My first foray into the world of Erotic Fiction… Figured I may as well tackle the library cliche at my first chance. Here goes… Let me know what you think! (Part 2 in the comments)

In the library…

The day had finally come, when we were assigned our group project for the Modern Social Issues class. I'd had my eye on you for months, since first sitting down in the class late in August. Never quite being able to work up the courage to talk to you, I thought that this might finally be my chance…

The professor told us that we were to choose our groups on our own outside of class, and as the clock finally ticked past 11:55, I jumped for the door, hoping to catch you outside.

I saw you walking past me and I didn't quite know what to do, the best that I could manage was following you from afar, out of the building and down the walkway past our building. I was 15 feet behind you, eyes locked on your amazingly tight figure, and your ass swaying so invitingly in your tight white pants… Then, out of nowhere, opportunity struck.

Busy texting somebody on your phone, you tripped up on an overturned brick in the pathway, dropping your books you were holding all across the ground. I figured that this was my time to shine, and so I leapt forward, grabbing the notebook nearest me, our hands nearly meeting on the pages. Like a slow-motion scene out of Hollywood, we both stood up together, locking eyes for the first time.

I lost all of the confidence that had gathered inside of me and found myself reduced to a mumbling mess. Seeing your low-cut shirt, hair tossed haphazardly to the side and cascading down your shoulder, and your smile… That smile… I was at a complete and utter loss for words.

Mercifully, you broke the silence.

“Thank you!! I wasn't watching where I was going there for a second…”

…And that was all that I needed, just enough of a wake up call to toss me back into my game. “It's not a problem!! I've done it more times than I can remember. Say, you're in the modern social issues class with me, are you not? What do you think about this project we've been assigned?”

I finally hand you back your book and manage to keep the conversation going for a minute or two, before managing the question that had been on my mind since the start of class: “I don't know many people in the class, any chance you'd like to join up with me for the project?”

Seeing my smile and obvious nerves that I had worked through to ask you, you figured that nothing too terrible could come of it: “Sure, that sounds great! I'm already in a group with several friends, but we've got room for one more. We're meeting tomorrow afternoon in the library to get the basics laid out. 3 o'clock in room 202, think you could make it?”

3 pm. Tomorrow afternoon. Right in the middle of my physics class… “Of course! Sounds like a plan, I'll see you then!” With a sly smile, you said a quick goodbye and turned down another path, leaving me giddily wandering back to my car, only one thing on my mind: You would be mine.

The next 24 hours felt like a week and a half, and I spent more of that time than I'd like to admit thinking about you, and thinking about all of the things that I would do to you, given the chance…

The time finally came and I walked into the classroom, excited beyond believe to have the chance to hold more than an awkward passing conversation with you. My heart dropped, however, upon opening the door and finding you in the lap of another guy, already laughing and smiling with the group of 5, the school project obviously the last thing on your mind. After several hours of goofing off and finally laying the framework for the project, we broke it off, everybody agreeing to meet next week at the same place and time.

The next several days were nearly impossible to make it through. You permeated every aspect of my day, and I was constantly thinking of you sitting on the other guy's lap. In class, you sat several rows ahead of me and it was all that I could do to pay attention in class, to keep my mind from wandering down the dirty, naughty path which you had led me so many times before.

The bell rang, and I found myself committed once again to my daily ritual of following you for several minutes, through campus, eyes glued to your ass while my feet went through the motions on autopilot. Today, however, you forgot your notes for the next class in our previous room. Quickly turning around, you catch me eyeing you, breaking my concentration with a quick “Hey there!”

Thinking quickly, I responded with a typical “Hello”, and tried to dodge you, not knowing what I could say. You then caught me off guard, seeing my physics book in my arms, and asking if I was in the same physics course as you.

“I sure am, I believe that we have different teachers though…”

“Oh! I'm heading there right now, I actually forgot my book in our social issues class… When do you have physics?”

Without thinking, I spewed out my class time: “2:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!”

You gave me a questioning look, which was when I realized that I had given myself away, that our weekly group meeting was right in the middle of my class.

“Did you skip class to make it to the group meeting that we had last week?” you asked, a sly smile spreading across your face.

“I… um… Well, it was only one class and I'm doing very well in physics, I figured….”

Again, you stopped me short, noticing the nervous smile and obviously catching on to the fact that I had at least a little crush on you. “You're good with physics then? I'll tell you what… I've been struggling with the class a bit these past few weeks, what do you say we meet in the library sometime tomorrow before the group meeting and you can help me go over a few practice problems?”

I nearly leapt out of my shoes with joy, and didn't do a very good job of hiding it either. “Of course! That would be great, I'd be more than happy to help you out! Maybe I should get your number, so if anything comes up we can get in contact?”

Nearly an hour later, when I finally got home, it was all I could do not to sprint up the stairs and close and lock the door… I had my pants around my ankles and started going at it right then and there. It didn't take me but three or four minutes to bring myself to orgasm, shooting my load onto my desk, as my mind raced through all of the positions that I wanted to put you in, how I wanted to physically dominate you and leave you begging for more…

The day finally arrived when I was to meet you in the library, and I couldn't pass the time fast enough. When I finally met you, the room which we were going to meet in was full and so we spent several minutes wandering the stacks, searching for somewhere to sit. The library was full to the brim, as the whole campus was in the midst of mid-terms. We finally had to settle for a couple of bean bags in the corner of the top floor, a rather secluded spot (which was more than fine by me…) where we were able to sit down and start to crack open the books.

I was surprisingly able to keep my mind on academics for nearly two hours, as we worked through practice problems together. We were working through the second to last problem when you noticed the time, and mentioned that you'd need to be going soon. In realizing that our studying would soon be over, I became nervous and started thinking about any way that I could possibly extend our time together.

God must have been looking down on me at that exact moment, for your computer died and while you muttered “god damnit…” to yourself, you leaned forward to dig through your book bag to grab your charger. I couldn't help but to stare as your shirt fell forward and exposed your cleavage, and that was exactly where you caught me looking as you peered up from you pack, charger in hand.

“Oh! I… Sorry, I was just… um…” I sputtered, my brain reeling, trying to think of how to salvage the situation.

Then you surprised me, leaving me speechless as you replied: “See something that you like?”

You then reached forward, placing your hand on my thigh as you calmed me down.

“Its alright, don't worry about it… Don't think that I haven't noticed you eyeing me on more than one occasion. And don't think that I haven't returned the favor when you weren't looking!!”

Looking at me with that wide, glowing smile, my pants grew tight as my mind processed what I'd just heard. “But what about the other guy you were sitting on last week? Is he not a boyfriend?”

“Nope! Just a friend, we've known each other since middle school… I'll tell you what, you've been a huge help… Do you think you'd be free tomorrow to help me out a little bit more? There are still a few sections which I'm not too clear on…”

“Absolutely!” I stammered, completely bewildered by what had just occurred. “I'm free whenever you need!”

“Well we've got our group meeting tomorrow, what do you say we come back up here afterward and we can continue on where we left off…?”

You winked at me. Or so I thought… did you? Or was my mind playing tricks on me?!

“Of course, that sounds like a wonderful plan!! I'm gonna stick around here for a little longer and work on some more homework, but I'll see you then?”

“Great, I'll see you then!” And with that, you stood up and were walking away. And I once again found myself mesmerized by your hips, swaying back and forth… More than normal? Was it just me or did you have an extra little swing in your step?! And that wink… Am I just imagining things?

Seconds later, I had my answer. Just before you turned the corner and disappeared, you looked back at me and gave me a knowing smile, followed by a second quick wink, before you were gone beyond the stacks. That was it, it was real… At this point, I knew that there was no way I was getting any more homework done, and I had to pack myself up to head home. Once I got there, I had some a quick 'personal issue' to take care of.

After tossing and turning the night before our next meeting, I lay in bed and made a decision. My fantasies were going to become real. I was going to make them real. I had several plans in my head, but I knew that any plans beyond the first move were going to be lost in the heat of the moment, providing everything went as I hoped it would.

In our group meeting, we were both noticeably distracted, and it was all that I could do to keep my eyes from being glued to yours… After suffering through two hours of group project hell, a few of the group members had to leave and I knew that the time had come. I suggested that we head upstairs to the top floor, where we'd planned on continuing our studies.

“Sure! Go ahead and lead the way!” you replied with a knowing smile. That was just the confidence booster that I needed. With that one smile, you flipped a switch in my mind, and I no longer had even an ounce of hesitation in my entire body. You were going to be mine.

I led you to the elevator with small talk, pressing the '9' button once we stepped in. To my delight, we were alone.

This was it, this was were it would begin.

As the elevator doors closed, I quipped about your blouse, arguably more revealing than the one you'd worn at our last meeting.

“Damn, who's the lucky guy you got all dressed up for today?” I asked, stepping slightly closer to you and rubbing the fabric between my fingers. “He looks like he's in for one hell of a treat!”

My hand then slid just under the hem of your shirt as I placed in on your hip, giving you a sly smile as my fingertips slid several inches up your side, drawing a slight gasp from your lips.

As inconspicuous as you thought you were, my keen eye noticed your hip move while you shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you felt that familiar feeling coming on.

Your breathing sped up ever so slightly and you turned to face me, looking into my eyes…

And the bell rang.

And the door opened.



  1. So, just a personal opinion, but I see a lot of erotic stories written in unusual narrative points of view like this, and for me they never work. Is the "you" in the story supposed to be me, the reader? If so, it only works if your reader is female. If not, why are you telling a story to the person you had the experience with? I think a lot of writers make these sorts of choices in an attempt to draw the reader into the story, but for me it does just the opposite. Again, just opinion, but I think first time writers especially should stick to more traditional forms of narration in their story telling. I’d recommend 1st person past or 3rd person subjective or omniscient past.

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