[MFF] Playtime at the Beach with my Girlfriend and Her Friend (Part I)

My girlfriend Lisa and I decided we wanted a beach weekend away from the university we were at and so booked a hotel for a Saturday night right on the beach in a sleepy Florida town. It was very early in the season so it was still pretty dead in terms of the number of people around and the hotels were very cheap.

Lisa had a good friend Gina she hadn’t see in a couple years who was living not far from the beach town, and she asked if she could invite her along to hang out so they could catch up. I said “Yeah, absolutely she can come!” maybe a bit too excitedly.

She shot me a look as I knew Gina too, as we all graduated from the same high school. She had been a year behind us in school, so Lisa had a big sister kind of relationship with her. Gina had always been very friendly and playful with me, but it didn’t come off as flirtation, and as I was dating Lisa I don’t think either of us took it seriously.

Lisa glared at me, knowing what I was probably thinking, and said exasperatedly “You can’t hit on Gina, she is like my kid sister!”

I shot back “I would never do anything like that” in my best faux innocent voice, and “Do you think I want to fuck ALL your cute friends?” knowing full well that the idea of us having another threesome with a friend had been in her head since our previous experiences.

She had admitted to me how much she had enjoyed watching me fuck her friend Val ([they had surprised by waking me up after a girl’s night out](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10a3qrl/fmf_cheering_up_my_girlfriends_friend_after_a/)), and how she would love to try it with another woman. She had recently started asking me which of her other friends I would like to sleep with. Our conversations got increasingly detailed as she asked me what I would do with them, and this often led to us fucking like crazy as Lisa would get so turned on by just talking about it.

Gina hadn’t been part of these conversations though as we hadn’t seen her in a long time, and because of the way Lisa felt about her, I don’t think she had included her in the pool of potential playmates for us.

Even though she said “Unh unh, no way. You have to be on your best behaviour with Gina.” I could see Lisa was now considering it. She had the slight flush of her pale skin she always got when she was horny, so decided to push her buttons a bit more.

“What would you do to me if I fucked little Gina?” I said in a devilishly playful voice and moved closer to her. She said, “Baby no you can’t, she is too sweet and innocent for you!” I had my doubts about that though… Gina had dated a friend of mine, and if what he said was true she was an animal in bed, despite her appearance of pixie-like sweetness. His descriptions of what she was like and my visual memory of her came rushing back to me, as me and Lisa bantered.

Gina was tiny, about 4’10”, with a very cute face, short dirty blond hair, ice blue eyes, and a sexy wide mouth with full lips. She was almost flat chested and had a beautifully protruding and very curvaceous ass. Tinkerbell with a booty would be an apt description of her.

As she continued to playfully dissuade me, Lisa was getting increasingly horny and we wound up attacking each other. I’ll never forget her locking eyes with me while riding me in cowgirl and then setting off my orgasm by asking me “I bet you want to fuck her big ass, don’t you baby?”

Fast forward to a couple days later and we were on the road down to the beach. Lisa was doing her usual tease-the-hell-out-of-me routine while I drove (drawing her fingertips across my cock, kissing my neck, etc.) but when we started getting closer to our destination, she looked at me seriously and told me “I know I was enjoying the idea of it the other day, but I don’t think you should try anything with Gina.” Disappointed but understanding I said “I’ll follow your lead”, she playfully retorted “I’m not leading you anywhere perv, just be good!”

We got into town, found the hotel and checked in, dropped our stuff off and grabbed some lunch in a diner. Back in the room, I changed into my trunks and enjoyed watching Lisa try on a couple different bikini options. She settled on a jet black one with a half-back that showed off her heart-shaped ass and pale skin.

Lisa got in touch with Gina and let her know where we would be and then we had fun putting sunscreen on each other’s bodies… lots of hands slipping underneath swimsuits… and headed out to the beach.

Gina turned up late in the afternoon and greeted us with a “Heeeeyyyy guys!” as she spotted us and came running down the wooden walkway to give Lisa a big hug. She was as cute as ever and wearing a tight white tank top with her bikini underneath and denim booty shorts that covered only about three quarters of her bum cheeks.

I had to stop myself from staring and thinking about how much I’d like to have my hands all over those curves. She turned from Lisa and reached out to hug me, pressing her face into my bare chest and squeezing me a bit tighter and longer than I was expecting.

Over Gina’s shoulder I saw Lisa giving me the hard stare, and gently broke away from the hug. As we moved apart Gina put her hand on my pec and told us “It’s great to see you, you both look amazing! Tell me what’s been going on.”

So Lisa and I started updating her on everything that had been happening in our lives. As we were talking Gina was getting undressed and both Lisa and I were trying not to stare as she was wearing the tiniest of string bikinis. The top barely covered her little a-cup boobs, and the bottoms were a thong that was completely swallowed by her gorgeous butt… so much so that she almost looked like she wasn’t wearing anything at all from a back view.

She laid her towel down next to Lisa and asked her if we had any sunscreen. Lisa shared ours with her and while standing above us, Gina made a beautiful display of coating her skin with the cream. Laying down on the towel on her belly, she reached back and untied her top and I got a flash of her tiny but very perky tits as she adjusted herself.

She caught me looking and gave me a little smile, and then said to Lisa “Hey, can you do my back for me?” Lisa said “Sure babe”, sat up and grabbed the cream and went to work smoothing it down her back. Lisa looked over at me and stuck her tongue out at me, knowing that I wished it was me who was rubbing up on Gina.

She got all the way down to her low back, then smacked her ass and said “All done!” Gina looked over her shoulder and playfully said “Oooh bitch smack it harder!” and Lisa giggled and gave her a couple more. Gina laughed, squirmed and lifted one shoulder, giving me a much longer look at her perky little tits and shot me a very hungry looking open mouthed stare. I was glad I was laying on my stomach as well, because their play was giving me a raging erection.

Lisa wiggled Gina’s cheeks with her palms and said “All the boys love this booty” Gina pouted and complained “It’s getting too fucking big, I’m having to exercise just so I don’t blow up like a balloon!”

“Well whatever you are doing it’s working, tell her baby. He’d be chasing after that ass if he wasn’t with me.” I coughed and laughed, then stammered “You do have an absolutely amazing butt Gin.”

She blushed and said “Thanks, I’m glad you two like it, nobody has appreciated it in a while.” That led into a conversation about Gina’s love life, which she told us had been a bit up and down, and that she hadn’t been seeing anybody serious lately.

Gina asked “What about you guys? You must be like an old married couple by now.” as we had been together for a few years at that point.

With her best devilish grin, Lisa told her “We’ve been spicing things up” and proceeded to tell her about some of our recent adventures. She kept asking for more details and we wound up telling her about the foursome and threesomes we’d had in the last year.

The expressions on her face as we were telling her this were priceless. The “O” of her open mouth was so sexy as she reacted with surprise to all of our sexual adventures. She said “Holy shit, you two are naughty! I’m jealous, I haven’t done even close to the things you have”. Me and Lisa exchanged looks, and I could tell her prohibition on us seducing Gina was weakening.

We hadn’t been in the water yet and it was getting late in the day so we all went down for a splash in the waves. There was lots of playful pushing and splashing, as well as the girls pulling on each other’s bikini tops, so I got several peaks of both of their nipples. During one point in our play Lisa pushed Gina towards me in the waves and she knocked me over on to my back in the surf, then she landed on me with her ass right in my lap.

I’m sure she felt my semi-hard cock through my trunks as it was right between her cheeks, and she took her time getting up off of me. I could swear she pushed back against me a little as she did so. Lisa was watching closely and said teasingly “Hey get off of my boyfriend, slut!”

Gina giggled and shot back “It’s your fault, you put me on him! Besides, I thought you liked to share him.” After hearing that and seeing the looks that were passing between them I was getting hopeful that something might happen after all.

The sun was getting low, so we headed back for the towels and started getting our clothes on and packing up. Lisa asked Gina if she had time to stick around for dinner and Gina said “Sure, I’m in no rush. Can we get cleaned up first though?” Lisa said “Of course, you can use the shower in our room. It’s really nice.”

So coated with sand and salt water we headed up to the room. When we got in, Gina went straight to the bathroom to check out the shower. She said “Oh wow, this shower is huge, all three of us could fit in here.” We took that as a very pointed hint.

I quickly conferred with Lisa outside the bathroom… “Can we?” I whispered in her ear. “Oh alllll right, I give in, she definitely seems like she is into it.” Lisa said to me quietly. “But take it slow, ok? I don’t want to pressure her.”

Gina was already stripping down to her bikini again as we entered the bathroom and I said “Can we come get clean with you? We’ll keep our suits on if you want.” She grinned and said “Yeah no problem, come on in” as she opened the glass door and stepped in to the shower, turned on the water and let it heat up.

“Mmm feels great” as the hot spray hit her, and I took in the sight of the water cascading over her sexy little body. Lisa took me by the hand and pulled me in with her. We took turns sharing the spray and the bottle of shower gel trying to get the sand and salt off of us.

Lisa said, “I’m going to take my top off, think I’ve got sand in it… not like both of you don’t know exactly what they look like anyway.” and with that she untied it and set free her perfect b-cups and yummy puffy nipples. Gina stared right at them “God I wish I had your boobs Lis, they are so nice.”

Lisa smiled at her and said, “Oh come on, I bet guys love yours too! I caught him looking at them today. I bet he’d love a closer look” Gina looked up at me and shyly said “Ok, you can tell me what you think”.

Lisa stepped around behind Gina and started playfully humming the stripper tune as she untied her top. She slowly pulled the material upwards and over one nipple and then the other, then threw the top on the shower floor next to hers. Gina’s nipples were now sticking straight out at me like little arrows.

Lisa surprised me and Gina by reaching around and cupping Gina’s tits with both hands and pressing herself against Gina’s back. Gina let out a little grunt and had the sexiest half lidded look on her face as Lisa said to me “What do you think baby? Do you like them?” The image of my girlfriend presenting me her friend’s tits to play with was driving me wild.

“Fuck yes! Can I kiss them?” I said as started to lean in. Gina nodded at me and we kept eye contact as I kissed her left nipple softly and then stared to slowly circle my tongue tip around it. Lisa was still cupping and gently squeezing her tits, feeding them to me as I played with one nipple and then the other, kissing, sucking, licking and teething gently on them. Gina was humming “mmmm uh huh, oh fuck that feels good” as me and Lisa worked on tits together.

After a couple more minutes of breast play, I lifted my head and caught Lisa’s eye. She released her grip on Gina’s tits and reached around to pull me forward so that we sandwiched Gina between us. Lisa and I kissed over Gina’s shoulder, while Gina cupped my butt cheeks with her hands, pressed her tits against my torso, and kissed my chest. My hard cock was pressed against her belly and straining to break free of my trunks.

I leaned my head down and took Gina’s face in my hands, kissed her gently at first, then we opened our mouths and slid our tongues across each others. She grabbed my ass hard as she started shivering, broke the kiss suddenly, and said “Fuck! You guyyys! Are you sure you are ok with this Lisa? ‘Cause I really don’t want to stop!”

Lisa smiled and said “I am loving watching what he is doing to you Gin. We are going to make you feel soooo good tonight babe”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10wvk55/mff_playtime_at_the_beach_with_my_girlfriend_and


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