[M]y night with Allison [28F] from Tinder

Writing this because I’m bored out of my fucking mind on this plane ride.

I met Allison on tinder while I was still playing around with the MILF ultrasound tech (see other story).

We matched one random Tuesday. Her pictures were beautiful. She was 28, 5-8, thin, black hair, brown eyes, half white/half black, cute face with dimples, small tits and a small but perky butt that was fun to play with in my big hands.

She was very cute and we hit it off great. Decided that we would meet up that Friday. I took her to my fav bar for first dates, a great underground dimly lit speakeasy. She showed up in a thin black dress, super classy, super sexy. After two drinks, unfortunately, we had to cut it short because she promised that she would meet her friends later on that night. So we parted ways. I still considered it a success and went home thinking I’d just see her again next week. The banter was great but I didn’t push it.

Not soon after we parted ways we were still texting. She said she wish she had just stayed. She hates the get together she went to. I told her I wasnt done with her. 😈.

To which she replied “oh really, 😏”

We continued chatting this way for a bit. I teased her about ending the night eating her out, playing with her in all ways possible to tease her and make sure she was just thinking about this while she was with her friends.

She said fuck it I’m leaving my group. Despite the fact that I was already home and it was midnight, I quickly changed and hopped a quick Uber to another nearby bar, a jazz club for one last night cap with her. Who cares, we already had intense chemistry. I didn’t have to be up, had no plans otherwise, I enjoyed her .

The club had a small stage with a live performer, a few people but not too crowded, a U shaped bar. The only seat we found was for her at the end of the U by the window and farthest away from the stage. I just stood next to her and we continued to flirt/talk. She was facing me, her back to the stage, no one behind me, bar tender on the other side, busy.

At some point I put my hand on her leg and she didn’t do anything to take it away. I leaned in closer while we talked, eventually so close that I just kissed her and we had a passionate little make out session. This happened again in between taking sips of our cocktails with my hand actually moving further up her leg on the outer side. She did this thing where she kind of opened up her legs a bit and I just couldn’t help but dream about what was here in front of me. The next time we made out I moved my hand to the inner side of the other leg. No one could see what was happening.

We were in the corner. My heart started to race. What if we got caught. Our little make out sessions were getting more passionate. My hand gradually moves up further and further until finally I just rested two fingers on her panties, they were soaked.

She let out a little gasp.

Now I’m standing there in front of her. Her legs slightly open, my hand up her dress and my fingers gently rubbing in a circular motion around her clit.

I was making eye contact with her initially looking for any signs from her to tell me to stop but she did not. So then I looked away, around the bar- but while I did that, my fingers gently peeled the panties to the side.

Warm and so so Wet.

Ugh, it was just perfect. 😍

I still had not turned around to look at her. I took a sip of my drink as my middle finger slide slowly inside her pussy right there at the bar. At this point, she couldn’t keep from making a face. she looked like she was enjoying herself way more than someone just sitting there having a drink. So I continued to finger her. Now my middle and index finger were both slowly going in and out of this beautiful girls wet pussy right there at the end of the bar.

She pretended she was going in for a hug but she actually just bit my shoulder. Her nails digging into my upper back. She was getting close.

So then I just stopped. 😈

I casually slide my fingers out, put them up to my mouth as if I was going to think of something, gave them a long slow lick while making eye contact with her.

She had a look on her face that was a mix of…, “Fuck, that was amazing”


“I will murder you.”

I can’t believe I didn’t get caught. One of the hottest things I’ve done. We had more fun after that.

Le Fin.
Sorry for the typos.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1175adc/my_night_with_allison_28f_from_tinder


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