A little beach fun [FM]

This happened a couple months ago but I still think about it often!

My bf and I found this hidden beach along the coast a couple years ago and it became our favorite spot. We mostly only ever see surfers out there and at max I’ve only ever seen 2 or 3 other people actually on the beach, which is odd because this beach is actually between a really popular spot and it’s not a small beach. There’s miles of sand either way which we always have to ourselves.

We were staying the night in this beach town so we weren’t in any hurry to leave so we decided to stay late.

By around 3pm we had the place completely to ourselves. We just relaxed and explored waiting for sunset to arrive.

When golden hour hit, he was sitting on our beach towel and I was laying on his lap just watching the waves when I felt something shift against the back of my head.

I instantly knew what it was and I turn to him with a look that said, “really?” To which he just smiled and told me we did have the beach to ourselves.

He wasn’t wrong, but I was still really nervous. Although rather quickly, he warmed me up to the idea.

The way we were positioned would make it hard for anyone to see us anyways. We had a big umbrella covering our backs so if anyone started coming down there path he could see them.

So, he pulled himself out of his shorts and I started slowly sucking his cock.

He took a nice little video of it and I’ll admit it was hot. It was nice hearing the waves, and feeling the warm sun on my skin while having my mouth stuffed with his cock. Who says romance is dead? Lol.

Eventually I did have to stop because a couple made their way down the path and it started getting cold so we packed up and continued the rest at our hotel.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10z4ros/a_little_beach_fun_fm