cock. It was amazing to see, it almost looked like you could see my cock head pressing against her stomach when I was all the way in, but I’m sure I just imagined that.

Katrina on the other hand, was losing control. With her legs wrapped around me and my cock jackhammering in and out of her she was practically speaking in tongues. By this time, Carrie had come over and was sitting on the couch next to us, wiped mostly clean of cum and watching the show while I alternated between playing with her big tits and grabbing Katrina’s hips and thrusting for all I was worth. She began almost speaking in tongues almost, if the only discernable words were filthy curses or sex words.

“Oh, god. . . fuck, yeah, fuck me. . . god. . . damn, holy, ungh! Keep fucking me, oh god. . . I’m so close. . . fuck, fuck, fuck, oh don’t stop. . . . don’t stop!”

After what seemed like minutes of this, she finally reached the point of no return. “oooooh, just like that, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK!” she screamed as her body took over and launched her into a massive orgasm. Carrie’s tight body tensed completely as waves of spasms and pleasure washed over her. Her entire body tensed around my cock like an anaconda grabbing a tree branch in a hurricane and I could feel myself getting close too. With a few final thrusts, I passed the point of no return and dumped what felt like gallons of cum deep into her pussy with two or three thrusts.

I came so much, that the sheer volume of cum pushed my cock out of her pussy with a wet plop followed by a very healthy dollop of cum dripping out. Not quite finished with my orgasm, Carrie jumped in and began to pump my cock in earnest. My final few shots, arced up and covered Katrina from clit to scalp in ropes and ropes of cum. By the time I was finally finished, it looked like she had been bukkake’d by about 10 men. There were at least 5 thick ropes of cum from her hips up her body, over her tiny tits and face, through her hair, and onto the upright cushions on the love seat. A couple of them even made it to the wall. Her pussy also dripped a steady stream of cum as her body was still spasming and she was breathing in low ragged breaths. I wish I had a camera.

“Now I see what you mean about how weird this is,” said Carrie, breaking the silence. “It’s like watching myself make a sex tape, except it’s in person. God that was fucking hot.”

Katrina wiped the cum from her eyes and sat up a little, which caused the cum on her body to dribble down and drip off her nipples. “I have to say, that’s definitely the best massage we’ve had since I’ve worked here. I think we’ll have to make you a regular!” joked Katrina.

“And invest in a steam cleaner for the carpets and upholstery. . . “ joked Carrie shaking her head as she looked at the scene of the room. “I hope no one takes a blacklight to this room for awhile, it’s looks like there was a gangbang here!”

“Well,” I said, reaching for my wallet and pulling out some cash, “I hope this helps, I definitely would like to come back!”

“Thanks,” said Carrie, “Every little bit helps. Plus, you got a lot farther than even our regular clients get!” she reminded me jokingly. “Do you want to take a shower? I think we could all use it. . .”

As the three of us headed back for the shower at the back of the place, I asked them “So, do you want me to change you guys back?”

They looked at each other slyly. Finally Carrie broke the silence, “Not yet, Katrina’s boyfriend is fucking hot, I think he needs a visit from a ‘stranger’, if that’s alright with you Kat?”

Katrina thought for a second, then said “Sure, just don’t do anything I’m going to regret later, like anal! Besides, now I can take your hot little body and go slutting around town and no one will know it’s me, so win win!”

“Okay, all I want to know is, are you both free for a massage next Friday?”

“Yes!” they both said at the same time. I think this is going to be fun. . .

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2il0ya/wish_cums_true_pt_3_the_massage_threesome_mff

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