The Luckiest Girl in The World [MMF]

I had the most amazing experience in the most unexpected way. It was so fucking stunning.

Warning: Long, slow burn, substances, intimate

I went out for dinner with B, a scoping exercise/almost date. While we were driving there, he said he was supposed to meet a friend before his work engagement, but hadn’t been able to, so just if it was okay with me, since he was flying out the next day, could he join us? And I said sure. When he described the friend, turned out it was a person I knew, and had previously had chemistry, a talking stage, with. S. 

We got drinks. Before S arrived, B and I had been having very serious, very intense conversations. About life philosophies. But S and B were old college buddies, so his arrival meant fun story swapping and catching up, and the mood lightened. They’d often stop and explain the stories and context to me, so I never felt left out at any point. There was a live singer and I’d been singing along, and mentioned wanting to go to karaoke, and B said “Let’s go, where can we go?“ I couldn’t find any places that would be open and running karaoke at 11 30 pm on Friday night. I also had my car with me, but B said there’s an app with a driver service, that will come and take your car wherever you need to go. So that problem was no longer a problem, thanks to B and his problem solving skills. Little did we realize what a good decision keeping my car would end up being. 

As it got later and the fancy ass restaurant we were at was closing, we had had a few drinks and were ready to go somewhere else. We decided to check out a club that was walking distance from where we were. As we approached the entrance, I saw a bag check and told them, “Umm wait guys, I have some MDMA in my bag and I don’t want them to find it. Give me a minute.” I walked back down the lane a little, and in a dark corner, slipped the bag inside my bra. Walked back to them and somehow, I don’t remember the conversation clearly, the possibility of taking some tonight came up. B had done it many times before, but S never. It was an open question, to be decided when we went in and checked the club out, but both seemed up for it.

We went inside to see, and while the music was okay it wasn’t amazing. It was very city-characteristic, and B and I joked that that was exactly what we’d been trying to avoid. S went to the bar and got us shots immediately. But then we said, well if we’re doing m we shouldn’t drink too much. And so the question became, are we doing the molly? And both said yes, let’s go for it. And somehow, suddenly, excitingly, that’s the direction the night was going to go in. 

I had been carrying the m around in my bag for the last few months, just in case but also because I didn’t want to leave it at home where it might get lost or found. But now, somehow, I was in a situation and with people with whom it was a natural and easy progression of the evening. S hadn’t been out of his house in weeks and B was calmly ready for anything.

SO – I went to the bathroom and dissolved some in a bottle of water. It would’ve been about 100mg in maybe 300ml of water. We all took sips, and stood there dancing. S kept saying it wasn’t hitting him and as the supplier of the substance I felt the responsibility of making it a good first experience for him. B noticed my anxieties rising, and calmed me – I’ve never been drug shaman, I told him. Don’t worry, he said. I’ve done this many times before, I am taking responsibility. B is reliable. 

At one point S left to find cigs and B and I, dancing together, moving together, very naturally leaned in and just kissed. My arms around his neck, we continued to make out on the dance floor, soft lips electric. Eventually, we went to find S when he didnt turn up for a long time, but he was right outside the door and we could bring him straight in. A few times I was left alone on the dance floor too, but I was just enjoying the music. Then B came to me and said S wasn’t feeling it, so could I mix some more. So I went and put in less than half of the second bag. Mixed and we all sipped. By this point the energy was clearly rising, and we were all dancing. B and I a bit closer together but nothing overt in front of S. We are dancing, enjoying the music, getting a drink. 

Out of nowhere, the club starts emptying and I’m confused. B says it’s closing time! Oh no! The music goes off and we’re just standing around trying to figure out what to do and where to go. I offer my house but a housekeeper is there. S’s house is empty, but I’m not sure I want to go there. So I say, let’s go to the car and listen to techno and then decide, because this lack of music really isn’t working for me.

We go to the car, which by more great luck, is parked in a quiet empty lane right outside the restaurant we’d been eating and drinking at. I’m in the driver’s seat, B next to me and S at the back. We are talking and it’s very much hitting us. It hit me more than I expected, I think because I had been taking some supplements almost everyday. This time, unlike the last few, I was filled with the characteristic love again. Affection. For everyone. We were talking about our siblings and I missed my sister and sent her a voice note telling her that. S found music his brother had been making and we played that too. It was a beautiful atmosphere. And B and I were kissing, on and off. S had recently been through some traumatic experiences, but I was so filled with love and joy in that moment that I wanted the people around me to be happy too, I just wanted to take his pain away for a little while. 

Inhibitions lowered and flooded with a love drug, I turned to B and said “Can I ask you something terrible? Would it be okay if I kissed him too? He’s just so sad and I want to make him feel better.” And B said, “Sure PraiseKink, this is your night, go for it!” So I kissed S. And there it began.

I kissed him, he kissed me back. And B had his hands on my leg. It escalated. I kissed first one then the other. B’s hand wandered all over my body. He reached under my very short dress and gently fondled one breast, over my bra, careful not to do anything that might make me uncomfortable. Little did he know, I am a fucking freak. I unhooked my bra and lifted my dress for him. As I turned towards the back seat and kissed S, B had his mouth on one nipple and his hand on the other, flicking and twisting. The pressure and pleasure was driving me mad. The excitement of being the centre of attention of two intelligent and handsome men, being able to both give pleasure and receive it, was turning me on so much. 

Soon, my hands flew urgently to B’s pants, fumbling with the zipper and pulling it down, pulling out his lovely cock. I love giving head, and easily leaned over and took it in my mouth. As I sucked on it, his gasps and moans were the perfect audio feedback for me, while B’s hands on my back and down the back of my stockings kept my body responding constantly. Stunning techno music familiar to and loved by me brought us all into this incredible zone of extreme arousal and focus. I felt safe and loved and excited beyond measure. For the first but not the last time that evening, when I lifted my mouth from his cock, B took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. Excitement grew. S soon had his hands in my hair, and he pulled my head back hard to kiss me, even as B sucked on my nipples. I told them – this is so fucking perfect, S was feeding my BDSM kink and B my nipple play kink.  

Soon, B, our responsible caretaker, pulled my seat back, and had me lie back. He pulled down my stockings and played over my cunt, exploring softly, entering my wetness with care and skill, pushing inside me. With my stockings at my ankles and my thighs spread wide, he leaned over and put his mouth on me, using his tongue to lick at the top of my cunt, just a little. Overcome by the incredible feeling, I pulled my dress up again, and S had both his hands around the seat, grabbing my beasts from the back, squeezing, pulling at my nipples and sending me to heaven. My head flew back and my eyes rolled into my skull, ecstatic. He put his hands on my throat, choking me lightly, and I collapsed under his touch. B’s fingers were pumping inside me. I whispered to them, “This is amazing guys, this is so fucking hot I can’t bear it.” After a round of intensity, as the music slowed, I asked them: Have you ever been in a three way? B had not, but S had, and I had as well but FFM, never MMF. It had always been a deeply held fantasy, and it was finally coming true. 

The mood continued and it became clear that we needed a bed. B, ever the caretaker, called for a driver on the app. While we waited, things continued hot and heavy, their hands all over my body and mine over theirs. The driver called, we straightened ourselves up, and took the car 100 m to the main road, where we found him. Then, the three of us were sitting at the back, me in the middle. Praise Kink sandwich. The first of many of the night. Even as we were driven back, their hands were all over me, under my dress, on my beasts, inching up my thigh, kissing me, first one then the other. As I kissed B, S’s lips were on my neck. The need for stealth actually made it so much hotter. Not that the situation needed to get any hotter – my first MMF threeway, and that too on m. 

We stop at a 24 7 for cigarettes and condoms, arrive at S’s house and step into the balcony for a smoke. It’s around 4 30 am. B has me pressed up against the wall, kissing me between drags, while S finds something in the house. As soon as I finish, or perhaps even stubbing it early, I pull my dress off over my head and unhook my bra, right there in the balcony. B pulls down my stockings and as I’m standing there, his mouth is between my legs, eating me out, licking my cunt like it’s life giving. Naked in the cold winter air. We stumble backwards into the room and fall onto the bed. Finally. 

B undresses and now I can finally feel his hot skin against mine, his torso pressed to mine and his strong legs wrapped around me. Our lips are pressed against each other’s, my hands on his cock and his between my cunt and my nipples. S is in boxers, wandering about the room. I call him to the bed and he comes and lies down. After ages of avoiding his cock, he finally lets me touch it, and I’m jerking him off, as B touches and kisses me all over. His mouth is on me and fingers inside me and I feel like I’m on another plane of existence altogether. His tongue explores my folds, lapping over me slowly from below, then faster, building pressure, his head jerking from side to side as he makes my body sing. Music is playing constantly in the background, heightening the mood. I ask them, “How does it feel to know you’re making some of my wildest fantasies come true? This is what I’ve always wanted.” In response, their efforts intensify and I’m off on another trip, rewarded for my honesty and kink. It feels like a fever dream. 

At one point, S must have been over heating so he goes and lies down on the floor. Every time he would leave, B and I would continue making out, giving and receiving pleasure like our lives depended on it. B is a giver and so am I, so he kept making sure I was okay. Whenever I’d ask if I could do something, he would say “This is your night. Do whatever you want to.” It made me so happy, because I felt like I was being not just enjoyed, but celebrated. Worshipped. I felt like a goddess. 

I would notice S was not around and ask for him. While kissing or focusing attention on one, I’d be holding hands with the other. I knew I liked B more, but would always try to include S, to make sure he didn’t feel left out. B noticed and smiled. He told me, “I can see you. You’re a beautiful soul, with so much love to give.” I glowed. 

S says “Guys the floor is so cold, it feels so good, you have to come here and feel this!“ So I went and sat down on top of him, kissing him, grinding against his lean body and feeding him my flushed pink nipples. B joined us and went from holding my hand to lying almost on top of me, another glorious PraiseKink sandwich. Our hips bucked against each others, the cold of the floor and warmth of skin making for the most amazing sensory experience. Charlotte de Witte’s Kali played in the background and my brain was flooded with everything good. 

Soon, I was overheating and needed to stand up – I said “Guys? Should we dance?” Listening to the music, I let my naked body move and sway, knowing that I was being watched and hoping to blow their minds. My hips circled from side to side and my hands were in my big thick hair, lifting it over my head. As I moved, my hands squeezing my heavy breasts and circling my round ass, I could see the hunger and appreciation and deeply erotic looks in their eyes. Exhibitionist kink fed. It was so insane to me that both these wonderful men had been so open to new experiences all night, I just wanted to reward them with all the visual stimulation they could handle and more. Let them fantasise about me the next time they touch themselves. Let them remember this nymph, this sexual goddess who had given them a night none of us would ever forget. 

I had asked for lube and S went to find some. B was sitting on the floor against the bed, so I went and straddled him, his cock pressing against my cunt, his lips deeply pressed against mine and his hands, fucking again, on my sensitive nipples, driving me slowly insane with pleasure. S would sometimes bite me too hard, or pull too hard, but B was always watching for my responses and would tell him to calm down. I asked him, “Tell me, B, do you think I’m hot?” “You are so fucking hot PraiseKink, you’re so sexy, I can’t believe it.”

B took charge as well then, and said “We should both sit on the bed” and, knowing how much I love the feeling of a cock in my mouth, “You can blow us.” We got S to sit down as well, and soon I was on my knees on the floor, one cock in my mouth the other in my hand, and then vice versa. The motto remix of Fur Elise was playing in the background, and S is a pianist. The feeling of being on the floor in front of both of them, serving them, sucking them off, was like crack for me. Every time the beat dropped, the pace would escalate and tensions would rise. Keeping time with the music, I took their warm cocks in my mouth, hearing them groan, specially B and his voice calling my name and telling me I was doing well, telling me I was making him feel so fucking good, telling me “Praise Kink, you are so fucking good at giving head, fuck, you’re so good at blowing me.” Nothing like positive reinforcement to keep me going. After a while, S got up, and I was just sitting at B’s feet, resting my head against his knees, soaking in his warmth, and reveling in the intoxicating sensation of having done well, and being taken care of. 

Getting cold, we get back on the bed and talk for a while, swapping stories and experiences and building intimacy. I say “can I ask for something? I’ve wanted it all night.” B reminds me, “This is your night, PraiseKink, ask and you shall receive.” I say, “I want both of you on my boobs, one mouth on each. Please suck my nipples while you finger me.” And they did. Two bodies on me, stimulating me, desiring me, pleasuring me. All me, only me. The centre of attention again. Overcome, I kept giving them more and more positive feedback. “Guys, you both are so fucking amazing, you’re making me feel so fucking good. Fuck. I think I might be the luckiest girl in the world tonight.” 

B would finger and go down on me, and then pass the baton to S, keeping me wet and making sure I was not too sensitive. Our bodies entangled, legs, arms, breasts and cocks everywhere. While my hands were busy and our bodies entwined, B would hold a cigarette to my lips, letting me take long drags and feeling the experience heighten. Cuddling closely, B’s butt was the best pillow. Our jaws were grinding a little, so we took gum to protect our mouths, and drank copious amount of water to stay hydrated. Though the substance prevented either man from sustaining an erection for long, the entire night was still amazing. I’ve never had an opposite-sex experience that lasted so long and was so incredibly fucking hot, all without PIV. The music changed to Grandbrothers, softer and more magical.

After hours upon hours of this, dawn crept through the windows, and B focused his mouth, his fingers and his attention on my cunt. He entered me, reaching in deep, as I guided him, while holding S’s head against my breasts, sucking on my insatiable nipples. We had done this configuration a few times before but this time was different. More focused, more dedicated – B had a purpose. Soon, I was moaning and bucking against his fingers, pitch getting higher and higher, rubbing my own clit for added stimulation to take me over the top. And over the top I went. The orgasm, delayed for so many hours, edging for ages, hit me like a truck. I screamed so loudly that S put his hands in my mouth, and now I was moaning with one man’s fingers in my cunt and another’s in my mouth. Wave after wave crashed over me, hips bucking and body clenching as I lay there, surrounded by two beautiful strong men, focused only on me, as I gave them the experience of a lifetime, and they me. 

Afterwards, we continued cuddling and making out and heavy petting for another few hours. Jacob’s Piano was now giving us gentle and soothing instrumental music. We talked and talked and talked and it was 9 am. As the m started to wear off, I started getting colder, and B noticed and said, for the last time that evening, “S, come here, PraiseKink sandwich!”. With the warmth of their bodies enveloping me, in a haze of post coital bliss, secure in the knowledge that I was inhabiting my highest, sexiest, most caring self, I truly and deeply felt like the luckiest girl in the world. 

From 9 till 11, B and I cuddled and told each other stories from our lives. We knew we had to get out of there soon though, and figure out the day. Eventually, at 11, we got up and got dressed, hugged S goodbye and carried on to my house, got supplements and clothes and keys, and then went to another empty apartment, where we spent the next 30 odd hours together, until he had to leave the city. 


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