[FM]I snuck into the military base to lose virginity with my bf and got caught

I was 17 at the moment and my bf was 18. He was forced to serve in the military and We never had sex before. I wasn’t allowed to see him for the first few months and it made me feel so bad because I missed him so much. No letter, no call, nothing.

But on the 3rd month of his service, I got a quick call from his friend that I have to be near my bf military base tomorrow evening. It was 14 hours drive from my place. So I got a taxi because my parents would kill me if I ask them to pick me up at the base. I had no idea what I was doing, but I just wanted to see him badly. The first problem was that I had no money to pay for a taxi. So the best option that came into my head was to find a shared car trip or smth. I found the carpool to the city near the military base so it would be 2-hour walk to get to the base. I told my mum and dad that we have a school trip to the national park. When I got into the car there were 3 sweaty big bearded men, my heart was beating so strongly, that they could probably hear it lmao.

They stared at me and after 1 hour of driving they started asking provocative flirting questions, which really made me scared. And only when I told them the story about where I am going they became very nice and told me to be careful in the city, because many girls got raped there. (It’s a small town near a military base and prison). When we arrived I called my bf’s friend and he said he couldn’t pick me up. So I walked. Being raped is not the thing I would want to experience, long story short I got near the base when it was already dark. And I was not sure they would let me go through. They really didn’t. The soldier at the gate told me no one was allowed to come any day. I was lost, my phone died and I started crying of course. And this gate soldier disappeared and 5 minutes later threw me a piece of paper “go around and wait near the mesh fence”.

It was dark and cold and I was staying near this mesh fence, I could see the military parking garage with trucks. I saw my bf. He was patrolling this day and they slowly came to the fence, cut a hole, and let me in. I cried from happiness, while my bf was gently telling me to be quiet. His comrade (as they called each other) ran away and my bf told me that we can seat inside the truck we have about 2 hours until his shift ended and he would need to come back. We talked a little, but then he said “it’s so hot here”.

And he took his coat off and then took off mine. I was scared. He was bald and shaved though his military uniform made him so masculine. He started kissing me on my neck, and it was a gear knob between us. Little awkward, but then he suddenly jumped into my seat above me and put his hand into my panties. Gently put his fingers inside my pussy and I started moaning saying “no not here”. But he didn’t stop. Then he turned me over with his strong hands and we switched places. I was on him and he unbuttoned my blouse and began to gently kiss my nipples. I couldn’t resist more, because I haven’t seen him for so long. I felt his dick through his pants so I slowly unzipped them and took his cock in my hand. He looked at me with so much confidence and desire, that I believe the sexiest glance is the one that makes me melt with the feeling of being desirable. We kissed again but my bf was already shaking and trembling. He tore my pantyhose, I pushed up my panties and he put his throbbing cock into me. I started moaning and shouting because it was my first time. It was so good and so hurtful at the same time. He kissed me and fucked me so hard covering my mouth with his hand because I was too loud. One push. Second push. He was so hard from the beginning, that something literally tore inside me. But I liked it and my tears flowed because of the mix of pain and pleasure. I quickly got off his cock, jumped to the next seat, and began to deepthroat his dick. All his pants were in blood. I jerked off and sucked his tool until he roared and all his cum filled my mouth. Tasted like chocolate and honey.

He didn’t stop though and said “come here”. he leaned back in his chair and I sat down with my ass on his stomach. He slowly slid his fingers over my vagina. I was moaning and moaning and then he turned me over again. And we were in 69 poses. It was so narrow in the car that I couldn’t touch his cock with my mouth but he could touch my pussy. And he began to twist his tongue hard on my clitoris I just couldn’t be quiet. I cum so fast. Shouting and hugging his body. 10 minutes after this and talking about our memories. Someone knocked on the window and shine a lantern. We quickly put our cloth on and opened the door. It was an old man in an officer uniform standing in front of us with a smirk on his face. My bf comrade was behind him, gloomy and sad. Officer told the soldier (bf comrade) to take me to the gates and I saw how he started talking to my bf and slapped him. Thirty minutes later the soldier in a military car drove me to the city hotel. I charged my phone, called my bf friend and no one answered.

The next day I came back home on a train because my parents called my school and they were very angry. A week later my bfs friend called me and said that now my bf is in military prison and no one knows for how long. I was crying for a few weeks and asked his friend what can I do. He said nothing. I met him only a year later. Randomly at a fucking gas station and he was with another girl in the car. As I figured out later the officer was his father and they made up the story about prison and all that because my bf only wanted to fuck me once and take my virginity. From the beginning, we started dating he had another girlfriend he was fucking. All that I was told by his friend because he felt conscientious about participating in this scam.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11540d3/fmi_snuck_into_the_military_base_to_lose