I took a religious woman’s virginity part 2 [M][F]

So Part 2 We went our separate ways and had a few more dates that ended in very similar ways. One night it was different though. We got to her bed and I started to go down on her and she stopped me. Flipped me on my back and said it’s my turn to get you off. She undid my belt and jeans. Pulling them and my boxers off. Now i’m not the biggest dude in the world but I’m above average. But I was fully erect. She looked at it and looked at me and said how is that supposed to fit. We laughed as she took it in her hand and then asked what do i do. I told her move your hand up and down the shaft slowly, and start to build momentum not too fast, take it nice and slow. She got the hang of it really quick. Working her hand up and down for a few minutes adjusting her speed based on the sounds I was making. She stopped and looked up at me and smiled. She grabbed it again and out it against her cheek smiling the whole time. Without warning she stuck it in her mouth. 
This took me by surprise cause i was not expecting any of this. I was expecting to eat her out and finger her till she cam. Now to say the least she was very inexperienced at sucking dick, but i didn’t care, she was going to town, get it all wet and slimy. After about a min she came up and asked was that good, i smiled and laughed a little. I told her you gotta act like it’s either a sucker or a popsicle, but don’t bite it. She obliged and actually gave me solid head. I knew i wasn’t going to cum from it. So I pulled her off and laid her back down. I started to finger her, rubbing the top of the inside of her vagina slowly causing her to bite her lip. She let out a sharp breath and pulled back. She smiled and said you still haven’t gotten off, And climbed on top of me. My dick was basically just outside of her vagina, she started to grind on me. Back and forth letting my dick grind against the outside of her vagina. I could feel my dick sliding in and I let out a gasp and asked if this is what she wanted. With her eyes closed, she shook her head, and let out a yes. 
With the permission I had wanted for weeks, I let it slip in the whole way. She was so tight I almost cam right away. I could feel the breath escape her body as she kept the rhythmic motion of her hips. No sound, just a gaping mouth, and a slight moan. Her hips slowed, I rearranged our positions so I was on top and let her feel the whole length. I asked if she was okay and she nodded and gasped, Please don’t stop. I didn’t, I started moving my hip forward and back in and out. I could feel her muscles relaxing a little bit but she was still so tight. It didn’t take long before I could feel myself close. I asked her where she wanted me to finish. She looked at me and smiled at me. That was all I needed to hear. I busted with so much force I could feel it racing back out. I pulled back and saw her dripping with my cum, and the biggest smile on her face. I laid down next to her as she put her head on my chest, still dripping with my cum. It wasn’t long before I was ready to go again. We went at it again and again all night. 

i took her virginity and and she enjoyed it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10z4je7/i_took_a_religious_womans_virginity_part_2_mf


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