“In the Library” (Part 2)

I grabbed your wrist, softly but firmly, and led you out of the elevator. It was 10:30 by this time, and a good number of the people had begun to leave the library for the night. While the floor was far from deserted, there were now several desks and tables available along the walls. You began to walk towards a table, but I stopped you, pulling you in front of, and then into me…

“Too many people” I whispered into your ear. Using my free hand I grabbed a quick handful of your ass and pushed you the other direction, back towards the lonely corned where the bean bags were calling our names.

Walking past all of the book stacks, I had my eyes open for an empty row, with nobody at the desks at either end. Finally, three rows from the end I spotted one, and I quickly turned the corner, dragging you in behind me by the wrist. As soon as we were maybe a third of the way to the other side, I stopped so suddenly that you nearly kept walking right into me. Before you even had the chance however, I spun around and grabbed your left shoulder with one hand, placing my other beneath your shirt on your hip.

Pushing you back into the stacks, I leaned in close, daring to push my already growing bulge into your body, as I forcefully pinned both hands down behind you, locking you against the book stack.

I pulled your hair aside, and avoided your alarmed gaze as I went into your neck, gently but quickly kissing my way up to your ear, hardly giving you a chance to protest.

“Stay calm, I'm not going to do anything that you won't enjoy…” I whispered into your ear, following up my exclamation by gently biting your lobe. “In fact, I'm sure that you'll enjoy yourself quite a bit so long as you do what I say… And you can start by turning around.”

This was the moment which would decide how the rest of the evening would go… I would either find myself expelled from school or in the midst of the sexiest adventure I would ever experience. When you looked deeply into my eyes, I knew the answer.

Though I could still see a look of worry, my strong grip and forceful words were enough to overcome it… And you were not about to go against your most basic instincts, as your pussy had slowly been growing wetter and wetter since the elevator ride, and was now slowly beginning to drip into your panties.

You turned around, pushing your tight ass into me, hoping to play along with the situation…

“No” I whispered into your ear, “I didn't tell you to do that… Just turn around”

I then pressed my growing package into your ass while my hands began slowly and carefully exploring every inch of the body that I had wanted to have for so long. Squeezing your breasts, feeling your tight stomach, and feeling the warmth emanating from between your legs was enough to get me harder than I'd ever been before. While I pushed your hair out of the way, I began kissing the back of your neck and shoulders, giving you a brief massage to calm you down for just a moment.

Then I began. While one hand slid its way up your shirt and to your bra, my other fingers began slowly walking their way down your incredible stomach, slipping just barely beneath your waistband and sliding back and forth, all the way across your midriff.

I briefly paused to slip one finger up beneath your bra strap and pop it open, before making my way back around to your wonderful breasts, carefully circling your newly exposed nipples, being careful to just barely avoid touching them.

As I teased your nipples, I continued to venture further down into your pants, finally unbuttoning them to give myself a little bit more room.

“Spread your legs” I told you, continuing to breathe down your neck and kiss your shoulders.

Not half a second after you spread them open for me did I plunge my hand deep into your panties, resting one finger directly on top of your moist pussy, the others gently rubbing your outer lips. You began slowly bucking against me, eager for me to slide inside of you and this time, I allowed it.

All in one choreographed motion, I gently bit on your ear, bathing in the erotic moan that escaped from your lips while I tweaked your nipple and finally plunged a finger inside of you. The wetness coming from your pussy was unbelievable, and my now rock-hard cock was doing everything that it could to escape from my pants. But not yet. Your pleasure came first.

After briefly rubbing your clit and continuing to massage your nipples with my free hand, I pulled away from you, spinning you around and pushing you back against the books, facing me this time.

We finally locked lips, passionately kissing while our tongues danced around each other's, teasing and biting. I broke away from you, looking deep into your eyes, and began my slow descent, leaving you with one simple instruction in your ear: “Keep quiet.”

I pulled your shirt up and kissed my way down from your exposed shoulders to your now hard nipples, again teasing them, always teasing them… I kissed tight circles around them, making sure to keep from actually touching them yet, waiting until you couldn't take it anymore and finally had to grab my head, pulling me onto your nipple.

My tongue flitted across, evoking a moan from your lips – a moan which brought me to an immediate halt.

Standing back up, I went back to your ear: “One more noise…” I left it at that, giving you a stern look which you knew meant that everything would be over if you let even one more small moan escape your lips. You nodded back at me, the sexiest thing that I have ever seen, and then placed your hand on top of my head and began pulling me back down.

If I'd stuck with the game plan, that would have been it… I would have stopped there for you had disobeyed me… But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not when such an amazingly sexy woman was standing exposed in front of me.

I obliged, kissing my way back down and between your breasts, leaving a small, glistening trail down your stomach, past your belly button, and down to your engorged clit. I stopped just short however, knowing full well that you were coming close to the point where you simply wouldn't be able to take any more of my teasing.

I pulled your pants down to your ankles, and pulled them off of one foot so that I could spread your legs wide open. I then spun you around, pushing your chest into the stacks so that I could have your ass right there in front of my face.

I grabbed your tight ass and turned you slightly, so that I could bend you over. With this amazing view, I wasted no time at all in plunging my tongue deep inside of your pussy, eliciting a squeal which you quickly brought under control. Wrapping one hand around your legs, I used a fingertip to gently rub on your clit, while I began to lick all the way up and down your swollen pussy lips. I knew that you were quickly getting close to orgasm as your knees began to shake and it was obviously becoming harder and harder for you to keep quiet.

It wasn't yet time for your to cum… Though I knew that that time would be coming shortly. I pulled away, continuing to oh-so-lightly tease your hot clit with my fingers, and began to kiss your exposed ass, spreading your legs open as wide as I could, so that I could have a full view of your tight asshole.

I went back into your pussy, licking up and down until I got another moan out of you, and then I finally worked my way up, barely licking and teasing the skin around your tight ass before plunging my tongue inside your ass. While I licked and teased your asshole, I left your clit and began sliding my fingers in and out of your pussy lips, waiting until I could feel your whole body begin to tremble.

It was at this point when I pulled away for the final time… I heard an exasperated sigh from your lips and, knowing that you were quickly tiring of this teasing game, I spun you around one final time.

I was on my knees on the floor, and with you standing above me I took one of your legs and threw it over my shoulder, giving me full access to your most private parts… I didn't hesitate for even one second, and immediately filled your pussy with two fingers, and resumed teasing your tight asshole with a third, while I sucked your clit into my mouth and swirled my tongue all around it, in tight circles followed by quickly flitting back and forth.

It wasn't 15 seconds until a powerful orgasm wracked your entire body, sapping you of the strength to stand. Were it not for your straddling me, you would have fallen out on the floor there, but I continued to support you, gently massaging your pussy and sucking on your clit all the way through.

I stood, with a grin across my face, and kissed you again, even deeper and more passionately than before… and I finally told you what you'd wanted to hear since I first pushed you into the stacks: “Turn around, I want to be inside of you…”

You didn't need a second request, as I had hardly gotten the words out of my mouth before you were facing the stacks once again, pushing your ass into my hard bulge. I quickly undid my belt and dropped my pants to my ankles, before sliding my rock hard cock between your legs. Just sliding it between your pussy lips for a second or two was more than enough to lube up, as you were literally dripping down the inside of your thigh…

With one powerful thrust, I slid my member deep inside of you, filling you up more than you ever had been before. You bucked back against me, and I pushed you forcefully into the books, knocking more than one over on the shelves. With one hand I slid back up your shirt, beginning to tweak your exposed nipples while I slid in and out of your dripping wet pussy.

As we went at it, quietly groaning to each other and working our way closer and closer to a joint orgasm, I could feel your pussy pulsating around my cock, as your muscles contracted over and over against your will.

Feeling myself growing ever closer to the point of no return, I slowed down for a moment, sliding as deep as I could inside of you and just holding there for a moment, breathing on your neck and kissing and caressing your ear. While I held you up against the stacks, my free hand slid down your stomach, to start teasing your clit.

While it felt amazing, you still wanted more. “Spin me around” you whispered into my ear, and I immediately obliged, pulling out and spinning you by the waist. With my right hand I grabbed the back of your knee and pulled one leg up to my side.

While straddling the other, my legs slightly bent, I slid myself deeper inside of you than before, this new angle affording me even more control.

This was it. This was what I'd been waiting for for months, since the very first time that I laid eyes on you in that classroom at the beginning of the school year.

As our pace continued to increase, we lost control. Kissing frantically, tongues dancing alongside each other's, I pulled you close into me and with one, final thrust, we came.

Your body convulsed uncontrollably, squirting your incredible pussy juices out around my cock, as I pumped a load of cum deep inside of you. Even as I was finished, your pussy continued to grab on to me, milking every last drop of cum with each contraction of your muscles. Our kisses gradually slowed, remaining deep and passionate but evolving to a more drawn out, intricate dance between our tongues.

Our lips finally broke apart, and I leaned back just enough to see you slowly open your eyes, and to watch the most wonderful smile slowly creep across your face, knowing full well that it only matched mine.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2mu11a/in_the_library_part_2

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