A Night of Free Use (part 2.5) [M22|F29,39,26,19,19] [Femdom] [Free-Use] [Anal] [Spit Roasting] [Body-Writng]

(Part 3 of this story is coming out soon, but there were to many things to explore where “Training Day” left off. So here are a few short vignettes. Check out the previous two parts on my page)


“Your first night must have been real fun. It was all the patrons could talk about for the next few days. ‘Oh the new server is going to be very popular’ ‘Have you tried out the new boy-toy, very special piece of ass'” a little bit of jealousy came across in my coworker’s voice. It was early in the shift and we were going to be working the bar together. He was wearing a tightly fitted white button down shirt that was cropped just above his stomach, a pink bow-tie, a thong that crept up his hips, and high boots on his feet.

I was still walking funny from that evening. “I enjoyed most of it. Though there are some customers I’m a little scared to see around the lounge.” Mistress Christina had dressed me similarly to that night, black short shorts and thin suspenders. It was her favorite look on he at the moment. Though she added a few touches, you could see the bands of my g-string poking out above the waist line of the shorts and around my neck was a thin black tie. She also had me stop wearing contracts and start wearing my thick glasses again.

I could still hear her voice in my head, ‘Never stop wearing these!” she said as I looked up at her from the floor, saliva running down my face from the nightly strap cleanings she demanded before I could clock out. ‘They make your eyes look so big and pathetic, especially when they water like that!’My co-worker snapped me out of my momentary distraction, “Hey we have glasses to clean before the night begins.” I picked up a martini-glass and began scrubbing the inside. “So do you have any stories? Any experience that jumped out at you during that first night?”I thought for a moment before responding, “I have a couple…”


One of the earlier women made a large impression on me. In the darkness of the room, I could hear every movement, every breath, every giggle she made as she got ready to fuck me senseless again. I could hear her putting on the strap when she spoke up, “So what were you up to before they recruited you here.” Her voice was soft and inviting, though I couldn’t see her in the darkness, I’m pretty sure she was a middle aged woman.

“I am a poli-sci major at State College.” I responded.

“What are you studying specifically, cutie?” her sweet voice was rather comforting, it took away a lot of the fear Mistress Christina had filled me with.

“My thesis is on how gender representation effects response to constituent demands.” I desperately wanted her to be impressed with me for some reason.

Her hand grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks and pushing my lips out. Her hand was surprisingly strong. “How ironic!” She laughed in my face, “and what have you found so far?”

Her hand still tightly on my jaw made it hard to talk, in a mumble I responded, “Well generally bodies with more women in them tend to have a higher degree on sensitivity to the demand of constituents.”

“Now that’s really funny, cause I’m a woman, and I don’t give a single fuck what you think.” As those words came from her mouth, she spit right onto my face. Her hawked saliva dripped down my cheek and ran into my mouth still being kept open my her strong grip. “How about you leave the talking and thinking to us for now. Now keep that useless trap open.” all the sweetness had now drained out of her voice and had been replaced by a cold demanding tone that was impossible to disobey.

When she let go of my face I dutifully kept my mouth open. She wasted no time shoving something made of clothe in my mouth, stuffing it deeper so it touched the back of my throat. I let out a muffled shout, but she held the garment in my mouth with her hand, “Trust me, don’t try and spit it out or you will be a very sorry and soar little whore.”

Suddenly my ass was filled with plastic. I moaned through the clothe in my mouth. “You should be lucky to get to sniff my thong like that bitch. People on the internet have paid a lot for the same experience you are getting right now.”

She wasted no time getting up to pace. The slapping of her pelvis against my ass was booming throughout the room. I kept moaning through her panties stuffed halfway down my throat as she jack hammered away at my prostate. Very soon, pre-cum began leaking from the end of my dick.

She eventually began to moan from what I assume was a double ended strap-on. As her moans got louder and seemingly more enraged, so did her strokes. After one fateful thrust, she let out a shout and leaned against me, keeping the length of her plastic cock sheaved in my ass.

She withdrew it, but by this time there was no pop as it exited my hole. I was far to stretched out for that. I felt her lay down on the couch beside me.

*That is strange, normally they leave once they get their rocks off.*

She spoke again in that sweet voice she had when she first came into the room. “You’re a good fuck, you know that.” She paused, I nodded my head in the darkness and let out a muffled. “Mmmmm-hmmmm”

“There are actually a few politicians that frequent this place. Maybe one of them needs a coffee bitch or secretary, who can provide the *extra services* that you are so good at.” with those words she leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek, “And keep the panties, It’ll be a little gift between us.”

She got up and left the room. I have no idea what she looks like, but I’m sure I will remember that voice…

I lost the thong later in the night. *I wanted to keep it*


Later in the nigh, two very obviously drunk girls came into the room. They were much younger than the normal clientele, maybe only 19. They were as drunk as a skunk, and loud as all get out. Upon seeing me bound and exposed the shorter brunette one exclaimed, “Oh-My-Fu-King-God-Jenny! The new fuck toy is sooooo fucking c-uuuuutttee!”

Jenny, the ginger taller one one walked over and groped my ass, “And sooooo much to play with, isn’t it Claire!” jiggling my right cheek as she laughed. Claire walked over to me and stood on the other side, by my head. She pinched my cheek with her long glue on nails.

“His other side isn’t bad either.” She gave my face a half hearted slap, but still enough to still a little. “But i think he could use a little improvement.”

At this point, Jenny produced a permanent marker. She popped the top off and looked at me square in the eyes. “So slut, how many visitors have you had this evening?”

I racked my brained to try and remember, most of the night had been a blur since Mistress left me here. My weak voice responded, “Maybe eleven or twelve…”

Jenny laughed loudly. ” I don’t know if that seems right,” without warming she stuck her middle finger up my ass, I yelped from surprise but there was little pain given the stretched condition of my hole, “Okay definitely more than five…” She slid another finger into me, against going in without much resistance. “Ten might be closer…” Then she forced her third finger up into me. When this one went it, I could feel my entrance stretch and I moaned from the painful pleasure. “Fifteen does seem a little high, I’ll believe you’ve take twelve cocks tonight.”

She then made 14 tick marks on my right thigh. Claire spoke up, “See now you can keep track, I know you boys like to brag about getting laid when you get together to jerk off in the gym lockers.” Jenny then passes the marker to Claire, who promptly inscribed “S-L-U-T” on my forehead and scribbled “Fuck” and “Hole” On my cheeks.

“Oh my god, we are making such an improvement!” She yelled, before lifting her skirt to reveal a large blue dildo that she let fall on my face. Smacking my newly decorated cheeks with her rubber cock she asked me, “Any last words before I fuck your throat.”

I opened my mouth and began to say, “Please don-” Her strap was already down my throat. I gagged on it while she kept it lodged all the way down, with the fake balls on my face and her whole weight pressing the dick down my esophagus. I gagged hard on the dildo. I thought I was going to throw-up. My eyes were watering. *She is going to make me pass out,* I though.

Right as I began to see stars, she pulled it from my throat. I gasped for air. Both Jenny and Claire almost died of laughter. “Wow you really are new to this.” Claire said before mounting the couch with her legs to either side of my head and put the tip to my mouth, still gasping for precious air. “Don’t worry, we can fix that.” She shoved the cock down my throat and began thrusting.

I was drooling from my mouth, saliva covering my face and tears running from my eyes as my throat got fucked. Jenny had the marker again. “Just a few more touches to do.” She gleefully joked as she scribbled more writing on my ass and chest. Later I would find out what she had written.

On my ass was a simply, “Pussy ” and “Cock Sleeve” Above my dick which was by now limp and leaking cum constantly was, “Sissy Clitty” and with an arrow pointing towards my balls was “Useless, Free to Tug” Other writing would accumulate over the night. Messages such as “Cum Dumpster” “Cock Sleeve” “Ex-male” “Dick Whore” and more covered my body by the end of the night.

But Jenny was not done. After finishing her writing, she plunged her plastic cock into my as and fucked me long and hard. The two girls in their drunken state lost track of time and fucked me for what seemed like forever. Eventually, another woman came into the room and yelled at them for hogging what was supposed to be everyone’s fuck toy.

Both girls paused with both their strap-ons down to the hilt. “Oh my god, I didn’t even realize how long we were using him! We are so sorry. Promise we are almost done.” Claire apologized to the woman.

Jenny also spoke up, “Yea we are so sorry for making you wait, we should have moved on my now. But since you are here, would you mind taking a little photo for us? We have quite a few fans who would love to see us fucking this little slut.”

They didn’t remove their cocks for a second while they conversed with the women. I struggled against the dick down my throat to breath, but Claire just pressed down harder against my withering. “Stay still for the photo bitch! We have a brand to grow.”

I heard the flick of a camera app and saw a flash. Both Claire and Jenny thanked the woman and apologized for using me too long. They then withdrew their cock from my me, and walked out of the room. “See you around the lounge.” They chimed together as they left the room.

The new woman went right to work. She was less memorable, and called me a generic name like Frank or Bill. She told me this was for being a “Shitty Husband” and “Never bringing flowers” and “Cumming in 20 seconds every time.” I assumed she was working out some problems from home. When she left and added another tick mark. Making my total about 15.

The night was long, but I began to notice it was slowing down outside. I had no conception what time it was, and I could have been up for use for a whole day and I would have felt the same. But there was a long break where I couldn’t hear any commotion from outside of my little room. Soon the door opened and Mistress and Miss Mary walked into the room.

Miss M stayed by the door and Mistress walked over to me. She sat down on the couch and looked down at my tied up, cum covered, written all over, body. She began reading what the various women had written all over me. “They must have really liked you, honey.” she said in a surprisingly sweet tone. I lied there, absolutely exhausted and unable to speak and barely able to move. “These are some nice notes they left you, don’t you think Boss?”

“He certainly must have impressed the patrons.” Miss M responded sounding slightly judgemental.

“Open up.” Commanded Mistress and I let my jaw fall open slightly. She stuck a finger in my mouth. I knew by now to close and suck on whatever was put in there. “Good boy, you are learning already.”

She took it out of my mouth and got up. “Let’s get you undone, okay?” I nodded weakly as she untied the ropes and unlocked the restraints that were holding me in place. Finally free, I found it hard to move. My legs and arms were cramping and refused to relax after being held in place for so long.

Then I felt something I would never expect. Mistresses hand were on my thighs, rubbing and massaging them. “It’s okay, you’ve been held in place for a long time. Just relax.” her voice was so soft and friendly. Slowly she worked my legs and arms loose, giving me a massage that let my whole body relax. “I can see how tired you are, but I have something to show you.” She helped me sit up and look around the room. On the ground where bills strewn everywhere. Some were covered in various fluids, but the ground was covered in green.

Miss M spoke up from the door way. “After we take 80% you are still going to walk out of here with about five hundred.”

Mistress continued to talk in a sweet voice, “You did great. You are such a talented little whore.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “How about I drive you home, okay my good boy?”

I nodded my head. I wouldn’t have made the walk home in the state I was in. We walked through the lounge and out to Mistress’ car, parked in the front. She opened the door for me and I slumped into the seat. I must have fallen asleep instantly because I remember nothing until the next morning, when I woke up on my couch.

*Something is off. Why do I smell bacon.*

“Oh good, you’re up!” it was Mistress Christina’s voice! In my apartment! She walked over and stood over me lying on the couch. “Don’t worry,” she whispered, “I got the visible writing off before I took you inside.” I sat up quickly with my heart racing and in panic. She put her finger to my lips. “Don’t freak out, your roommates think I came home with you. Just be cool, now let’s have a normal breakfast and get you ready for your shift tonight.”

(okay, that became a little more than the part 2.5 that I was planning on, but hey we don’t make mistakes. Just happy accidents. Real Part 3 coming out soon, I’m having so much fun writing these. Please let me know if you like them! And if you have and comment/feedback/ideas/critique please shoot me a chat.)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/118c4qb/a_night_of_free_use_part_25_m22f2939261919_femdom