Chastity B-Day Pt 2

I had finished most of what I set out to do that day and after cleaning my work shed I sat down to review all the sexy erotica photos my wife had sent me that day. I was definitely pressing against the cage as much as I could. In fact I’m pressing against it now thinking of those pics. Heading back into the house I was still pondering what she meant by no touching or she will “add” to the consequences.

All that ended when I entered our home and there she was in a crop top that tied in the front, no bra and her bountiful, luscious breasts spilling out the edges. It was in a aqua color my favorite. A very short black mini skirt that barely covered what I knew was a clean shaven pussy so she could get the complete feel of my tongue later. When she turned around I could see a slight bit of her beautiful ass. She had finished her outfit with sheer silky suspender stockings to show off her beautiful legs. At 5’10” I can’t say they are long but they sure feel and look good. Her legs supported by high heels added to the illusion of her legs being longer.

All thoughts left my mind and all I could get out of my mouth was a wide eyed “dam”. She turned around asking “do you like”? Walking up to her I reached around grabbing what I found out was a pantyless ass, pulling her up against my body and said “what do you think”. She responded “I think you’re not supposed to be touching me yet”. Stepping back still eyeing her body I asked “but how can I not”? “You’re all dirty from working outside all day”. The battle had been lost at that point and she was pulling off the ultimate tease.

As much as I wanted to immediately run to take a shower dinner was almost ready. A ribeye my favorite which I didn’t want to eat cold. We ate dinner watching TV and talking. She alternated between sitting with her legs crossed one swinging sexily and then spread wide for a full view. After dessert and the two of us cleaning up the kitchen. I sat down to relax and catch the end of a game on TV. Though I couldn’t concentrate on the game. It had been a while since I’d been that horny nor do I recall pressing against the cage for such long periods of time.

As soon as the game ended my wife suggested I go take a shower and she would be in to join me in a minute. I jumped at this idea. We frequently took showers together it gave me a chance to explore every 1/32 of a inch of her body and she loved when I washed her, especially her hair.

I was almost done including carefully washing around the chastity cage. I was wondering where she was as she entered the bathroom naked. Stepping into the shower she reminded me “No touching except to wash my hair.” “Now how am I’m supposed to do that” I asked. “The wash cloth will be between us, but you don’t touch me with your hands”. “OK”. It was tough not touching I wanted her so bad.

As we finished she suggested why don’t you dry off and go put on the new outfit I got you for your b-day. They are laid out on the bed. I’ll finish rinsing off and will be out shortly. I am definitely more of an outdoor man, but know my wife appreciates when I dress nice for her, so I went about my way. Besides soon I’d be naked uncaged and having fun.

Walking into the bedroom I froze in my tracks. As I said before I often wore a skirt to work around the property as it was more comfortable wearing the cage, but…… there on the bed laid a pleated skirt, blouse, bra, falses, suspender pantyhose, high heels, wig and jewelry! I have no idea how long I stood there mouth open before the words came out. Talking loud enough my wife could hear me n the bathroom I asked “What the hell”. She simply replied just put it on and go wait for me in the living room. With great trepidation I did as asked.
