Artistic License {Part 7} [FF erotic fiction] [F, exh] [Fm, mast]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. First I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. Then I gave her much larger breasts and – just for fun (my fun) – a cock. This is how her day went after those changes.

Summer walked offstage with a smile, and was pleased to see that her handful of male students were actually working. She pulled the front of her blouse down while shrugging her shoulders back, ensuring that another inch of cleavage was stunningly displayed. She wanted to ensure that she would keep her students' attention, since they were rarely as rapt as they had been that morning.

The men stood to attention almost immediately when she walked into the group. "I'm so pleased to see you all working hard," Summer said, touching each of them on the shoulder as she walked around, "That will make it a lot easier to get through today's practice." Each student she touched swallowed as he tried to avoid staring at her cleavage.

Artistic License {Part 6} [FF erotic fiction] [F, exh] [Ff, mast]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. First I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. Then I gave her much larger breasts and – just for fun (my fun) – a cock. This is how her day went after those changes.

People were staring. Summer was used to this – men on the street had been whistling at her since high school – but today felt different. Women were looking at her as well as men, and less of them were whistling. Mostly they were just gaping at her, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Normally she'd get annoyed, or try to ignore it, but today she went with it. It felt nice, having people admire her so openly, like a beautiful piece of art just walking the street. She smiled at at the schoolboy on the corner, wiggled her hips just a bit, and walked into the theatre.

Artistic License {Part 5} [FF erotic fiction] [F, mast] [first person]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. First I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. Then I gave her much larger breasts and – just for fun – a cock, which I fucked her into accepting.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Summer had a part-time job at a local theatre, teaching students intermediate acting skills. She had described the job to me as "directing a play, right? At the end of this class, we put on a play. Only my actors are barely over 18 – hell, some of them are still in high school – so they're too busy paying attention to each other than to me. And they've barely acted before, so I'm not just teaching them how to act in this play, I'm teaching them how to act in general! Honestly, babe, some of them give their best lines when they're trying to get each other's numbers." She grumbled and ranted about it, but I knew she loved it. My talent was in finding art in human interactions, hers was making art from human interactions.

Artistic License {Part 4} [FF] [first person] [nc, seduction]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. Last week I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. In my last entry I told you about my decision to give her much larger breasts and – just for fun – a cock.

I woke up the next morning with one arm curled up in front of me and the other thrown over Summer's waist. I nuzzled my face in her hair and breathed in her scent, just enjoying the moment. Then I opened my eyes to see the streak of blue by the pink in her hair and grinned. Oh yeah, this is going to be a good morning, I thought to myself.

Artistic License {Part 3} [FF] [first person] [erotic fiction] [more magic/nc body mods – cock focus, this time]

I'll put links to the rest of the story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. Last week I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming.

Once we finally left our bed Saturday morning and dressed for the day, Summer realised that her bras no longer fit. She decided that she must have gained some weight, or that she had ruined them by absent-mindedly putting them in the dryer while doing laundry. It wasn't too hard to convince her to just not wear a bra that day, and I certainly appreciated the view. I thought about using this as an excuse to go shopping for some sexy lingerie, but upon consideration decided to wait: I wasn't quite done with my dear Summer yet. For now I was happy watching her wander around the house wearing just a sheer blouse, studying her body.

Artistic License {Part 2} [FM, mast] [FF] [first person]

You can start reading here if you skipped Part 1, but since you may want the whole story I'll put links to the other parts in the comments.

I got to the ceramics department quickly, hoping to make up for the time I'd lost that morning. I was looking forward to this project far more than I had expected.

The department advisor met me when I walked in and apologised: "There was a slight mishap earlier this morning: we had a group of local high school students in before dawn for a tour, and one of them broke a small container of paint by the cubbies and . . . " she gestured to the row of shelves and I saw where the paint had spilled, dripping just a splash of paint on the head of my figurine. I stared at in shock, as the advisor apologised again and said to see her if I needed more clay for my project. I nodded, dazed, and walked over to my clay statuette. I picked her up, and touched my finger to the now dry paint, bright pink on her curly hair, right where the shock of pink had been in my girlfriend's hair this morning.

Artistic License {Part 1} [FF] [first person] [erotic fiction]

This began as a response to a prompt on r/dirtywritingprompts and is now several parts long – so there's more to come after this (and it gets sexier) ! I'll put links in the comments.

[WP]. You are an artist. One day for practice you make a clay figure of your SO. Later on, you alter it to find that whenever you alter the figure you alter her real body.

I don't normally sculpt, okay? My talent lies in two-dimensional artwork. I sketch, I photograph, I paint – boringly normal stuff, I know, but I like to think my work isn't boring. After all, I focus on one of the most complex aspects of human existence – the most complex, varied, all-consuming aspect of our lives – sex. I explore the nature of intercourse in the interplay of dark and light in my photographs. I trace the contours of passion in the curves of my nude sketches. I describe the colours of love in the blushes and hues of my watercolours. I have this whole plan for my thesis: showing how reducing the three-dimensional act of sex to two dimensional artwork is analogous to reducing this multi-faceted act of human existence to just two (or three, when I get lucky) people fucking. It loses something when we forget the extra dimension.