Fine Print [M40s/F23(softly F30s/F23)][Exhibition][Public Humiliation][Public Nudity][Free-Use][Mdom/Fsub][Fdom/Fsub]

The ‘uniform’ hung in front of her, barely less fabric than her bikini in senior year. It was nothing like what the other maids she saw on site had – the denim-blue shapeless dress or button-down and matching pants, combined with a thick linen apron, gloves and a variety of shoes definitely not stipulated by the contract.


Not like her uniform, where whoever designed it clearly forgot that clothing was supposed to be covering the body. The lace-decorated stilettos were worrisome enough already, since she wasn’t sure how she’d be able to walk in this set. The white garter belt and stockings, sheer to the point of being more bits of lace attached to pearlescent tissue, were not much better, but that was nothing compared to the actual ‘uniform’ portion of the outfit.


There in front of her hung an apron, sheer enough where she could see the hanger and wall behind the fabric. The thing would barely cover from her nipples to her thighs, and certainly did not cover anything beyond the square right in front of her. It wouldn’t be so bad though if there was anything else to go with it.


There had to be another piece missing, a dress or another set of aprons meant to cover this! Even a bikini!


Erica always heard the phrase ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’, but this was ridiculous.


And getting a position as a maid at the Heirich manor was turning out to be the case here.


“This is a sick joke,” she mumbled, looking back at the assistant who led her into the changing room. “I saw the uniforms the rest of the maid staff were wearing, and it was sure as hell not this-”


“Correction, you saw the ‘cleaners’ uniforms, Miss Peabody,” the assistant stopped her rant, holding up a perfectly manicured hand as she explained, “You were hired on as a ‘maid’, specifically a ‘personal maid’ for Mr. Heirich, am I correct?”


“Well… Yes,” Erica muttered, standing up to get closer to the diaphanous cloth that was supposed to make up her outfit. It didn’t help going over the stipulations with the assistant prior to coming into the lavish changing room, where she had to remove all her articles. After all, considering Heirich handled extensive experimental tech in-office, it made sense to make sure all employees would have a full-on change of clothes and underwent a security check to make sure nothing leaked.


Of course, she knew about that part prior to this, and brought a cute extra bra-and-panty set, one with strawberries, to both congratulate herself as well as to look nice in the company changing room. Considering the uniform though, she had a strong feeling the panties and bra were not part of the ‘uniform’.


“… You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” Erica asked, face as red as a strawberry, as she turned her glare to the assistant. “This is some weird hazing thing? Ask the new girl to strip down and wear something dumb and humiliating so everyone can get a good laugh? This is really messed up and cruel, you know!”


The assistant shook her head, pulling a tablet off of the clipboard she held so close to herself. Not that she had any reason to be embarrassed, she had a very slick suit-dress with dark tights and yeah, heels, but actual dark-red heels instead of the stilettos that would keep Erica from moving too quickly. She flipped open the tablet with a pass of a perfectly manicured thumb before turning it to her, the contract up in full.


“It’s all part of the fine print, Miss Peabody,” The assistant said, tapping at the mash of words she barely bothered to glance at.


After all, she was so excited to hear not just her salary, but her signing bonus for just coming in. Five thousand dollars upfront was more than enough to cover her rent, and making an additional two thousand a week? For what sounded like the same cleaning gig she was barely making minimum wage on?


How could she say no to that?


“As per the role of Mr. Edwin Heirich’s personal maid, you will be given a specialty uniform, consisting of appropriate footwear, delicates and a one-piece body piece in the form of an… Apron…” Erica’s mumbles trailed off, as she read outloud the outfit stipulated.




Yeah, she was barred from underwear in the suit too, as she rightfully assumed.


And, reading on, it wasn’t the worst of it. The role, as she looked it over, was much less of what she would conceive of for a ‘maid’. Well, she’d have a feather duster of course, to use for both ‘light polishing’ as well as part of her costume. There were other potential ‘tools’ listed too, definitely not ones that would help in cleaning though.


In the back of her mind, she had to admit the plug would probably be a little help for that, and keeping fluids in–


Her face fluorescent, she turned back to the assistant. “There’s been a horrible misunderstanding, ma’am. I went in for the cleaner position-”


“Indeed you did,” The assistant said, interrupting Erica once again. She stepped closer, her heels muffled by the plush carpet of the changing room, but still her movements were almost imposing, lioness-like as she loomed over the shorter Erica, her long red hair dangling enough to touch Erica’s chest, “However, we found that while you didn’t meet the criteria for cleaning staff at the Heirich manor, you did meet the physical and mental qualifications for the ‘maid’ position. Wouldn’t you say so though, Miss Peabody? That you did agree to be an agreeable, pleasant and social young lady as stated in your personality quiz?”


“Y-yes, of course,” Erica stammered, trying very hard not to look the assistant in the eye. She wasn’t sure if she could even shove the red lock of hair off her chest, or step back so she wasn’t closed in by the much taller woman with sharp eyes and a subtle smile, more of an upward turn of her lips. “B-but… It’s just much more than I expected, and I know it’s on me, but-” She swallowed, arms covering her chest with the tablet in an attempt to look smaller, “M-maybe I should just. Back out before I get in too deep?”


“… Perhaps you should continue reading the contract further,” the assistant said, her long finger dipping down to pull the tablet away from her body, “After all, it would be cruel to ask a young woman such as you to pay back the initial five thousand dollar payment for your sign-on bonus, wouldn’t it? Or lose out on your first day bonus, for that matter?”


Shit. Again. Yeah, most of that money was good and spent, between her apartment, filling her fridge and cabinets with something, and finally getting the weird ‘clunk’ of her car checked. And she definitely would miss out on her ‘first day bonus’.


Well, if there was anything that could be said about Edwin Heirich, he paid his staff brilliantly. Even the initial ‘cleaning staff’ wages on LinkedIn were beating the hell out of anything else in the cleaning services range. Her gaze swapped from the statuesque woman staring her down to the hanging tissue, and back to her in a fluster, before she could finally ask, “What’s… The first day bonus?”


“Same as any Heirich Industrials employee,” The assistant said, tilting her head with a sharp smile, “Double any sign-on bonus or first-day wages, typically whichever is cheaper but in your case, it will be the more costly. After all, Mr. Heirich has been looking for a new maid for a long time, since his last one received a promotion.”


“I… See,” Erica mumbled. Ten thousand dollars. Ten. Fucking. Thousand dollars. Yeah, she was gonna do this. She was going to accept whatever was on that contract, as well as that piece of tissue uniform she was going to be stuck in, because paying off a massive chunk of her student loans took priority. Hell, it was enough money to even have fun with.


She could get a new car.


An actual new one, instead of a lemon that still had no rearview camera.


Mustering up her confidence, Erica nodded, “I think I will be.” She tried to work the words out of her mouth, trying so hard to spit them out, “Changing. For work, now.”


“Excellent!” The assistant clapped her hands together, finally stepping back enough to give Erica a breath. As she walked out, she turned over her shoulder, “And remember, Miss Peabody, that is your entire uniform. No adding additional pieces!”


“R-right,” Erica said, giving a soft wave to shoo the assistant out the door. “No. Underwear or bra, just all this. Yes, ma’am.”


Ten thousand dollars. She just had to remind herself of the money, and just. Hope maybe it looked more covering after it was on! Maybe it wasn’t nearly as scanty as it looked!




The heels were indeed just high enough where Erica couldn’t run or walk quickly, keeping her right on her tip-toes. The stockings were not much better, just the slightest hint of creamy white over her skin, besides the lacy top highlighting nearly the full length of her legs and the very bottom of the apron’s ruffle sheering against them.


Not that the apron mattered.


The apron was as she saw on the hanger but even worse than she expected. Her rosy nipples poked over the top, as hard as she tried to cover her heavy bust. It ruched in the middle, tight against her breasts but hanging over her slim torso even with how the ribbon tied around the back, before dangling just barely over her pussy. Barely. Every step showed her fresh-shaved pussy, pink and, much to her embarrassment, wet. She could feel the slickness all over her lips, maybe even by the tops of her legs.


There were few other accessories, although no underwear or even pasties. A little lace hat went on top of her curly blond hair – no longer tied up as the scrunchy was not ‘part of work apparel’ and she couldn’t risk any loss to the money if she was going this far – but now hanging around her face in messy waves. The cufflinks attached to nothing, but they felt thick and solid, almost like something was beneath them.


Maybe some sort of monitoring bracelet while she was here? Maybe, the darker part of her mind added, some form of bondage cuff waiting for a chain or a latch to hang her to?


And of course, there was the feather duster. The one normal part of the whole kit, that she now held right in front of her groin in some failed attempt at protecting her dignity. It didn’t help the occasional lash of a feather against exposed skin with every few steps, from how the apron rucked up and pulled down with every move and left her more exposed.


As Erica exited the changing room, she could see the assistant standing by. Without even saying a word of welcome, she walked right back over to Erica, the click of her heels on tile so prominent now. Erica bit her lip, afraid to ask but still clinging to hope the woman would cackle, call her a dumbass, and toss her back in with an actual uniform and it would turn out to be a weird little game that the rich like to play.


Instead though, she sauntered around her in a circle, appraising Erica, raking over every inch of her exposed, reddening skin. She grabbed Erica’s arm, forcing the hand with the feather duster down before she could do more than squeak in panic. “Mustn’t cover yourself up, Miss Peabody,” she scolded, glancing downwards, “But a commendable job, coming in fully prepared without any requests. You’re already a step ahead.”


She could feel the twitch of her clit, how her pussy burned from feeling the exposed air after the slight teases of feather. “Y-” Erica swallowed, trying to suppress a building whimper, “Yes ma’am, I’ll remember that.”


As she continued her walk, she reached back to the tie around Erica’s apron, ‘tsking’ softly before undoing it, “We’ll have to teach you how to tie a ribbon properly, however.”


Erica’s hands twitched, as she could feel the apron falling, the tight press against her chest coming loose as well as falling away from her skin. It took her everything not to cover her breasts and pussy up, feeling herself going from practically naked to actually naked for those perilous seconds, feeling her body bloom hotter from those moments.


Was anyone else watching this? She couldn’t see any other cleaners or support staff around, but there had to be cameras watching as she was stripped and redressed right in the middle of a hallway, one with open, wide halls and massive windows overlooking the garden grounds. Anyone who walked by could see her like this, even before she had a boyfriend or girlfriend, or anyone intimate!


Any one besides the assistant, who finally deigned to tie the apron back onto her, the fabric tightening over her exposed skin and long lashes of ribbon running parallel over her ass instead of how she tried to cover up slightly with the thicker apron ribbons. “Now you look suitable,” the assistant said, her fingers darting all over Erica’s body for a second.


Her nails tracked along the soft skin of Erica’s breasts as she adjusted the top, barely ghosting by her pussy lips as she shifted the bottom. Her sides, the tops of her thighs, even her back was not spared from the little touches, even as Erica tried to muffle the soft whimpers, a soft “mph-” escaping as the apron fell back against her pussy from one last adjustment.


The assistant paused, before smiling down at Erica. “I can see exactly why you were hired, dear Miss Peabody,” she teased, her fingers still holding her apron, the heat of her hand close enough where Erica could feel it, “You are meant to entertain Mr. Heirich, however I will keep this in mind.”


Her mind just whirled at the comment. A flirt? A threat? A promise? Each one made her squirm even more as she considered the question of who was Mr. Heirich’s last ‘maid’ in the back of her mind, even after the assistant appraised her.


She walked ahead, curling her finger as if to say ‘come along’ as she led Erica along. If she heard the little moan that Erica gave at the sight of the finger, her overwhelmed mind thinking of that contact within her, she paid Erica no mind as she led her slowly to Mr. Heirich’s office.


It was truly slowly too, considering how inexperienced Erica was with the heels. She expected to be scolded for this, but if anything it felt like the assistant took her sweet time and allowed them to linger as they walked the halls. With every step, she could feel eyes raking over her now, first passing the actual cleaning staff and the other girls who were on the first-day sign-on. Some glared at her, others watched slack-jawed.


“Damn, no one is gonna believe me…” She heard one girl mutter, another nodding beside her. Their eyes did not leave Erica’s body as she walked by, not even talking to her properly but about her instead.


Not that the next set helped, a pair of large bodyguards standing outside of an office. The pair wore sunglasses along with their crisp suits, but she could see how their faces tilted to focus on her, just as the assistant stopped her. “I will need to check with Mr. Heirich,” she said, “must make sure you won’t be interrupting something of consequence.”


“O-of course,” Erica whispered, standing right where the assistant left her. She wasn’t sure if she could try to cover herself, watching the two men now staring intently at her, even more so than the assistant at her first glance. One, the younger of the pair with spiked hair, licked his lip as he watched her, face very clearly bouncing between her breasts and pussy, while the other kept his focus.


The momentary pause of the assistant stepping away to talk to Mr. Heirich lingered, taking on more time. She didn’t have her phone nor a watch while she was here, completely at a loss of how much time was progressing and not sure what to do but fidget. From here, she could see the polished doors of the office acting almost like a mirror, shining just enough where she could see herself.


Her skin was stained red, not just her cheeks but her shoulders, the tops of her breasts, and down to her dripping cunt. And god, it was truly shimmering with her own juices, as were the tops of her legs right to the laced tops of the stocking. Everyone must have realized what she was here for, especially after being paraded around and left to be leered at by older men who were very appreciative of the eye candy.


The door cracked open, snapping her out of her flustered self-examination. There stood the assistant with her new boss, Mr. Edwin Heirich himself with salt-and-pepper dark hair and piercing dark eyes. He smiled appreciatively, glancing at her once-over as he stepped aside. “I can see why Helena spoke so highly of you, Erica,” he said, allowing her to enter. As she tried to cut down the tremble of her legs, she could see the luxurious office, the tall wooden desk covered in computer hardware and paperwork as well as the plush couches surrounding a coffee table.


The assistant – Helena, but it felt so personal to call her by her first name – nodded to Mr. Heirich, “I believe I should start making arrangements for your appointments today, Mr. Heirich. After all, it appears you’ll have quite a bit on your plate.”


“Indeed,” Mr. Heirich said, smiling down at Helena. Even with her heels and height, she barely came up to his chin. God, Erica felt dwarfed by the man, clearly built with how his suit flexed underneath and tall, the only sign of his age being the slight speckling of white mixed in his hair and beard. “Be sure to make a hotel booking as well, please? I’m currently thinking… The Conrad would be good.”


“The Conrad?” She smiled, a hand coming up to her chest before nodding, “I will make the arrangements right away. Let me know if there will be any further addendums as well, Mr. Heirich.”


Helena slipped out shortly after, Erica catching the slightest hint of a blush over her cheeks as she made her way out. Maybe if she could form thoughts beyond her own fluster, she could connect the dots. But right now, all she could think was how little she wore, and how much Mr. Heirich towered over her own tiny frame. She tried her best to stay quiet, keeping the feather duster right at her side as he looked her over.


“Ah, I see you have some cleaning supplies!” Mr. Heirich beamed, glancing down to her hand. “Just as well too, after all you should have a good idea of your duties.”


“F-fulfill whatever you request, Mr. H-Heirich,” Erica mumbled, the words catching in her tongue.


“Indeed, indeed…” he nodded, trailing off as he sat back down in the lux leather computer chair in front of his desk. “Actually, you know what I would like for a first sample?” Her body clenched, in anticipation, every debauched thought playing in her mind at once, only for him to pat his computer desk, “Let’s see how you can work your feather duster. Please, some light cleaning throughout the office Erica?”




Immediately calmed the errant heartbeat of her chest. Maybe it wasn’t nearly as saucy as she was led to believe? Maybe he just was a little fetish-y but wanted a personal cleaner on top of the building-wide staff? With a nod, Erica started going to work.


Of course, there was little in the way of actual dust in the office. Whoever actually was meant as a cleaner instead of a ‘maid’ must have seen to it. Still, she went through every nook and cranny, flitting about the room and catching what she could with her uneven steps. At first, she almost felt relieved with the low-level task she was given.


Until she realized how his eyes followed her every move. And followed downward every time she bent, focusing on the low slope of her breasts dangling down even with the apron pressing them upwards. Or between her legs, eyes following the split of her pussy and ass, possibly even the hot pink lips inside, since she could feel how her cunt leaked and clit ached with every movement.


More so with remembering she was being watched.


“You were ranked in college Junior Varsity for swimming, according to your application?” he asked, his attention clearly focused downwards, “Do you still swim?”


“N-no sir…” She mumbled, “Haven’t been able to afford a pool pass for the past two years… I just have to stick to jogging and home-cardio training.” Why was she giving away so much information? Why did she feel like he needed to know why her legs and ass were so strong, even with the plush dip of her hips and tits, or her puffy pussy for that matter.


He ‘tsked’, “Pity that. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do something to amend the situation… Ah, please take care of my desk as well, dear? It’s awfully dusty.” He waved over, sliding his chair just the slightest bit left for her to come over.


Erica paused, needing a moment to hammer in her own confidence. She walked over, already sure of what she’d need to do. After all, the desk wasn’t overtly high, and if she was to clean it while next to Mr. Heirich, she would need to bend over right beside him. As she bent over, her breasts just barely touching the table, she could hear the satisfied hum of her new employer right next to her. Of course, the feather duster went, gliding carefully over the motley of keyboards, esoteric metallic pieces and awards over the top of the surface.


She could focus on this, passing her duster over the massive glass prism announcing him as ‘Tech Innovator of the Year’ with little pause. As long as she focused on this, she could do it well, and that’s what she needed to do for that ten thousand dollar payout right?


Just focus on the table.


And not on the hand now pressing on her inner thigh, teasing at the soaked top lace of her stocking. “You seem rather excitable, Erica,” Mr. Heirich teased, his fingertips brushing along her skin enough to draw out a gasp. “No need to overthink it, my dear, just continue until you no longer can.”


“Y-yessir,” she mumbled, one hand pressing to the desk for balance as she continued. After all, she was meant to dust, and so many things on this desk looked so delicate especially the monitor she currently brushed tidy.


It would do no good to suddenly stop, as those thick fingers moved upwards, glancing against her soaked lips. His fingers pressed against her pussy, rubbing her outer lips very firmly but softly. “You have a good eye for detail, it appears… And so determined, as well.”


“Y-Ye-eah-” Her words choked into a moan as one finger slipped between her hot, soaking lips, brushing soothingly upwards. She could do nothing for the next one, as soon as he made contact with her clit and brushed directly against the nub, even if she kept her focus. Erica wanted to hitch her hips back, rock against that finger but first she had her job to do.


The feather duster barely brushed against something bizarre, a pile of open cables surrounding a motherboard? Not that she could think more, not with every rub of his finger against her clit, turning from a light rub to a circular movement with the tip of two fingers.


“Good job, avoiding the motherboard itself,” He purred, leaning up just enough to whisper in her ear. Even sitting, he still loomed over her, enough where she could feel his mass against her nearly-naked body, before those fingers sadly moved away from her clit. “But I am a selfish man, you understand… It’s hard not to be when you’re a billionaire, and I want to check something.”


“Che-eh-fuck-” Before she could even ask, two fingers twinned up right into her soaking cunt, curling upwards. The fingers – calloused, hard, big and long, and scissoring so they pressed deep inside her – sank in, brushing against the tender flesh of her g-spot for just enough to force her to stop her feeble attempts at dusting. Not when she needed to clutch the desk for dear life, feeling him flex his hand back and forth out of her.


Those fingers pistoned hard, his body pressing her into the desk enough where she could feel the glossy coat of the table on her naked skin. The useless skirt of the apron ruched up, leaving her pussy exposed to his fingering as her clit now brushed the edge of the desk with each thrust.


Fuck, she could feel the orgasm building up, hot and hard, after so many eyes fucking her and feeling Mr. Heirich deep within her pussy. And these were just his fingers that sent her hurtling over the edge to a needed orgasm, one that called for her since she stepped out of that dressing room with her naked pussy barely hidden by some diaphanous ruffles.


The bliss tangled in her mind, as she could feel herself leaking down his fingers, gasping out Mr. Heirich’s name desperately with each pull and touch and brush inwards, yanking more of her orgasm out of her aching core. She had no idea when he finally relented, allowing her to stop against the desk with a twitch as he finally drew himself out of her pussy.


“Very good show, my dear,” he said, holding his now soaked hand to her lips. Erica stared up blearily, before connecting the dots and lapping her fluids from his hand. Mr. Heirich hummed in appreciation, “And very quick to the uptake too… But you know what’s next, right?”


“N-next?” Erica asked.


Mr Heirich turned, his massive cock very clearly tenting the fine suit he wore. “As I said before, Erica,” he taunted, sitting back, “I am a very selfish man… And after I made sure your pussy would fit my interests, it’s now my turn.”


His… Turn.


Oh dear.


The blush started up once again, as she wobbled back up onto her feet. “S-should I… Get to my knees?” She asked, already preparing to start sucking. After all, with how her pussy quaked, she wasn’t sure if she could handle another orgasm like that.


Still, he did not relent, as Mr. Heirich shook his head. “Maybe next time, dear Erica… For now though, what I want is to sink myself in your wet little cunt and savor it for as long as I want. And seeing as your job as my maid to fulfill my requests?” He leaned back in his chair, unzipping the thick length in one hit.


The cock bobbed, coming to full mast. Erica found herself trembling, pussy clenching around air at the thought. It certainly beat out any toys she was able to afford, and it pulsed in her hand as she braced herself to get in close, climbing up onto his lap.


The seat was certainly large enough for two, even if she had to brace her knees around his waist. Of course, Mr. Heirich helped, turning her to face away from him as he helped line her red little cunt to the tip of his cock. Her mind tried to argue against it, how she just came, how this had to be illegal, how he didn’t even have a condom on his member, but still she drew herself down.


It was no longer about that big payoff later today, but because how much her mind craved this, getting the fucking everyone around threatened her with since she came to the building. Allowing Mr. Heirich to really enjoy his maid, as she sank down to encompass his cock with one careful roll of her hips.


She whimpered, blond hair pooling against Mr. Heirich’s shoulder as she writhed. Everything was down to feeling, with how her body pulsed with need, and how she could feel the soft flutter of the apron falling from her waist, as Mr. Heirich tugged the ribbon tie open. “There we go… Helena knows exactly what I like, and it looks like you do too…” He whispered in her ear, before his hands went to her hips.


Erica realized she wouldn’t need to fuck back into Mr. Heirich, as his hands grasped her. Not with how he suddenly started pumping her, drawing needy, gasping screams from her throat as her over-loaded pussy started careening for a second orgasm now that she was fucked like the little toy she was meant to be. He pumped into her, watching her in the mirror across the door as her tits bounced up and down, free from the apron’s very slight concealment and now completely naked.


Her attention was so focused on the mirror, she forgot it was a door until the entrance opened once again, with Helena standing right in the entranceway as well as the two guards from before. “Don’t think of covering yourself,” Mr. Heirich whispered into her ear, as he continued to pump her on himself, leaving her bouncing so hard she could feel the little lace hat fall. His attention went right back to Helena, “We… We’ll need to update the Cyprus-Cox engine, I think I have an idea to bring up with the lab later.”


“Of course, Mr. Heirich,” Helena said, noting it down, “I know the boys down in engineering have been pushing for this–”


They talked of machines and engines, as he kept fucking her stupid. Even with his cock inside her, it was almost like nothing to him while he bounced Erica, her hands grasping at the arms of his seat for any sort of leverage. Not that she didn’t try either, rocking herself back against him, trying to clench in time to the jackhammer thrusting that left her toes curling.


It didn’t help how everyone could watch as her second orgasm started crackling over her frame, her eyes focusing on how the guards smirked, how Helena delighted in the sight of her being Mr. Heirich’s personal whore. She couldn’t think more after that second orgasm, the thrusting still unabated even with how her body trembled and mind crackled from overstimulation.


Little orgasms, stinging and shivering, ran through her with every thrust, especially with how Mr. Heirich’s finger tracked down. “You… Did a good job, Helena, once again,” he muttered, “We’re… Definitely going to have a shared session with her… She was even eager to suck my dick, and she’ll look amazing against your cunt…”


“I would hope so, Mr. Heirich,” Helena said, teasing the edge of her skirt, a blush over her cheeks, “She is quite a fun little toy to tease too. I look forward to breaking her for you.”


“See…” Mr. Heirich’s inhale over Erica’s shoulder, as well as the twitch of his hips, were signs of his own closeness. “See that you do, Helena. You’re going to be an amazing little maid, Erica-”


His fingers teased her clit as his orgasm hit, sending one final rush of passion through Erica’s frame. The thick hot cum filled her, heat soaking through every inch of her pussy as the pulse of her twitching clit and cunt wracked over her slight frame once again. There weren’t words coming out of Erica’s mouth or mind at this point, only lust, that all-encompassing lust of having her brain fucked out and left like the toy she was hired to be.


She barely remembered the rest of the day, a haze of being a twitching mess on Mr. Heirich’s lap as a soaking sheath for his cock, dangling over his desk as he held one of her breasts in his palms in the midst of negotiations.


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