Artistic License {Part 4} [FF] [first person] [nc, seduction]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. Last week I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. In my last entry I told you about my decision to give her much larger breasts and – just for fun – a cock.

I woke up the next morning with one arm curled up in front of me and the other thrown over Summer's waist. I nuzzled my face in her hair and breathed in her scent, just enjoying the moment. Then I opened my eyes to see the streak of blue by the pink in her hair and grinned. Oh yeah, this is going to be a good morning, I thought to myself.

Without looking, I moved my arm up to fondle her breasts. I sighed softly into her hair as I felt the curving underside of her large breasts and perfectly perky nipples. I slowly sat up and rolled her over onto her back. I gazed down at my dear girlfriend with lust and adoration, letting my fingertips trace a path down from her wide mouth, between her breasts, down her slim waist, past her navel, and stopping at the base of her new cock. I ran my fingers up and down its flaccid length, feeling it quicken slightly.

Even as I got wet thinking about fucking that cock, I knew it would be a bigger shock to her than a streak of pink hair and slightly larger breasts. I had to try to distract her from the change. I licked my lips and moved to lie down beside her. Tightening my hold on her cock, I began to squeeze gently, rubbing my thumb up and down. Then I leant down and took the entire mostly-flaccid length in my mouth. As I sucked and pulled upwards I felt it lengthen. Summer moaned quietly in her sleep. I took her cock in my mouth and sucked again, pulling it gently upwards, over and over until it was nearly fully erect. Summer woke with a gasp and I smiled up at her.

"Good morning, honey," I said and moved forward to kiss her fully on her mouth. "Babe, I felt-" she gasped again, as I had squeezed my hand around her cock and pulled gently upwards. She moaned involuntarily, her head flung back. I gave her a moment to appreciate the feeling. "Babe, what the hell?!" she asked, breathlessly. "A surprise!" I said, grinning again, then kissed her again, tongue to tongue, so she couldn't ask anything else. My hand was moving up and down her wet shaft, slowly at first and then quicker. I shifted that hand to her hip as I moved back down to kiss the inside of her thighs. I kissed around her sex, then her labia, then the base of her cock.

As I kissed up the underside of her shaft I reached down to rub my own clit. But with my hand no longer on her hip, Summer sat up. "What the hell is going on?" she asked, reaching down to grip her new cock. "What is this – Am I dreaming? – I don't – I don't have a penis – do I? I'm a girl – I mean-" Her fingers dipped into her pussy. "I have a penis?!" She looked down at her body, and then quickly turned her gaze back to me. "What – my breasts – I don't understand. Babe, what happened to my breasts? And why do I have a penis?"

I sat up and smiled down at my dear girlfriend. "Oh Summer, honey, isn't it obvious? This is why you have a cock." I gripped the base of her cock and pulled up, just as before – and just as before, she threw her head back and moaned. "As for your breasts, this is what happened." I glided both hands up her waist, cupped the underside of her breasts, then pinched both nipples. She cried out softly, pushing her body forwards into my hands.

As I let her go, she shook her head, saying "No, this isn't right, this doesn't feel -" I kissed her again, moving to straddle her body, and reached both hands down to her sex. I rubbed her cock with one hand and reached into her vagina with the other, stroking my fingers upwards. "Doesn't this feel good?" I asked. She made a low sound deep in her throat before saying "O-ohh it does, babe, that feels so good". I withdrew my fingers, satisfied, but she continued "But it's not right". Her brown eyes were wide as she looked at me, breathing heavily, "It doesn't feel like it's supposed to be like this."

I sat back with a sigh. I was aroused and wet, holding a hard cock, sitting over a gorgeous woman, I really, really want to fuck right now, and she didn't think it was supposed to feel like this? I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and stretched my arms above my head. I needed to fuck her, both for my sake and for hers – I knew she would fully accept my changes after she orgasmed.

I opened my eyes and leant over her, placing my hands on the bed on either side of her arms. She was leaning back against the pillows, arms by her sides, legs spread, cock hard, and I was going to fuck her. "Summer, my love," I said, and kissed her deeply, "It is supposed to feel exactly like this."

With that, I positioned my hips above hers. I moved one hand down to grip her cock, rubbing it against my wet lips – then moved my hips down, thrusting her cock into my pussy. I pulled her entire length into me, feeling her cock long and wide within me. I clenched my vagina walls around her cock as I pulled up, and Summer groaned deep in her throat and thrust into me, as though her cock acted of its own accord. I held myself above her with my knees, and started massaging her gorgeous breasts. Summer's cock twitched and she thrust up once more, then she seemed to regain her resolve and pushed herself back into the bed.

My pussy was annoyed at the departure of her cock, but I just smiled down at her. "What do you feel, Summer?" She shook her head, "I don't know, I don't know!" I kept massaging her breasts as I lowered my hips and circled her cock with my wet sex. "Honey. How does it feel?" "Oohh", she sighed, "It feels perfect," she couldn't keep from thrusting upwards again, "But it still doesn't feel right. Babe, it's not right!"

I shimmied down her legs, leaning over to take her cock in my mouth. It was wet both from my pussy and her pre-cum, and I licked it all up. She was hard and firm and quivering in my mouth. With my tongue pointed and firm, I licked up the underside of her shaft, applying gentle pressure upwards until she was thrusting upwards unconsciously. I replaced my tongue with my thumb and ran it up and down her shaft. I licked my lips and smiled up at my dear girlfriend. "Doesn't this feel right, Summer?" Her eyes were closed: "Oh yes, babe! Yes, this is right! Don't stop!".

I moved back up to straddle her hips, my hand still wrapped around her cock. As I slid my hand up and down her shaft, I kissed her gently on the lips and whispered in her ear. "Say it again, honey. Tell me this is right." Summer complied with a low moan. "This is right! Everything you're doing feels so good – feels so right! Don't stop, babe!" I groaned at her words, and finally gave in to the lust in my sex, pushing her cock into my wet pussy.

I was straddling her properly now, riding her as her hips rocked up and down. Summer was losing control now, letting her cock take over. Every time she opened her eyes I pinched her nipples, hard, and she closed them with a breathless cry. I needed her to focus fully on the experience. She started thrusting faster and faster, and I quickened my own pace to match. I felt myself getting close to the edge, but held myself back: she had to cum on her own. I moved my hands down to hold onto her hips as she finally gave in to her new cock and its desires. She arched back into the bed, crying out as she thrust her cock into me and came, hot and wet, in my pussy. That was all I needed to feel to come crashing down around her, my orgasm draining her cock of its seed.

Panting, I rolled over. Summer lay with her eyes closed, one hand loosely cradling a breast, the other by her cock. She looked absolutely beautiful, but I wasn't done with my dear girlfriend yet.

I moved a hand up her thigh, tracing the sensitive flesh. I stopped below her cock. Gently fingering her labia, I pushed my finger into her pussy. "Oh yeah, darling, you're all wet for me." She half-laughed, "Of course I am, babe." I grinned at her new acceptance of the situation. Orgasms can do wonders, I thought, Let's have another one.

I pushed her legs up to give me better access to her pussy and dove in with my tongue. It didn't take much before she was moaning and twisting her legs around my head. I had my own fingers deep in my own pussy and was thumbing my clit. I needed this, right now, and I didn't bother stopping to charm Summer again with kisses and smiles. Instead I brought one hand up to help my mouth. I fucked her hard and fast, doing the same to myself. With two fingers pushing up against her G-spot, it wasn't long until Summer cried out and orgasmed, pulsing around my fingers. Her cries of pleasure were all I needed to finish myself.

I lay there between her legs, breathing in her heavy musk. I felt more fulfilled sexually than I ever had before. I realised then that I was truly exploring the nature of sexuality – both in terms of my desires and in terms of Summer's outer form.



So now you know what I've done so far. But this project is supposed to be exploring human sexuality, not just my own – so what do you suggest I try next? What changes can I make to Summer's body that would help me explore different facets of sex and humanity? I can't credit you in my thesis, obviously, but I'll let you know what happens next.
