Pleasing my daddy.

I'd like to state-this is a master/sub sexual relation, not incest (just making that clear.)

I sit on his couch, my head facing down looking at the floor, legs together and hands on my lap. He sits beside me, his body angled towards me, he stares at me, observing my body langue he asks “Are you okay sweetie?” Still with my eyes planted on the ground I nod, though that’s not the truth, my stomach and chest are filled with butterflies of anxiety, fluttering their wings strongly as if they are trying to escape my fear filled body. “Good, cause if you weren’t you’d tell me right?” his tone sounding concerned “Yes” I answer quietly “That’s a good girl” he says, sliding his hand under my dress placing it on my thigh His words make my chest rise as I take a deep breath of excitement, his touch makes me bite my bottom lip softly to hold back the moan of emotion that wants to escape. With his other hand he places his fingers at the bottom of my chin lifting my head to look at him, my eyes meet his “I see that you’re nervous, but I’ll take care of you, you should not worry” as he says this looking into my eyes, I believe him, settling my nerves ever so slightly. He leans forward and presses his lips tenderly on mine for a few moments then stops, but still very close to my face he lets me know what he expects from today, “If you are a good girl, and do as I tell you, you will be in no harm,” I watch his lips move with every word “but, if you do not do as you’re told, and are a naughty girl you will be punished, do you understand?” I look back up at his eyes where we meet each other’s gaze “okay” “okay?” his brow turning down Realising my mistake and I phantom up the courage to compile the words together, “yes, Daddy” my voice shaky he smiles, “good girl”

His hand still placed on my knee he forces my legs open then starts to run his other hand up my thigh, I look down watching his hand slowly move up me, my anxiety increasing as it gets closer to my panties, when he finally reaches, he runs his fingers over the wet fabric “Your panties are already soaked” he sounds shocked “I didn’t mean to be, I just, I can’t help it” my cheeks grow pink He continues to rub his fingers over my panties, as I try my hardest to resist the urge to close my legs to hide my shame, noticing the embarrassment on my cheeks he moves closer and whispers in my ear, “Don’t feel embarrassed little one, I like that the thought of pleasing daddy makes you so excited.” This makes me feel better and a small smile starts to grow on my face, he continues to whisper in my ear, “Now, I want you to remove you soaked panties” Suddenly my smile disappears and is replaced with an expression of terror, “I said now” his tone sharp I do as told, reaching up to the waist band of my panties under my dress I grab it, lift up my bum and pull it down till they’re completely off, sitting back down with them in my hand I look at them, noticing that the fabric is wet “I think you should taste how much of a sweet little girl you are, lick off all your sticky grool for daddy” he insists As I heard his instructions my chest became tight with the realisation of them, but as I fear of upsetting him I did as told, lifting them to my mouth I began to lick the creamy substance that had escaped me, it tasting sort of sweet, and not as bad as I thought, “make sure you lick the clean” I proceed to lick until they were completely rid of the creamy like substance, and then still holding them I lower my hands to once again rest on my lap, I still look down now feeling more embarrassed then last time, feeling my cheeks hot with the pink glow of blushing, he places his hand on mine and softly kisses my cheek, “such a good girl, now I’ll show you how happy you’ve made daddy” he states, grabbing my hand, placing it on his crouch to feel his hard cock under his jeans, my eyes dart over, widening , noticing the outline of his shape, “this is what happens when you make daddy happy” my legs now close with the sudden tightening of muscles in my pussy from arousal “do you want to see what it tastes like when you make daddy really happy?” I look up at him at this propositions, realising he was looking at me the whole time, gauging my every reaction , he then places a hand on my chin resting his thumb against my bottom lip “you have very soft lips, I bet they’ll feel great wrapped around daddy’s hard cock” as he says this he slips his thumb into my mouth, “Using little sluts warm holes always makes daddy happy” his tone was so erotic as he looked into my eyes, letting me know how much it would please him if I sucked his cock. “I want to make daddy happy” I say this, knowing I did want to taste him, badly. All of a sudden he stands up grabbing the back of my hair, pulling me down off the couch so I’m kneeling in front of him. I drop my panties, he then unzips his jeans with his other hand and flops out his dick with a firm hold of the back of my head he quickly forces it in my mouth. It all happens so fast it takes me a few moments for me to catch up and realise that his cock is now deep down the back of my throat touching my tonsils, with this I start to gag and try and force my head back, but he keeps his hold strong, over powering me, still gaging I try hard to keep my stomach acids down, trying to relax my throat realising he isn’t willing to let go. My eyes start to grow red as tears form and proceed to roll down my face, I close them thinking it will stop the tears, as I start to loose my breath I push as hard as possible to force myself off, I start to hit his thighs and shake my head with panic, he pulls my head back by my hair, releasing me from his cock. I take a huge breath, relived, he tilts my head making me look up at him, then wiping the tears from my face “I hope that didn’t startle you too much princess” Even though it did I shake my head and proceed to open my mouth and stick out my tongue in approval of his actions, him smiling down at me liking my enthusiasm, he places his knob on the tip of my tongue, “Lick little one” he instructs I follow direction and proceed to lick the tip of his dick while looking up at his still smiling face, his expression seeming pleased and this making me feel somewhat proud of myself, slowly I give his knob about a dozen licks, him then sliding it in deeper into my mouth. I wrap my lips around him as I start to suck, moving my head up and down his length, “Keep your beautiful eyes on me sweetie” I look back up realising I had dropped my concentrations, he pulls his cock out of my mouth after a minute or so and lifts it up pushing my head towards his balls, placing one in my mouth, I start to suck softly feeling the soft texture of his shaved skin against the walls on my mouth, retaining eye contact. “Daddy likes when you do that” my pride starts to increase, I like that I’m pleasing him, and as my pride increases so does my arousal, “Since you are following daddy’s instructions so well, how about you touch your wet little pussy, I think you deserve it” I reach my fingers down with enthusiasm slipping one finger into my pussy, feeling how moist I have become and with now wet fingers I start to rub them against my hard clit, feeling the pleasure shoot up my body, “What do you say?” daddy pushes Releasing his balls from my mouth “Thank you Daddy” replying gratefully “good girl”

He forces his cock now back into my mouth, deeper than before, with his hand still holding my hair keeping my head still as he slowly fucks my mouth. My mouth is being used as his toy of pleasure, he starts to pick up the pace and as he did so did the speed of my fingers against my clit matching his pleasure. I beginning to moan, his cock still ridged in my mouth my vocal cords causing vibrations against it, and then he starts to quietly moan as well, knowing he likes this and the way it made him feel, thrilled me. My jaw grew sore but was masked by the wanting to make him happy, so I continue to suck while he moves up and down inside my mouth against my tongue, progressively going deeper till he is fucking my throat rapidly, causing me to open my mouth in hope to keep my breath. It’s so deep down now it’s causing a gaging noise every time it touches the back of my throat, I slow the pace of my fingers in hope to help my concentration on my breath and gag reflex, knowing his pleasure came first. I kept strong but the tears started to build up in my eyes once again, tricking down my cheeks. He then pulls me back off his cock by my hair causing my to gasp once more, and him tilting me head back to make sure I was concentrating on what he was about to ask me “Do you now want to taste daddy?” “Yes please daddy” looking up at him with begging eyes, “Well rub your little pussy, and you may come, and I’ll stroke my cock till I come all over your pretty face. Would you like that my princess?” “Yes please daddy” I smile agreeing “Good girl, start rubbing now and don’t forget to keep your face up so I can spray my load on you”. I did as told, as he does what he said he would, stroking his cock only inches from my face, me keeping my head tilted up. I applied more pressure to my clit rubbing in a circular motion with my index and middle finger, I moan from the feeling, biting my bottom lip as I try not to scream from the intensity of what I’m feeling. He stands above me, stroking himself with a firm grip at a fast pace, up and down his length, he watches me as I bite my lip, knowing that I was close to the edge, breath rapidly escaping his mouth with quiet panting. I start to feel the pressure build up in my body and I know I’m close, “Daddy I’m going to cum” I moan, “So am I” he moans back, These words push me over the edge, my whole body starts to shake beneath him, as I orgasm he does too, my eyes close, my lip still in firm hold between my teeth, moaning amplified, feeling his warm cum cover my face while my body starts to tingle all over. My orgasm starts to subside, as did his, feeling the last drops of his cum drop onto my lips. I open my eyes looking up at him, my body and mind weak. I then realise my face was covered in sperm I start to panic, I feel like I must look ridiculous with my body frozen, unsure of what I was meant to do next. “I like the look” he says teasingly with a small laugh this doesn’t help my emotion, I feel horribly embarrassed, he reaches over to grab the box of tissues that sat on a side table next to the couch and pulls one out and starts to wipe his cum from my face. I start to calm down, as I felt as if I’m being taken care of, he grabs another from the box, continuing to wipe until my face is clean, “All clean now” him giving me a caring smile, “Thank you daddy” He places himself back into his pants and zips himself up, sitting back down on the couch he pats the seat next to him as to instruct me to sit there, and I do so standing back up awkwardly, pulling my dress down and brushing my hair with my fingers, trying to look half descent and less frazzled. “Did you enjoy yourself?” he asks sweetly “Yes daddy” telling the truth as I look at him “I did very much” “I did too” him moving his fingers now through my hair, helping me fix the mess he had created “you are a good little girl.” A big grin appears on my face, I like to hear that he is pleased with me; it makes me feel proud of myself, and gives me self-worth. Pleasing him, pleases me.
