taking my roommate’s sloppy seconds [FM]

My roommate in college had asked me if she could have the room to herself for some time on weeknight. Her intent was to have her hook up over and take care of business. I said sure so I left the room and loitered around campus.
After an hour or so, I get a text saying that she’s done but her boyfriend will stay in the room for a bit. She needs to go a study group that met in the evenings to get some test answers. So I stroll back to my room and sure enough the dude is in there.
We exchange pleasantries as I sit down at my desk. I typically don’t shy from the subject at hands so I asked him what they did. He started lying saying “watched a movie” or some crap lol. I said dude c’mon I know you’re lying. After some prodding he told me that they “got to know each other.” After some MORE prodding he mentioned how it sucks she had to get up and leave so quickly.
I asked him why and he said because he didn’t get to finish. My eyes got big with surprise, “What? She blue-balled you?” “Yes.” he said. I started asking him about it and he said it was painful to get so close and not cum.
I looked at my phone to check the time and thought that there would be enough to help out my new friend…
I just blatantly asked him “do you want me to help you out?” He just stared at me and said “what?” And I dramatically nodded at his crotch and said “I can help out your situation down there.” Still surprised, I walked over to my roommate’s bed and put my hand on his dick, rubbing it. Surprisingly, he didn’t flinch at all and just let me handle him.
I pulled down his pants and a very nice dick popped out. “Damn you gave all this to my roommate?” I said jokingly and “yep lol” was his response.
I noticed the scent of my roommate’s pussy on his dick but that didn’t stop me. I started gingerly stroking him, trying not to aggravate his ‘condition.’

[to be continued

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11538u9/taking_my_roommates_sloppy_seconds_fm

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