[MF] Part 3 – “Heidi, you’re such a whore”

Link to Part 1:

—The backstory here is important to this part of the story, so bear with me until the sex happens—

At the end of the previous story, Heidi’s husband Phil, who’s French-Canadian picked me up outside my house. I was ready to rock n’roll the second I seen him. On the drive over my intuition was calm around the guy. He seemed cool enough but something about him didn’t sit quite well, and that something wasn’t the drug habit Heidi had mentioned but rather something I found familiar. They really did live a super short drive away, and even now 7+ years later, I could probably find their house again – I was there so often from this point onward.

We pulled into the driveway and Phil told me that their daughter was inside so to just relax with a beer. He’ll bring her over to her grandmothers shortly.

I walked into Heidi’s Kitchen and that big smile of hers and wild red curly hair was immeditely in my face, her arms wrapped around me.

“Welcome to my home Mr. Irish.”

“Thank you for having me.” I replied hugging Heidi back and letting my hand slip down to her fat ass cheek. Phil was stood right behind me so he’d be none the wiser, the kitchen come living room was empty, no sign of their daughter.

“You’re such a bold boy.” Whispered Heidi playfully in my ear before breaking away and kissing Phil.

At this point in the story, a reasonable amount of time has passed and the sex end of thigns aside, Heidi would get me out of a Jam and a big one at that a few days later. I was owed money from a previous job and I didn’t have enough to pay my rent. “Listen, I’ll give you the money to pay your rent, you WILL pay me back in full but in the mean time, you’ll fuck me whenever I want. I want that fat irish cock cumming inside me on command until you pay me off. Think of it as interest.”

I honestly felt like delaying the repayment. lol. But Heidi developed a somewhat healthy obsession with fucking me, and I her.

I sat down on the couch and got handed a can of this “Hard Twisted Tea” and I’d never even had iced tea, let alone an alcoholic version of it. Honestly, it was fucking amazing. And I miss the stuff something fierce. I met their daughter, Lexa (none of the names are real – privacy of course). Lexa was a great kid, roughly 7-8 years old, Heidi was early 30’s and Phil was mid-late 30’s. Lexa immediately sat down beside me saying that I spoke with a funny voice. I mean, she’s not wrong I’ve a strong Irish accent after all.

Phil eventually brought Lexa off to her grandmothers and Heidi wasted no time, hopping on me on the couch, straddling me. Our tongues met and her pelvis grinded into mine. I got hard in an instant, I hadn’t had her pussy in a little while due to work and other things. Tina had a lot going on and I kept my distance sexually and offered the right amount of moral support without getting involved in her business. Needless to say I was pent up.

Heidi pulled down her top and gave me a particular expectant look. I instantly began nibbling her large nipples. Within seconds her pussy was radiating heat unlike anything I’d ever felt at that point. Her hips were involuntarily rocking back and forth. Her hand dropping down to reposition my cock in my pants so her clit would rub off it through the thin material of her cotton joggers.

A knocking at the door interrupted the moment. Heidi kissed me on the cheek and told me to wait here and to not move a muscle but to hide that erection. She bounced off to the back door which i had come in through minutes ago and a random guy follows her into the kitchen. We began chatting while she went off down the hallway and returned with a fucking Bale of Weed. The thing was bigger than the dudes chest. I just raised both my eyebrows and Heidi grinned at me. This guy then shoves it up his t-shirt and walks out. In my mind, weed was illegal still in Alberta and this muppet saunters out with it up his t-shirt. lmao.

Not long after the guy left, Phil came back and our shenanigans came to an end.

We drank more twisted tea, then some beer, and had some 420 but whatever strain it was it made me super fucking horny, as if I wasn’t bad enough already. I had a very very high sex drive back then too. On top of that I was in the gym training and went on testosterone boosters (which i didn’t need fml) which added to it all again. In short, i was a horny mess, sporting an enormous erection. How Phil didn’t notice (and he didn’t) was beyond me. Heidi on the other hand was licking her lips at me every time Phil looked away.

We ordered some Chinese and we all chatted while we ate, getting to know one another. The familiar but uncomfortable feeling i got from Phil was that he was a drug dealer (and an addict according to Heidi). I grew up with people like Phil. He tried to indirectly intimidate me by telling me stories of what he and they had done to people who didn’t pay up. I just nodded and said fuck all. I’m not inherently violent but I’ve zero qualms with doing it.

The evenign wore on into night time, Phil had left again but had come back and went straight to bed. The strain of 420 we had was enough to keep us both reletively sober, no munchies but our lust for one another was at bursting point.

We stripped down in her living room, her bedroom door visible from where I’d been sitting on the couch. At 8″ and girthy (think the width of an average womans wrist), I was so wound up, my erection was painful and it had actually grown larger to 8.5 if not a bit more. It does happen and is quite painful. Heidi on the other hand was actually salivating and instead of dropping to her knees, she pushed me back onto the couch and immediately lowered herself onto my engorged cock. I let out a loud moan as did she. She lowered herself halfway before stopping and exhaling sharply, her eyes closed. Her pussy was so wet it was already running down my shaft, but even I’ll admit I was much bigger than normal. In another movement she swore and took all of me in one go. I knew I was hitting her cervix, and so did she. She rode me like a bucking bronco but eventually couldn’t deal with the pain anymore and swapped around to reverse cowgirl on couch. My right hand was massaging her right breast with her nipple being pinched in between two of my fingers. My left thumb had been teasing her asshole but was now inside stretching her out and moving erratically.

“I want your cum inside me, I want an irish baby.”

I couldn’t even speak, the all encompassing warmth of pussy wrapped around your cock and her beautiful asshole wrapped around my thumb was intoxicating but it was fucking another mans wife while he was a few feet away was too much. Our orgasms were building and I was pent up, hadn’t jacked off in days and im a heavy cummer anyway.

Her bedroom door opens Phile storms out, hes blocky enough and easily 200lbs.

I shit you not, Heidi’s eyes met his, she didnt miss a beat and quickened her pace, her pussy pounding harder against my pelvis. I moved my head to the side to see the look of shock on Phil’s face, and a smile on Heidi’s.

‘You’re such a whore.” Bellowed Phil before going back into his room like a good little boy.

I grabbed Heidi’s hips so hard (she’d show me 2 days after that the tips of my fingers bruised her. Funny enough she was okay with it) and she growled.

“Fuck me and fill me up like a real man.”

I became lost to the lust and pounded her with every fibre of my being. I unloaded rope after rope after rope of cum inside her. Her pussy exploded and our intermingled juices ran down my ballsack onto the couch, ultimately staining it. When my erection didn’t disappear, we fucked again twice more, cumming each time. The hour was late and even Heidi admitted that she’d better get to bed and ease things with Phil. “A quick fuck will sort him out.”

She assured me there’d be no retaliation. “I couldn’t care less, your pussy was mine now, not his.”

Heidi smiled “You’re damn right it’s yours. You made me yours tonight.”


From this point onward Heidi would begin to fall in love with me. The originally deal was a FWB situiation, no emotion, just fucking like wild animals with reckless abandon. I’m not saying she wasn’t worth loving, she was and by a country mile but it wasn’t the agreement. Plus she was married (even if in a poor one) and had a kid with the guy as well as a life, even if fully dysfunctional.

Things at work would also heat up with Ned and his alcoholism. I payed Heidi back quickly and our fucking intensified to every single day no matter what. A power play was in place with myself, the owners and the person who’d become the new GM. It was time to oust Ned but in the right way. I was still under severe pressure from him and on one particular day Heidi approached me.

“Hey, I was wondering if you’d fulfill a fantasy of mine. I want Phil and you to Spit roast me.”

I was in such a foul mood because of that cripple fuck Ned. “Heidi, not today love, not today.” and I walked off angry as hell. She understood and didn’t take it personally. Instead, she pulled me into an empty room toward the end of the evening. I bent her over and with excessively high testosterone levels I hate fucked her into the next century. Despite her fat meaty ass, I fucked her so hard that evening at work, that she showed me two bruises on her ass cheeks a few days later. It was the bones in her ass from being pounded so hard. She said her pussy wasn’t sore at all but her ass was. I tried to apologise but she put her finger on my lips and said it was fine, we all need that hate fuck. But to remember that she was human also. I grabbed her hand and pinned her gently agianst the wall, kissed her and apologised for making her uncmofrtable. SHe laughly softly and said I was a moron if I thought I could ever make her feel that way.

Things with Ned had gone silent at this point.
“Heidi, about what you mentioned last week, you’ve done a lot for me since we’ve met. I owe you.”

“You do owe me.” she agreed, a serious set to her face.

“I’ll have the threesum with you and your husband, but no crossing swords.”

Heidi grinned and said “I’ll work out the details and get back to you.”

And this brings us to Part 4.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11939og/mf_part_3_heidi_youre_such_a_whore


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