Bigfoot [m/f][bf/f]

I quietly slid my hand across the seat towards Frankie’s lap. Howard was busy driving and his girlfriend, Mandy was fast asleep in the passenger seat. Frankie looked over at me and I put my finger to my lips, motioning him to be quiet.

Frankie looked over at Howard, making sure that he wasn’t watching. I carefully moved my hand across his lap and onto his crotch, feeling his big cock through his pants. I began to rub gently. Frankie looked up at me again, and I smiled.

“We’re entering Bigfoot territory now,” Howard said quietly, not taking his eyes off of the road and making sure to not wake up his girlfriend.

I continued to rub my boyfriend’s dick, feeling it getting long and hard in my hand.

“Yeah?” Frankie forced himself to ask as my fingers massaged his throbbing member.

“Yeah, we should be there in about fifteen minutes, I’d say,” Howard said.

Frankie put his hand on top of mine and applied some extra pressure to his pleasure.

“Just over there is where the famous Patterson photo was taken,” Howard said, “About a mile through those trees is that big clearing from the photos.”

The Transformation Chapter 3

Camille woke with a start. It had been a week since she had first started feeling horny and it hadn't gotten any better; if anything it had gotten worse. As she slowly opened her eyes she briefly wondered if her habit of masturbating every night before sleep had made things worse. She smiled and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Who cares." She thought as her hands strayed back to her breasts. Her nipples were hard as diamonds and seemed to beckon for her touch. Each of her fingers rode ever the nipple of her left breast as she could sense the now-permanent ache building in her groin. Camille spared only a a passing thought for why she had woken up without a t-shirt on before she remembered taking it off the night before during her last self-love session.

Camille let a little gasp out as she used both hands to knead her breasts. Her legs spread involuntarily and her right hand strayed from her tit down to her panties. As she had anticipated she was already soaked. She would have slept in the nude but given her constant arousal and self-pleasuring she didn't want the help to explain to James why they had to clean her sheets constantly. Her breathing quickened as she slipped her hand underneath the pink and purple horizontal striped panties and begin toying her clit.

Spanking: Her first time [spanking] [BDSM] [D/s] [pleasure] [MF] [orgasm] [erotica] [belt] [submission] [Dominant] [play]

Writen by me © In the Quiet

This is one of my favorite subjects, since I like to spank. So for me it is not if I will spank you it is when I will spank you. So first let me give a little disclaimer, I do not condone abuse. I will never and have never abused a woman, the thought repulses me and I am ashamed to be part of a Gender where the beating and tolerance of abuse is Admired. Abuse is never ok. Let me establish that when I talk about Spanking or Discipline (Correction) it is in terms of Safe Sane and Consensual an act agreed upon in a relationship, such as D/s or even in a regular relationship where some dabble in Kink.

There are two basic forms of spanking one is to correct (discipline your submissive). The other is sensual and erotic a form of play. I do not like to correct my little but it must be done, for it is my responsibility as a Dominant to Discipline when warranted.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Transformation Chapter 2

Link to Chapter 1

Camille awoke and checked her smartphone. She almost didn't know where she was until she realized she was in James Camden's house, his mansion. It was 6:00 AM, she didn't want to be late for her first breakfast. It was going to be a big day. Class in the morning, shopping in the afternoon then dinner and working on her thesis at night. She read a few articles and checked her bank account, another 5,000 had been deposited. She smiled. This was too lucky. She fired off a text to Lizzie promising to tell her all about it over lunch, she promised to take her shopping on the weekend. Then she got ready and walked to the dining room at 7:55.

James was already dressed and waiting. He wore another suit and Camille found that she could get used to this. Breakfast with an attractive billionaire. Lambo ride to class. She just had to finish her thesis to graduate. Who knew, she thought, maybe James will need a financial advisor after I graduate. If he's willing to pay me 5 grand a day to shop who knows what he would be willing to pay for real work.

Categorized as Erotica

The Transformation Chapter 1 (This is my first ever, appreciate the critiques, if there is interest then more to come, doesn’t get sexual until end of chapter 2)

Link to Chapter 2

Camille sat up at her table at Starbucks a little bit every time the bell hanging over the door rang. Navy suit with a red tie the email had said. She wasn't sure what he'd look like, she'd just responded to the ad on campus. It had been a simple flyer. Just a piece of paper on a bulletin board:

"Seeking attractive, young, intelligent female for important finance work, PART TIME"

The ad had contained a number. The number was answered by a man who took her name. A few hours later a call came and she was given an email. She sent her resume and was given a time and place for the interview. Camille had resisted the urge to get up and leave half a dozen times since she'd been waiting. She sighed. It was always nerve-wracking waiting for an interview and Camille had had too many go poorly recently. Pursuing her doctorate in political science was absolutely time consuming and though she needed the money and had a bachelors in finance there were too many interviewers who thought she wouldn't have the time to work.

A little late, but my Halloween story. [mf] [oral] [piv]

Halloween is my favorite Holliday and this year, I made it extra special. I love dressing up, putting on the makeup and feeling very child-like again. I'm usually a pretty bland, skinny jeans and Vans type of chick, but Halloween brought out a totally different side of me.

I spent all of October going to different costume stores, trying things on, messing around with new hairstyles and everything else. I wanted to be 70 different things at once! I was indecisive and impatient. It was finally the 31st and I still wasn't in possession of an outfit. I needed a second opinion. I knew that I wanted something small, girly and temping. I had a small party to attend tonight and of course, I wanted to be the center of attention. But of course, it'll be all looking and no touching for anybody but Iann. He'd be the one with me on his arm all night, so he should approve of what I wear. Of course, that wouldn't be much.

What do you guys think of my first story? [mf] [bj] [piv] [oral]

The best kind of foreplay is the kind that starts hours in advance, without even touching each other. Texts with suggesting words, a winking face here and there, maybe a compliment or two.

I had the house to myself for the weekend and I was anxious to have a bit of fun with Iann, the guy that always knew how to turn me on, even if it was with just his words. He was busy most of the afternoon, but that gave me time to prepare for our evening together. Between the "I can't wait to see you tonight, baby." and "Do you know how sexy you are to me?" texts, I made sure my bed was made, my blacklight was in working order and my body was perfect.

I showered, singing and dancing, moving my hips and feeling the warm water run down my completely exposed body as I usually do. I had just enough of my favorite orange creamcicle scented body soap left to lather up, gliding my hands over my chest, along my sides and over my ass before rinsing off, wrapping up in a towel and sending him a quick picture, just so he knew what to look forward to.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged ,

Pleasing my daddy.

I'd like to state-this is a master/sub sexual relation, not incest (just making that clear.)

I sit on his couch, my head facing down looking at the floor, legs together and hands on my lap. He sits beside me, his body angled towards me, he stares at me, observing my body langue he asks “Are you okay sweetie?” Still with my eyes planted on the ground I nod, though that’s not the truth, my stomach and chest are filled with butterflies of anxiety, fluttering their wings strongly as if they are trying to escape my fear filled body. “Good, cause if you weren’t you’d tell me right?” his tone sounding concerned “Yes” I answer quietly “That’s a good girl” he says, sliding his hand under my dress placing it on my thigh His words make my chest rise as I take a deep breath of excitement, his touch makes me bite my bottom lip softly to hold back the moan of emotion that wants to escape. With his other hand he places his fingers at the bottom of my chin lifting my head to look at him, my eyes meet his “I see that you’re nervous, but I’ll take care of you, you should not worry” as he says this looking into my eyes, I believe him, settling my nerves ever so slightly. He leans forward and presses his lips tenderly on mine for a few moments then stops, but still very close to my face he lets me know what he expects from today, “If you are a good girl, and do as I tell you, you will be in no harm,” I watch his lips move with every word “but, if you do not do as you’re told, and are a naughty girl you will be punished, do you understand?” I look back up at his eyes where we meet each other’s gaze “okay” “okay?” his brow turning down Realising my mistake and I phantom up the courage to compile the words together, “yes, Daddy” my voice shaky he smiles, “good girl”