A slutty conservative sneaks off [F]

I feel like everyone expects us to be super refined and religious, and we are but god it’s actually the most tiring thing and it really wears on you too.
When it comes to it, sometimes we just want dick.

I almost slipped up last weekend. I was out with some friends at a bar and met one of my guys i have been hooking up with casually even though im married. He’s in college and super athletic but I was completely drunk. We talked for a bit and I asked how he was getting on trying not to make it obvious that we were super close and just someone i knew. Keep in mind I was extremely extremely extremely drunk. I half flirted with him and couldn’t hide it anymore so i told him to meet me in the bathroom when the girls weren’t looking.
It was the quickest and dirtiest sex ive had in a long time all while my friends were oblivious

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10ww4iq/a_slutty_conservative_sneaks_off_f


  1. Kind of hard to claim the higher moral ground while also admitting to being a slut.

  2. It seems to me extra hypocritical to work against abortion rights and birth control in the name of some sky daddy while being a drunk, cheating slut.

    I support sexual freedom for everyone. I support reproductive choice for everyone.

  3. > I feel like everyone expects us to be super refined and religious, and we are but god it’s actually the most tiring thing

    Setting aside how this isn’t much of a sex story, I have to ask: if it’s tiring, then why do you continue doing it? Why deny your own natural needs and impulses? In the name of what? Or, in your case, you’re not even denying yourself anything, you’re just keeping appearances while lying to your husband (and perhaps yourself as well) – why, what good does that do?

    Emancipate yourself from the mental slavery, live your life authentically the way you *really* want to, and be honest and genuine with yourself and others.

  4. >everyone expects us to be super refined and religious

    Super refined like, say MTG? Boebert? No, we expect conservative women to be incoherent loudmouth messes. And your religion is super hypocritical

    >one of my guys i have been hooking up with casually even though im married

    Conservative, liberal, doesn’t matter. Unless your husband is on board, which is pretty unlikely if he is also a conservative, this just makes you a piece of shit

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