I have sucked two cocks today and it’s not even lunch time [MF]

This morning I woke up to texts from one of my FWB asking me to over and hook up. He also sent a picture of his hard cock. I didn’t want to disappointed so I rushed to get ready for work and then went to his house. We didn’t have a lot of time so I got to work right away. I have his a quick blowjob, and swallowed his cum. That was my breakfast. Then I got to work, got settled in and began my day. About two hours later the coworker I’ve been hooking up with wanted me to come with him to get coffee. So I sucked his cock in the car. Honestly I feel amazing. I’m incredibly horny, and told my coworker I’m going to bed him to fuck me later, but other than that I feel so good and sexy. Sucking cock is the best way for me to start my day and I got to do it twice and get two delicious loads.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/118c1qr/i_have_sucked_two_cocks_today_and_its_not_even

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