Cold Camping. Hot Bodies [MF]

I went camping last month up in the mountains. The last week of January is always cold but up at high altitude, it’s even colder.

I went with my friend Sean. He’d broken up with his girlfriend just before Christmas so we were both living the single life once again.

We’d had some wild nights together and though a nice, quite camping trip would refresh after a few weeks of debauchery.

We got to the camp ground just before sunset. We set up quickly before we opened a couple beers.

We started a fire and cooked some ribs. I had saved some shrooms from a friend’s bachelor party, so we took some of them and drank some whiskey to keep ourselves warm.

The next day, we made some breakfast and Sean told me our friend Molly and her girlfriend, Riley, were coming up for the night.

We’d know Molly for a few years.

She had been part of our friend group since high school and we’d seen her date both men and women.

I had made out with her at a party a few years earlier but we’d all just stayed friends.

I had only met her girlfriend, Riley, once before.

Molly told us that she was the first girl Riley dated after a slew of boyfriends.

From what Molly told us, she was quite adventurous and wild.

She’d asked Molly if she would be down to have group sex. Molly was open to it but it hadn’t happened yet. Apparently it was something that Riley did often.

But only with strangers as apparently Riley could be a bit possessive and get jealous.

I checked our supplies and saw we had enough alcohol and drugs for a good night all round.

The girls arrived around lunch time.

Molly got out of the car wearing black yoga pants and hiking boots with big wolly socks popping out the top. She had a hoodie on with her University logo on it. Her blonde hair was up in a high, braided ponytail.

As Sean and I arrived at their car to welcome them, Molly waved like we were her long lost best friends.

She jumped out of the car and gave me a big kiss on the cheek and a rather friendly hug.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly and lingered there for a few more seconds than a friend hug would normally last.

She then kissed and hugged Sean in a similarly intimate way.

Riley either didn’t see or care as she was taking her bag out of the trunk.

She flinged her bag over her shoulder and turned to say hi. Her hug was as weird side hug.

Me and Sean helped unload their provision, tent and some firewood out of their back seat. Molly was talking a lot. Riley seemed annoyed.

Sean gave me puzzled look. I returned it. There was a weird feeling between the two of them.

They found a flat surface and began setting up their tent. I put the firewood next to the fire pit and turned around to see Molly reaching up to clasp a tent pole into place.

As she did, her hoodie raised up and revealed her juicy, perfectly shaped bubble butt trying to rip out of her yoga pants.

She kept reaching up and missing the clasps, causing her ass to jiggle.

My eyes went wide.

I looked over to my left and saw Riley watching me stare at her girlfriend’s ass.

My cheeks went red in embarrassment.

Riley rolled her eyes with a huff and went back to working on the tent.

Riley was wearing an oversized tshirt over a turtleneck. She was wearing sweat pants and boots. A beanie covered her curly brunette hair.

Sean and I helped them put up their tent.

The warm attitude of Molly’s joking and laughter juxtaposed with Riley’s cold and short demeanor was noticeable.

The four of us finished setting up their tent and made lunch.

We went on a hike and explored around. Me and Sean went ahead to forge a new path off the trail, as we were walking we heard the girls arguing quietly behind us.

Sean told me that Molly pulled him aside after lunch and told him that she and Riley had gotten into a big fight on the way up the mountain.

Riley was jealous and suspicious of Molly having so many male friends and Molly thought Riley was overreacting.

Riley called her a whore and now Molly was trying to get back at her by acting like it didn’t bother her and she was being super flirty with us to make Riley have something to be jealous about.

We kept hiking as I processed what Sean had said.

I’m not a fan of drama, but if it meant that a sexy girl was going being flirting with me, I was here for it!

We hiked back to the campground just before sunset.

We started a fire and began preparing dinner. The tension between the girls was getting more palpable as time went on.

Me and Sean cracked a couple beers.

We offered a couple to the girls. As Molly took hers she said-

“Oh, Riley doesn’t drink beer.”

Riley snapped her head towards Molly.

“Excuse me. Don’t tell me what I can do or do not do.” She spat out as she snatched the beer out of my hand.

She cracked it and gulped it down within 30 seconds.

Now it was Molly’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Oh brother.” Said Molly.

Riley got up and walked over to the cooler.

Molly turned to me and Sean.

“Sorry guys. I don’t want to ruin your weekend.” She said.

“Maybe you guys should have some time apart? Or go for a walk and work this out?” I offered as Riley cracked another one of my beers.

Molly leaned in and whispered-

“We already decided to take a break from fighting for tonight. But I don’t want her to be alone. Especially now that she’s drinking.”

Riley had downed the second beer and was now finding it hard to keep her balance.

Sean got up and helped her back to her camping chair in front of the fire.

We ate dinner and sat around the fire pit .

Now that she was tipsy and had eaten, Riley had chilled out and seemed to have put her anger on the shelf for the night.

We all were feeling buzzed and relaxed. The tension eased and we started to all enjoy each other’s company.

Afterwards, I checked our inventory.

No shrooms, no more beer and only half a bottle of tequila left.

Not much.

Like she was reading my mind, Molly pulled out a joint from her pocket. She lit it and passed it around.

The girls started giggling and soon we were all high and laughing.

“Let’s play a game” said Molly as she blew out a big cloud of smoke.

“Sure” I replied. “What do you want to play?”

“Two truths and a lie?” Suggested Sean.

“Desert Island?” I offered.

“Truth or dare” Said Riley.

Molly took another hit and passed her girlfriend the joint.

“Let’s do it”

The game started off tame. Silly dares and sillier truths. Nothing real. Until it came to Riley’s turn.

She had a few tokes by this point so she was pretty cross faded.

She turned to me.

“Truth or dare?” she asked.

“Truth” I replied.

I saw clogs ticking in her mind. She flashed a devilish grin.

“Have you ever fantasized about Molly?”

Molly gave her girlfriend a hit on the arm.

“Riley!” She exclaimed.

Riley raised her eyebrows at me. Waiting for an answer.

This sneaky bitch! Throwing me under the bus for checking out her girlfriend’s ass!

What does that matter? She wants to play it like that? Fine.

“Well, yes.” I replied.

Molly snapped her head to look at me.

“Really?” She asked.

Sean was smiling, loving the chaos.

“I mean, I believe Riley’s referring to earlier when she caught me checking out your ass.” I replied.

Molly’s cheeks went red. Riley tried to hide her smile as she shook her head at me. I had called her bluff and it had impressed her.

“Can you blame me?” I asked.

Sean shook his head. Riley even had to give it up.

“It is an exceptional booty” she agreed.

The high was really kicking in.

“It’s fine” said Molly, trying to be modest.

“Hell yeah, it’s fine!” Said Riley and she stood up and grabbed her girlfriend’s hand and pulled her up out of her camping chair.

Molly rolled her eyes as stood up.

“And it’s all mine!” Added Riley.

Riley raised her arm over her head and spun Molly around so we could see her perfect butt.

Sean and I started to slow clap as Riley laughed.

Molly was giggling, loving the attention.

She bounced up and down, making her ass jiggle. The three of us roared with applause.

We all laughed together as Molly sat back down.

Now the party was going and we had opened a new level of the game.

The truths and dares gradually got more risqué.

“How many people have you slept with?”

“What’s your wildest fantasy?”

“I dare you to jump over the fire pit!”

Then it was my turn again.

I dared Sean to take a huge shot of tequila. He did so with much enthusiasm.

Being the good friend that he is, Sean got me back and made me do two big shots.

The bottle was empty before we knew it and it was Sean’s turn again.

And this time, his drunk ass dared me to kiss Molly.

I looked at Riley, who seemed trepidations but didn’t say anything.

Molly smiled at me. “Come on then” she closed her eyes and pursed her lips. I leaned in.

We shared a sweet little peck. But as our lips touched, it took me back to years earlier and I realized the attraction I had for her had never gone away.

She blushed and smiled.

Riley wasn’t so happy that I had kissed her girlfriend or the fact that she had seemed to enjoy it so much.

It was her turn and she dared me and Sean to kiss.

Molly laughed and clapped.

“Yes! Kiss!”

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The girls complained.

“No! A real kiss!” Exclaimed Riley.

“Like this…”

She leaned over and gave Molly a big kiss.

It was hot.

I looked at Sean. He looked at me. We had a talapathic conversation.

“Dude! I don’t want to kiss you.”

“Me either. But if we suck it up and do it. This night could be magical.”

“I don’t know…”

“Alcohol, weed and jealous girls? I think this could be one hell of a night.”

“Fine! But not tongue.”

“Don’t worry. You couldn’t handle it!”

Riley clapped at us –
“Are you just gonna stare at each other or are we gonna see some action?”

“Yeah!” Chimed in Molly!

I let out a breath, closed my eyes and laid one on him.

Surprisingly not cringe. No attraction or deep surprised feelings arose. We were both unimpressed.

The girls booed as they were also unimpressed at no sparks flying.

But now it was my turn and it was time to take it up a notch.

“Okay. Riley?”


“Okay. I dare you to kiss Sean.” I said with a grin.

She shrugged her shoulders and gave me a smug look. She leaned over to Sean and puckered up her lips.

“With tongue” I added as she was inches from his face.

She pulled back. She looked at Molly.

“I can’t tell you what to do or not do right? Do what you want.” Molly said.

The anger might be getting pulled off the shelf.

Riley took it as a challenge. She stood up, sat on Sean’s lap. Gingerly placed her hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss.

She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue in. She massaged his tongue with hers and then licked the inside of his upper lip and gave it a playful bite.

The sexual tension was thick. My dick started to tingle. I adjusted my pants to accommodate my growing cock.

Molly saw me shift in my seat. She stood up and pulled Riley off Sean.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

“What?” Protested Riley as she stood up.

“You don’t have to do that to try and piss me off.” Said Molly.

The anger was definitely off the shelf and back in the situation.

“I didn’t do it to piss you off. I did it because I wanted to” replied Riley.

“You wanted to?” Molly asked

“Yes. I want to again.” Riley bent down and kissed Sean again.

Molly pulled her off him once more.


The drunken anger was palpable.

“Don’t tell me what to do! You’re always tell me what to do!” I can do whatever I want!” Replied Riley.

“I wanna have a drink; I’ll have a drink. I wanna kiss a guy, I’ll kiss a guy. I wanna get naked and run around in the cold, I can!” She continued.

Riley lifted her shirt up over her head, revealing her turtleneck underneath.

Molly gave Riley a stern look.

“That’s a great idea Riley. Let’s just all get naked and freeze to death!”

Molly pulled her hoodie off. She was wearing an Under Armor workout shirt underneath.

“Fine!” Riley retorted.

She pulled off her turtleneck and revealed her C cup breasts spilling out of a training bra.

She had a smiley face tattoo on her left torso.

My dick was getting harder.

I looked over to Sean. He was enjoying the show just as much as I was.

We watched in delight as these two beautiful girls were stripping in front of us.

Molly laughed a fake laugh at her girlfriends antics. She wasn’t going to flinch.

Molly pulled her under armor shirt over her head. She was wearing a sport bra.

She opened her arms wide to Riley. A ‘what are you gonna do?’ look on her face. She had no shame. She didn’t care if me and Sean sa.

(We didn’t mind either)

Riley looked at her girlfriend.

“Seriously?” She asked.

“Mmhmm” replied Molly with a devious smile.

Riley looked at me, then Sean, then Molly again.

Sean and I shared a hopeful glance.

Riley stared Molly down. Without breaking eye contact. Riley defiantly unhooked her bra and let their tits be free in the cold mountain air.

Riley had small, dark nipples.

Molly laughed. She matched her girlfriends definite energy and peeled her sports bra off over her head.

Molly’s D sized breasts swung freely in the cold night air. The light from the fire illuminated them beautifully.

Both girls were now topless around the fire.

These girl’s weren’t shy.

Me and Sean sat there, speechless. Enjoying the weirdest relationship fight we’d ever been witness to.

Sean and I clapped and cheered once again.

Both girls snapped out of it and remembered we were there.

They pulled their tops back on, shivering from the cold.

Molly saw our smug faces and wasn’t having any of it.

“Oh, you enjoyed that did you?” Said Molly as she put her hoodie back on.

Me and Sean nodded.

“Your turn now.” She said.

“Oh yeah. Truth or dare. Totally forgot!”
I replied.

“Who should I choose?” I said as I thought of who to ask.

“No” replied Molly.

I looked at her inquisitively.

The game had made a sexual turn and she was so fed up, she was taking us all down with her.

“I mean… your turn” her eyes went from my face to my crotch. She pointed to me and Sean.

“Pull them out.” She instructed.

“Oh! I haven’t seen one in years!” Exclaimed Riley as she sat up at attention. Riley didn’t seem to care anymore either.

Stripping off their clothes had free’d them.

“Really?” Sean asked.

Molly grabbed her boobs over her hoodie.

“Only fair”

Sean and I looked at each other, shared a nod, stood up, and pulled our dicks out.

The cold air wasn’t helping but because I was already semi hard. I was happy with what I was packing.

I didn’t look at Sean’s dick but from the way the girls reacted, it was nothing to complain about.

I was happy for us. Two strapping young men, not afraid to let our manhood show.

The girls started giggling.

I looked down and saw I was sporting a raging hard on.

The excitement of the situation had got me going.

I looked over at Sean and saw his impressive dick was also standing at attention.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Boobs. What are you gonna do?”

Everyone laughed as we started pulling up our pants.

“Uh uh. Hold on!” Said Riley.

We stood there, holding our hard dicks in our hands.

“What?” I said as the cold started creeping in.

“We had our tits out for like a minute.” She replied.

She looked at her watch.

“Another 30 seconds to go”

“Why do you want to keep looking?” I asked.

“That’s a good question” added Molly.

“I don’t care about looking at them.l she said. “It’s so you’ll have chilly willys!” She exclaimed as she lifted her pinky finger and laughed.

“Whatever. It’s not that cold.” Said Sean as he let his pants fall. He put his hands on his hips and let his dick be free.

I followed his lead.

“No no. Just Sean is fine. I don’t want to see your dick again. ” Said Riley nastily.

Embarrassment showered over me.

I pulled my pants back up quickly and sat back down.

“Aww. Don’t be mean!” Protested Molly.

“I’m not! Just honest.” Said Riley.

I felt very self-conscious. Riley was being really mean spirited but I knew she’d seen a fair amount of penises, so that sucked to hear.

Molly leaned over and grabbed my arm.

“Hey. She’s just being a bitch. Don’t worry. You have a nice dick.” She said encouragingly.

“A bitch?!” Yelled Riley.

Molly ignored her.

“Really?” I asked Molly. Needing so reassurance.

“Mmhmmm.” She nodded and squeezed my arm.

I felt better until I turned and saw Sean put his big dick away. Riley clapped for his impressive member and gave him a wolf whistle. He laughed and bowed as he sat down.

Molly looked at it and then back at me.

“Size doesn’t matter. My boobs are bigger than Riley’s.”

“Stop talking about me!” Said Riley as she heard her name.

“Relax!” Replied Molly.

She turned back to me.

“Dick size and boob size are very different things.” I retorted. “Plus. You don’t have to worry about dick size.”

“Sure. That’s true”

She leaned in and whispered in my ear-
“But if I had to choose between you and him. I’d choose you.”

She smiled at me and gave me a wink. I smiled back.

Riley stood up and stomped her foot!

“I know you’re whispering about me!” She said.

Molly laughed.

“Honestly. We weren’t!” She said, trying to calm Riley.

“Why were you whispering?”

“She wasn’t talking about you.” I countered.

“What we’re you talking about then?” She asked angrily.

“You really wanna know?” Asked Molly. Now fully over her girlfriend’s antics.

“Yes!” Replied Riley.

Molly let out an angry sigh.

“Fine! I was telling him that I liked his dick, okay?!”

Riley looked confused. This is not what she was expecting.

“What?” She asked.

Molly let out another sigh.

“You were being mean to him and I was trying to make him feel better. And honestly, after tonight and how terrible you’ve been, I might prefer him to you!” Molly let out.

That one cut Riley deep.

“Oh yeah? You like him so much? You like his dick so much? Why don’t you just fuck him instead of me tonight?!” Yelled Riley.

“Hey, hey, hey. Keep it down. There’s other campers around here.” Said Sean. Trying to calm the situation.

Molly shook her head at her girlfriend’s behavior. She was officially over it.

“You know what?” Molly said as she stood up.

“Maybe I will.”

She grabbed my hand, pulled me out of my chair and led me to her tent. We climbed in and she zipped the it closed.

She crossed her legs as she sat down and put her head in her hands.

“Are you all right?” I asked, after a few minutes of silence.

She looked up at me. Her face was sad.

“She’s so nasty sometimes.” She said.

“She always jealous and suspicious. She doesn’t trust me. ”

She sniffed and took a breath.

I didn’t respond. I gave her room to keep venting.

“She’s just insecure I think.” She continued.

“But that doesn’t mean she has to be so mean to me. Or to you.”

She looked at me and grabbed my hand.

“Sorry again. The game was fun until the end there.” She said.

“That’s okay.” I said.

“No, it’s not. She was mean.” She patted my hand and gave it a squeeze.

I gave her a half smile. It was a nice gesture.

Her shoulders relaxed now that she’d got her frustration out. She pushed her hair behind her ears and wiped her face.

We looked at each other. Both feeling safe and comforted.

We embraced and it was a nice moment. The hug lingered like the one she gave me earlier.

It felt like more than a friendly hug.

She rested her head on my chest and we held each other.

She lifted her head up and looked at me as we continued to hold each other.

We shared a sweet kiss.

She pulled away and looked me in the eye.

“I meant what I said too.” She said. In a more serious tone than I was expecting.

“Oh, sure.” I said.

She let go of me and sat up. Intent to get her point across.

“No, I mean it. His dick is bigger, but yours is prettier.” She replied.


“Yeah. It’s nice.”

“Hah. Thanks I guess.”

We shared another smile. I took advantage of the moment.

“Your boobs are amazing too by the way.” I said.

“Oh shut up.” She tried to wave away the complement but couldn’t hide her smile.

“Seriously. A+ tits.” I said with a cheeky grin.

She pushed her chest out before taking a small bow.

We laughed.

She smiled at me.

“Thanks for making me feel better.” She said.

“You’re welcome. You too!” I replied.

“Wanna go back outside?” I asked encouragingly.

“Ugh! I guess so.” She replied.

She paused.

“What is that?”

Music had started playing.

I heard Sean say something in a hushed tone I couldn’t make it out. It sounded like he said –

“want to go to ikea”

But that couldn’t be right.

“What are they doing out there?” Asked Molly.

I looked out the tent window. Riley was dancing to the music around the fire… taking of her clothes once again.

Sean was stuck in his seat. He kept offering to cover her but she kept throwing off her clothes.

Oohhhh! ‘not a good idea!’ I thought to myself.

“Ummm. I think Riley’s had too much.” I said.

Molly looked and saw her girlfriend stripping in front of Sean.

“Oh my god!” Exclaimed Molly.

She stood up, unzipped the tent and poked her head out.

“Riley June Morris! Get in here right now!” yelled Molly.

Riley jumped with a start. She looked at Molly and poked her tongue out at her.

“Riley! Come here!” Yelled Molly again.

Riley kept drunkenly refusing. Now in just a bra and sweatpants.

“No!” She said stubbornly.

“C’mon Riley. I don’t want you catching a cold.” Molly pleaded.

Riley took a few steps towards us.

“No! That’s your sex tent right? You went in there to have sex. Why aren’t you having sex?”

“That was a joke. Obviously.” Said Molly.

“Oh yeah? Was it a joke when you called his penis pretty?”

Molly was taken aback.

“What?” She asked.

Riley took another step forward in anger.

“I heard you!” Replied Riley.

“I came over to apologize and I heard you telling him his dick was pretty and he told you you that you had nice tits!” Replied Riley.

Molly’s eyes went wide.

“I heard you! So I went and asked Sean if he thought I had nice titties. And you know what?He said I did!”

Sean looked at me. Smiling a guilty smile.

Molly tried to interject.


“No!” Replied Riley. “I don’t want to hear it! I’m going to go spend time with people that actually wanna be around me!”

Molly and I watched as she walked back over to Sean.

She turned and looked at Molly. She raised her eyebrows.

Molly stared at her.

Riley smiled as she hooked her thumbs in her pants and lowered them. She kicked them off and was now standing by the fire in just her bra and panties.

She then lowered herself on Sean and started giving him a lap dance.

She laughed as she enjoyed the look on her girlfriend’s face.

“I you do what you want, and I’ll do what I want.” Said Riley smugly as she continued to grind into Sean.

Molly shook her head.

Riley unhooked her bra and pulled it off.

This was wild!

“Fuck it!” said Molly.

She looked at me.

“Will you do me a favor?” She asked.

I looked at her, then Riley, then Sean.

Sean and I locked eyes. We were pawns in this game but we were happy to play. We gave each other a wink and a cheeky smile.

I looked back to Molly.

I was ready for whatever was going to happen.

“Fuck it! Let’s do it.” I said.

Molly smiled and started unbuttoning my pants. I stood there as she pulled them down and pulled my dick out.

She got on her knees and held it in front of her face. Making sure Riley got a good view. She looked at Riley as she held my dick like it was a loaded gun.

Riley was watching. She was mad. But things were escalating and now it was a challenge to rise to.

She grabbed Sean’s hands and put them on her tits as she kept gyrating on him.

Molly opened her mouth and moved an inch away from my hard cock.

Riley kept dry humping Sean.

Molly looked up at me.

“Is this okay?” She asked.

I nodded.

She struck out her tongue and licked the top of my dick.

Riley stood up and let out an exclamation of shock.

She turned around, got on her knees and started unbuttoning Sean’s pants.

This was wild! But not uncommon for these girls. This was a typical Tuesday. With one difference. They were doing it out of spite, not love.

It felt weird. They weren’t doing it because they wanted to. They were doing it to upset each other.

I thought I would like being used but the fantasy was quickly washed away by reality.

You’d think a hot girl licking your dick would be good in any situation. But as me and Sean looked at each other, we both weren’t feeling it.

We stopped the girls and stood them up. We turned off the music, got them clothed and put them to bed.

Molly thanked me as she was falling asleep.

The next morning was awkward as the girls came out for breakfast.

Sean offered them coffee and we sat around the campfire silently.

It started to lightly snow. It felt cleansing, like it was washing away the events of the night before.

We finished our coffees and packed up the camp quickly to get out of the cold.

We said bye to Molly as Riley waited in the car.

Molly thanked us again before they left.

Sean and I talked about how wild the night before had been and decided what happened on the mountain, stayed on the mountain.

We saw Molly and Riley about a week later at a friend’s party.

Molly pulled me aside and told what had happened after they left.

Her and Riley had talked it out and forgiven each other. And they had talked about how Sean and I had been such gentlemen and how Riley trusted us and wasn’t suspicious of us being friends with Molly anymore.

It was nice that there wasn’t any issues or anything.

Riley came up to me at the party later and gave me a big friendly hug and thanked me for being so nice and understanding.

She apologized for putting us in the middle of their fight and apologized if she had ruined the camping trip.

I said she hadn’t and we were all good. She smiled and leaned in and gave me another hug.

She whispered in my ear.

“You do have a nice dick by the way. Sorry for being mean.”

I laughed.

“No worries.”

She looked at me seriously.

“No, I mean it. And we want to make it up to you.” She said sweetly.

“We?” I asked.

Riley took my hand and led me to the guest room.

Sean and Molly were in there. Sean was seated and Molly was standing, waiting for us.

“Oh good!” She exclaimed as we walked in.
She instructed me to sit down next to Sean. Riley shut the door behind her and locked it.

The two girls stood in front of us.

“We were taking and felt so bad about the camping trip.” Said Molly.

“No worries.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Added Sean.

“No, seriously! You guys were such gentlemen and treated us so well.” Said Riley.

She looked at Molly and smiled. Molly smiled back.

“We wanted to return the favor and finish what we started.” Said Riley.

The girls giggled as they nodded to each other and pulled their shirts over their heads. They weren’t wearing bras. They had planned this.

They got on their knees. Molly in front of me, and Riley in front of Sean.

“Are you sure?” I whispered.

The girls nodded and smiled.

“Mmhmm. And we need the practice.” Riley replied sensually.

They went to work. They pulled out dicks out and sucked us off as they held hands. Riley attacked Sean’s dick. Molly treated me more gingerly.

They did a good job and we came quickly.

They swallowed and thanked us again.

“No, thank you!” I said. Sean nodded in agreement.

The girls smiled and got dressed

We talked afterwards and decided to definitely get together again.

We’re all getting together for SuperBowl Sunday. Hopefully there’s not too much watching football and more playing together.


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