[MF] Age gap relationship with my landlady

Having completed my first year at university, I was faced with the challenge of moving out from the halls of residence into private rented accommodation for the first time. The halls were only made available for freshers and once the first year of obligatory drinking, partying and nigh-of-just surviving was over, students were expected to rent privately, making room for the new cohorts.

Most of my peers decided to rent flats and houses that the students from years past had moved out from but, not being quite so desperate, I decided to look slightly further afield and see what other options were available. I had no issues about not living with friends and actually preferred the option of not, given I wasn’t too much of a party animal like most other students at my university. After looking around for a week or so, I found a private room for rent a few miles out from university, in a very middle-class neighbourhood, with a fairly recent divorcee who had a bedroom available.

As part of her divorce settlement she had secured their old family home as one of her own assets but now, as both her own grown up children had moved out, she had space for company.She did not need the money at all. She had decided to take a sabbatical from work and was wealthy from the divorce, she simply wanted the company and not be alone in such a large property.I made the appointment to view the room and Janice, [the divorcee] a very attractive woman, 59, curvaceous build – but not voluptuous – welcomed me and we hit it off instantly, laughing and joking as she showed me around her beautiful house.She offered me the room at a very competitive rate – like I said, her rationale was not for financial gain but to enjoy the company of another person – and I enthusiastically accepted her offer.

We quickly became very comfortable around one another and actively made every effort to spend time with one other. We’d enjoy eating evening meals together, having drinks and often talking into the early hours about all sorts. despite the significant age gap between us, our friendship felt incredibly natural and I felt much more comfortable in her company than I did with any of my university friends. We felt very easy being vulnerable with each other about sensitive topics and our chats often developed into quite flirtatious exchanges.

After approximately a month had pasted, we were in the kitchen together talking as normal and Janice brought up the topic of going back to work.She quipped about perhaps selling her body if she was to find it hard finding a job and, without hesitation, I responded by asking how would she want for it…She laughed it off, but I could sense this was my opportunity. I fancied her a lot and had started to harbour very strong sexual desires toward her, even though the age gap between was was over 40 years, and I could sense there was a strong sexual tension building between us.I persisted, saying how attractive she was and that she could charge whatever she’d like as guys would be lined up to be with her.

I could sense she was slightly embarrassed by my comments and she said I was kind but that she knew I was only humouring her. I wasn’t at all… I found her deeply attractive and had often been masturbating – thinking about her and I together.She quipped again saying that no one would pay, she was far past her prime and that it’d been so long she’d even forgotten how do satisfy anyone.
The tone was becoming slightly more flirtatious and I returned her quip, saying how I felt she’d be able to satisfy even the most demanding of men and that if she did, they be the luckiest guys alive. She’s made a slightly sarcastic retort but I reinforced my comments saying how any guy would be so lucky to even get a kiss of her.

At that comment, her tone became slightly more somber and she commented about she’d even forgotten what being passionately kissed felt like… she said it had been so many years since she’d been kissed. Even throughout the final few years of marriage her now ex husband had not kissed her and that she longed to feel wanted again.I didn’t want to take advantage of the situation, or her at all, but I was finding it hard to suppress my ever increasing feelings toward her…I moved slowly toward her and tenderly took her hand in mine… looking at her and reassuring her how beautiful she was.Slowly, I leaned forward toward her and sensed her moving toward me, tooI felt her warm breath caress my lips and, taking the initiative I gently pressed my soft, full lips onto hers… gently kissing her, tenderly and feeling the softness of her lips brush across mine as a loving kiss lingered between us.I kissed her again and ushered her lips toward mine, brushing my bottom lip over hers and feeling her gentle gasps, tendering biting and sucking her plump lips as our heads leaned to deepen the kiss as I started to hold her body more firmly.

As we continued, and just as I was expecting to feel her tongue slide into my mouth, she pulled away, suddenly appearing to realise what was happening.She commented that she was so sorry and that she shouldn’t have taken advantage of me… that what we’d done was so wrong and that her son was older than me. She said she should never have let us get so close and that she felt she’d mislead me…I held her tight and stopped her… saying she hadn’t taken advantage of me… that the reality was, that I wanted her… that I’d been longing to kiss her… that I felt deeply attracted to her and what was happening, I didn’t want to stop…She pushed me gently away…But looking at each other, I sensed something was stirring in her loins that she too was struggling to suppress…

*Part two to follow.*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10wvq0u/mf_age_gap_relationship_with_my_landlady

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