Tale of Two Friends: Part 7 [ff] [college]

Our Sophomore year was a few days away when Kate and Emma arrived at the four person suite that they were sharing with Sarah and I (Olivia). When they arrived they found that we had moved a bulk of our furniture into the living room for us to share. We had also claimed the two rooms on the right side of the suite. They looked confused at the queen bed in one room and the other with two desks. It was now they we decided to come out to them. We explained our situation to them about how we’d been dating for several months and even how we had an open relationship when I came to wanting to fool around with guys. We didn’t disclose how we’d frequently share guys nor how we were now keyholders for our downstairs neighbor Jon.

Both Kate and Emma accepted the news well and seemed totally fine with Sarah and I sharing a room. We helped them move into their rooms and together unpacked the kitchen stuff they had brought. This is also when Emma revealed that her older sister had gifted her a bottle of vodka. We all giggled and finished unpacking and cleaning up the suite. We also discussed some ground rules, particularly around the one bathroom. While we only had one bathroom only the shower and toilet were behind the door while both sinks and the large counter was in a small hall outside of it. As such we all agreed on a few basic things. Everyone was to keep sex in their respective rooms, the fourth room was our “school” room when nothing but school work was allowed to happen, aside from it housing my closet. We would all share groceries and make large shared meals. The last of the rules, much to my secret happiness, was that since our bathroom was the way it was it would be difficult to not see each other in at least our underwear and as such we would treat the suite much like a locker room when it came to getting dressed. We proved the point by all changing for our nights events.

We all returned to our rooms and began to change. Emma was the first to emerge from hers wearing only a thong. I quickly came out of Sarah and I’s room wearing a matching thong and bra with pink and black lace. I was momentarily stunned by the view of Emma in a blue laced thong with contrasted her tan skin well. Her breasts were small perky and her nipples were pierced. I finally met her eyes and she asked, “I’ve got three options for bra. Matching blue lace, complimenting pink lace, or just not bra?” I paused, “I think either no bra or the pink.” She nodded and returned to her room. I went to the bathroom sinks and started to do my make up. Emma returned in a few seconds still with no bra and we started to help with each others make up. Sarah joined a few moments later wearing a matching set of black lace. Finally, Kate also joined us wearing a green bra and gstring which matched her pale skin and red hair. Together we all helped each other get ready and pick out good outfits. We eventually decided to match somewhat all wearing yoga pants and a blouse of similar style but different colors.

We went out to dinner together before heading to the frat party we had been invited to. While we were all hit on several times it was girls night so we enjoyed some wine before eventually returning home. We all sat in the living room and made drinks with the vodka and a snack. We moved from tipsy to drunk and played music softly while we all caught up with our summer events. As the night got later the conversation turned explicit as the vodka continued to flow. We talked about kinks and they both asked several questions about what it was like to be with another girl. Kate seemed especially interested but didn’t elaborate much. Eventually we all decided it was time for bed and returned to our rooms. A moment later all of us were back in the bathroom and this time all of our tits were out. We took off our make up and Emma complimented everyone’s tits and asses before retiring to her room with a giggle. Kate lingered for only a moment with her yes fixed on Sarah’s breasts before also retiring. Now alone in the living room Sarah slid her had down my thong and slipped a finger in me. She teased me only for a moment before Emma came back out of her room now in pajamas to get a glass of water. Sarah and I moved toward our room and Kate emerged to also get water. She was wearing only a robe which was loosely tied. We all giggled and Sarah drunkenly commented, “Well while you both look hot right now I’m going to go fuck Olivia.” Emma laughed and giggled. I blushed hard and Sarah pulled me into our room by the waistband of my thong. We fucked and went to bed.

As the days passed our comfortability with nudity grew and classes began. The first week weeks went really well and on one weekend we found ourselves at another party. Emma went home with a guy she met and we didn’t see her until the next morning. When we finally made it home we all went to bed quickly but ate that night I woke up tipsy and thirsty for water. I walked out and found Kate in the kitchen naked. Her eyes grew wide and she whispered, “Oh god, I’m sorry! I sleep naked and I wanted some water and a snack.” I shook my head and responded, “It’s okay I don’t mind if you don’t,” she relaxed, “I wanted water too.” I was wearing a huge tshirt and nothing else and I got my water. I started to leave when she started half a sentence before stopping. I turned, “Yeah?” She was blushing, “It’s nothing.” “No seriously what?” “It’s just, how did you know you liked Sarah?” “I’m not sure actually, we’ve been friends since we were thirteen. It started last year and it just felt really easy. It all has actually. Why do you ask?” “I don’t know it’s just hearing you you two talk about being lesbians had made me curious. Especially the drunk comments about how good the sex is.” I blushed, the dim moonlight almost glowed on their pale skin and her perky tits rose and fell softly.

I spoke, “Well I want to help you if you’re curious about it. Is there something I can do to make it easier?” “Can we talk about it for a while right now?” I nodded and she asked several specific questions about our relationship, sex life, and what exactly my feelings were toward Sarah, other women, and toward men. I also asked her questions and by the end of the night we both felt much closer to one another as friends. We both also both learned that she had never had a fulfilling sexual experience with a guy and that she was at least bi curious. She expressed an interest at going to a gay bar with with Sarah and I as well as almost half admitting she wanted to watch us have sex. As the conversation came to a close she wanted to know how I knew I was sexually attracted to women and I suggested she watch some lesbian porn. The following morning at breakfast the three of us ate before Emma got home and I caught Sarah up. She was excited to help Kate as well and later privately we spoke at length about how we felt including other women into our open relationship. We were both open to the idea sexually but didn’t know how we wanted it to be emotionally. We also both agreed that we would only respond to advances from Kate but won’t never advance ourselves out of respect.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11753sw/tale_of_two_friends_part_7_ff_college


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