Sex with my sugar daddy [F]

i can’t even begin to describe how amazing the sex was with my sugar daddy. he had this incredible watch that i was mesmerized by from the moment i saw it at the bar – it was so luxurious and stunning

his body was like nothing i’d felt before; it was the best of both worlds; he was strong and powerful, yet gentle and caring. we would stay up all night, exploring each other’s bodies, learning every inch of each other. he’d always been so generous with me, taking me out for fancy dinners and buying me expensive gifts, so there was really no other way for me to thank him but to give myself to him.

the way he used to glide his hands over my body still gives me goosebumps when i think about it. his touch was so electric, the pleasure so intense, i almost couldn’t handle it.

it’s been a few months since he left the country, and i still miss him terribly. I hope he comes back but he hasn’t talked to me since



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