I [M] was a birthday treat for a [FF] couple

So this was a while ago – in the age of craigslist personals – I got chatting to and subsequently arranged to hook up with a woman. She said she would bring her GF which made me think I was being catfished, but they both showed up. Ground rules were no photos and this was a one-time deal. They were from elsewhere in the UK anyway sadly.

Me – M – 5’10, short blond hair, blue eyes, in pretty reasonable shape ;)

Her – F – 5’7 ish, long (like to her hips) thick curly hair, brunette/auburn, pale eyes, slim, almost skinny, A/B cup boobs – let’s call her Brunette

Her GF – F – identical build, similar length thick dirty blonde hair and blue eyes – let’s call her Blonde

After a little chit chat, we all converge into a 3-way kiss and some clothes start to come off. As a gentleman I help both women off with their bras then kneel down to kiss and lick and feel the four boobs now in my face. Blonde and I then focus on undressing Brunette. Brunette gets loud with two tongues teasing her and 4 hands on her body. Blondie gets naked too and sits on the sofa – I go in between her legs for a lick and play. Then as they sit on the sofa, I kneel between them, alternating the clit I’m licking. Brunette asks me to stand and both women finish stripping me – my boxers are the last to come off, and Brunette gives Blonde (& me) a big smile when my cock bounces free as hard as iron at this point. Both women have hold of my cock and I feel like a piece of meat in the best possible way as they make out with each other and then both sit me down, then go down on me.

This is a true confession, so no I didn’t get a double blowjob and then last for hours – 2 mouths were pretty persuasive and 2 minutes later I feel that I’m not going to last. I breathlessly say so, which is the cue for Brunette to smile and both women to go crazy with their lips and tongues. I can’t last and I don’t, producing a fountain of cum mostly in Brunette’s mouth, with Blonde taking her share. Both women clean my cock thoroughly, I’m speechless.

Blonde and Brunette can’t keep their hands off each other and begin making out. Once recovered I’m on my knees alternating which pussy I’m eating out. This goes down very well (pardon the pun) with both of them. First Brunette comes loudly, then Brunette joins me in tonguing Blonde, who explodes, silently, but powerfully.

Once it becomes clear that I’m ready to go again, Blonde tells me to stand up and Brunette to bend over the back of the sofa so that her body is lying on top along its length. Blonde then leads me, BY MY COCK, round to screw Brunette from behind. If I thought I felt like a piece of meat before… wow. Brunette is waiting with a big smile on her face as I slide inside her and Blonde goes round to kiss her with passion, i.e. a lot of tongue. I start building up a rhythm and Blonde comes round my side to kiss me as I’m fucking Brunette – who turns round and genuinely squeals with delight when she sees.

Blonde then asks me to fuck Brunette harder and faster and harder and faster. I am a human sex toy, a cock with a man attached. Blonde kneels down to rub Brunette’s clit and occasionally get herself a mouthful of cock. Blonde is rubbing her own clit and biting her lip. I start really pounding Brunette to Blonde’s delight and Brunette is clearly loving it, getting so loud, I genuinely worry about neighbours overhearing. This carries on and on, I’ve never felt more animalistic, seeing Brunette’s body shaking with every thrust. Blonde and I have one finger each on her clit. When we both put one finger on Brunette’s clit she comes, her whole body writhing explosively until she is panting with exhaustion and cum.

I cheekily ask Brunette if she came and when she holds up 2 fingers to indicate twice, Blonde immediately stands and turns to me with a look of lust on her face and eyeball to eyeball gives me a firm hand job before lying down on the other half of sofa so her face is next Brunette’s. I don’t need asking twice, so I go round and start sliding into Blonde’s soaking wet pussy from behind, with my fingers teasing her clit. Blonde and Brunette kiss and I can feel Blonde’s body give way and she starts to cum next. She pushes me away slightly as she cums too her tongue is virtually down Brunette’s throat at this point.

Blonde subsequently excuses herself to go to the bathroom at which point Brunette and I start to chat a little. She thanks me for being what they were looking for – I was struggling to find words to say “I think you’ll find it’s me who’s in fantasy-land right now”. We go round and sit on the sofa and chat and she is letting her hands roam around my body but not touching my cock. That changes when Blonde comes back in to the room though. Look what I’ve got Brunette says suddenly grabbing hold of my cock and leaning down to lick me from base to tip, before looking at Blonde and saying it tastes of you. Suddenly Blonde virtually jumps on the other side of me and with 4 hands and 2 mouths on me I do my best to hold on for as long as I can as they moan and tease me. Brunette briefly hops on to ride me but when I say that I won’t last much longer, she jumps off and both of them go down on me hard, alternating mouths for an unknown amount of time – I think I stopped perceiving time at this point – until I came harder than I thought possible.

Once again they cleaned me up and we all snuggled together for a short while. Then it was time to go. They got dressed, I managed a pair of boxers and there was a lot of smooching goodbye. Brunette groped me through my boxers one last time and mouthed “thank you” as she was leaving.

Greatest sexual day of my life bar none. We did email a couple of times after that and I kind of got the full story. Brunette was fully bi, Blonde mostly lesbian. This threesome – I – had been a little birthday treat for Brunette. I wish I could say the three of us bought a little place in the country and regularly enjoy marathon fuck fests. But this is the real world. I never saw them again, but I have my memories that I can always turn to if I need a little… stimulation – and I’ve got a hell of story for playing drunk never-have-I-ever.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11944ck/i_m_was_a_birthday_treat_for_a_ff_couple


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