Taking the rabbit’s carrot [forced feminization] [futa] [abuse]

There Miruko went, saving the day again. Ever since she had saved you two years ago, you’d been obsessed with her, from tracking all her heroics online to taking her workout tips she’d give in interviews. Although the workouts didn’t help like you thought, causing your lower half to grow exponentially, while your upper half barely grew at all, only making your arms lean and your chest look like you’d grown some AAs. Which paired with your puffy nipples didn’t help your love life. All the girls saw you as a sister they never had and they boys saw you as a thick cut of meat, grabbing your ass frequently. It was a wonder you hadn’t been raped yet.

You finally decided to leave the safety of your home to go look for her, checking all the dangerous spots. You don’t know how many dark alleys you went down when you felt someone put a knife to your neck. “Hey there girl. You look lost. Why not come back to my place and relieve some stress?” While they said this, their other hand went down my pants, first pushing my jeggings out they way then my panties, finally settling on your smooth prick. “Oh my, what do we have here? This girl has something extra to play with.” The blade was getting tighter against my neck causing me to panic, tears streaming down my face. “Ma’am, please. I don’t have anything to offer you. I’m not even a girl! Please just let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone!” You were ugly crying at this point. Then you felt the blade being pulled away. I was hopeful til I heard the click of a gun. “The only thing I want right now is your mouth around my cock. Usually girls’ mascara starts running after they start sucking, but whenever works. Now turn around and get on your knees!” You stopped thinking at this point, no longer trying to argue. You dropped to your knees and hung your head. You didn’t know how you’d live after this. And you would be a girl for sure now.

You looked up slightly, only for her massive cock to smack you across the face so hard you were confident it’d bruise. “Now, enough crying. Start sucking or I’ll shoot you right in that pretty face of yours.” You complied, doing your best to take their massive head farther than your jaw. “Ugh, you suck at this!” She grabbed your hair and forced you down with a “glhk!” Coming from you.

There wasn’t much light, but from where your hands held onto their hips you could tell they had dark skin, which might help the police with their investigation to catch them. Although you were terrified, you couldn’t help but hope Miruko would swoop down and save you. She might even carry you in her arms, telling you how strong you were. “Hey! Don’t make me do all the work here!” They hit you with the gun, causing blood to cover one of your eyes. You fell back and held your hands in front of you. “I’m sorry, please don’t kill me!” Before they could say anything else you took their cock into your throat again, going even deeper by yourself, making it hard to breathe. “Oh fuck your good! You dirty slut, you must suck dick all day long if you can take mine like this!” You shook your head no. “Oh don’t try to lie to me bitch!”

She pushed the gun into your temple. “I bet your ass is so loose you wouldn’t even feel me in there!” You didn’t make another sound to reply, aside from the slurping sound you made as they pumped into your mouth. Sure, you had played with yourself down there, but nothing this big! “Oh fuck, I’m already about to cum. You better take all of it! If even a single drop spills or is left on me after I pull out of you, you’re dead!” As they finished, you shoved their cock into your gullet it felt like, panicked with the thought of not making it out of here. They came buckets, making your small flat stomach bulge slightly. You also pulled their cock out slowly, using your tongue to clean them as you went. To your surprise, when it finally popped out, it was truly clean as when it entered. You gasped for air, collapsing on the ground. “I did what you asked. Just please let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone!” You started crying again. You knew they wouldn’t let you go. You saw their eyes and skin. Not many people had red eyes with dark skin here. “Oh I’m not done with you yet pretty girl. You’re coming with me!”

Before you could protest she threw you over your shoulder, squeezing your ass. You could feel her formerly hidden breasts pushing into your legs. She jumped onto the roof of a nearby building, jumped across a few more before finally stopping on a balcony. She opened the sliding door and set you down. You were quite dizzy, so you sat on the edge of the nearby bed. “Miss please. I-I d-don’t want to die! I did what you asked! Just please let me go… I won’t tell anyone. I don’t even have any friends to tell. I don’t even know who you are…” you hung your head and wept. You’re so pathetic. How could you get kidnapped like this? In a city of heroes? You must be the unlikeliest person around. “Oh don’t lie to me girl. It doesn’t suit you.” I raised my head to look at her. “What are you talking about? Of course I do-” your mouth hung open. She had stripped off her clothes, she was totally bare now. There wasn’t any doubt who it was. “Miruko? But you’re a hero! And the prettiest of all of them! You could have anyone you wanted! Why are doing this?” You couldn’t believe it. You looked up to her. You wanted to be her! Why? “Because if I date someone normally, there’s a good chance they’ll want to date me cause I’m famous. And I want absolute loyalty to me from my partners. So unless you want this video of you sucking me off to be shown to everyone you know, you’ll do exactly as I say.” You couldn’t believe it. She wanted you? “I don’t quite understand how you could want me, but I’ll do as you say.” She nodded.

“Good to hear! Now, take your clothes off.” You were shaken but did as she said. You pulled off your clothes pretty fast. She seemed to enjoy the view as you finally took your pink panties off, stepping out of them and leaving all your clothes on the floor. You tried to cover your puffy nipples with one hand and your small penis with the other. She cupped your head in her hands and turned your head to face her, promptly placing a kiss on your mouth. You didn’t resist, not even when she pushed you onto the bed and laid next to you. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body. You look amazing.” She kissed your cheek then flopped her cock onto your stomach. She pinched your nipples with her hand, causing you to moan. She chuckled lightly. You loved that sound. She leaned to the table next to her and picked a pill up and a cup of water. “Now, drink this.” You didn’t even think about what it was, you just took it and gave her back the glass. “What was that for?” “To make you mine.” She replied.

Moments later you could feel your body itching and changing. Your waist became smaller, the fat from it either going to your chest or hips. You easily had a D cup now, which was quite large on your small body. Then you felt your penis begin to itch! You looked down and yelped, your penis was inverting and folds were beginning to form in its place. “W-what’s going on?! What did you do?!” She just smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek. “I told you, you’re my girl now. And girls make babies. Have you ever heard of a mating press?” You were too stunned to say anything as she lifted your legs do they rested by your head, your ass in the air. She rested the head of her penis against your new opening. “Are you ready girlie? I’m going to knock you up!” She didn’t wait for you nod as she pushed into you. You quickly grabbed a nearby pillow and screamed into it.

The pain was almost too much to handle. It felt like you were being split open from the inside. You couldn’t stop yourself from weeping from the pain. Once she bottomed out she pulled the pillow away from your face. “It only hurts this much the first time my love, I promise. Just focus on your breathing, I promise it gets better.” I nodded and tried to smile when she used one hand to grab a newly formed breast, the other pulling my head towards hers. She put her tongue into my mouth before pulling herself out slowly, before slamming back into me. It still hurt but I kept quiet, it was starting to feel good. “Better already right? Now let’s get started.” I was confused. “What do you mean sta-” she answered me by moving faster and faster, the sound of her hitting my ass with her thighs was like thunderous applause. My legs started to go numb, and it felt like electricity was going across my whole body, my mouth making an ‘O’ shape. “Oh god baby, you’re so tight. I’m going to fill you up, get you pregnant for sure. We’ll have so many babies!” Somehow she started moving faster, my whole body bouncing back and fourth. “Oh yes mommy. Cum in me! Make me yours! I want your kids so bad! I’m your whore!” She squeezed your ass as she emptied into you, your stomach now truly bulging from the spunk being emptied into you. You laid there panting, Miruko collapsed next to you, breathing heavy while holding you close to her, her penis still inside you.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10wv87x/taking_the_rabbits_carrot_forced_feminization