Intimacy during a feminist invasion (part 4)

[part 3](

Audrey had to get rid of her stress after the meeting. Sarah explicitly asking what happend to her husband had given her this weird scared feeling in her stomach. Luckely her stress relief was waiting for her safely locked up in the basement.

Will jumped up when the door to his room was opend. “Finaly,” he exclaimed, “I have been waiting here for hours.” Audrey hugged him and pushed him back down on his mattress. “Don’t you worry,” she said, “tonight will be all about you.” She gave him a long kiss on the mouth while slowly climbing on top of him.

“Great,” Will said, “what’s for dinner?” Seriously, Audrey thought to herself, she was almost humping this guys leg and all he thought about was food? “I… I don’t realy have a plan. How about we order some pizza?” “Oh, sure, that will work. I heard that the fact that the city is completely taken over by a group of crazy women hasn’t stopped the delivery guys from delivering at all. 95 procent of the city was already gone when you locked me in here. There are only single women left and half of them is probably part of the revolution. I’m sure the other ones will be delivering pizza.”

Audrey rolled her eyes. “Fine, what do you suggest?” “I don’t know, you’re my kidnapper, you are supposed to take care of me, but I think there are some left overs in the fridge.” Audrey smiled and went upstairs. “Or we could cook together,” Will shouted at her. “Sure,” she yelled back, “removing your handcuffs and handing you a knife sounds like a great way to not get killed.”

Will and Audrey ate in silence on the mattress. Will was the first one to talk. “Do you realy think I would kill you?” Audrey shook her head. “But you would try to escape and either get captured by the revolution or dissapear out of my life forever. I don’t want to lose you.”

Will thought about her words for a while. “Honestly, I don’t know anymore if I want to escape or not. I mean… being locked up sucks, but I also want to be with you. Can’t we just stop this madness and leave together?”

Audrey shook her head. “I have work to do here. I can’t just leave. Not when we are so close to world domination.” Will let out a deep sigh. “You cuffed my hands behind my back two days ago. How long do I have to stay like this? I can barely move.” “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that you might over power me.”

Will looked down at his feet, completely silent. He leaned closer to Audrey and said: “This is the moment I would normaly initiate sex, but I’m having some technical issues.”

Audrey laughed loudly and pushed their plates out of the way. She stood right in front of him and started stripping off her clothes, making clumsy dance moves while doing so. Wills smile filled his entire face. He loved it when his wife did a little show for him.

Audrey exposed more and more naked skin. First her belly, then her long, well formed legs. After she removed her bra with an elegant swing and shaked her body to let her boobs bounce around, she had no clothes left but her panties. She turned around and pushed her ass in Wills face for a few seconds before taking this last piece of clothing of and trowing it in Wills face.

Audrey turned Will on his belly and sat down on his cuffed hands, exposing her wet pussy to his fingers. “Come on, make me feel good,” she said as she started to remove Wills pants. Will tried his best to finger her while she was massaging his legs, but he had no idea what he was doing.

After his underwear was gone aswell, Audrey turned him on his back. “Did I do a good job?” Will asked. “It was pathetic,” Audrey said, “but also very funny to feel your poor attempts. But luckily seeing your naked ass got me going. Prepare to get the real pussy.”

Audrey lowerd herself on to his dick and started grinding. Wills brain melted instantly, as he stared at Audrey’s boobs moving around as she rocked up and down. Their breaths simultaniously grew louder. Audrey’s movements sped up. Will was sweating and so was his wife. And suddenly he came. Audrey didn’t slow down but kept going until his balls were completely emptied. Will closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath, but Audrey wasn’t done with him yet. She pushed her pussy in his face and told him to lick that clit. Will was happy to do so and it didn’t take long for her to finish aswell.

They laid on the mattress for what seemed like an hour. Audrey stroked Wills hair while Will pressed himself against her naked body. “That was good” Will murmured. “That was amazing,” Audrey said. “I’m gonna take a shower,” she said, “when I’m done I’ll come back to give you a bath.” Will stared at her naked ass leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Will was staring at the pile of clothes Audrey had left behind. He was exhausted, but for some reason Audrey’s panties were calling his name. Will liked to secretly sniff them while doing laundry. There was nothing wrong with that, right? He rolled himself on his knees and crawled towards the pile of clothes. He could turn around to take them in his cuffed hands, but Will preferd to push her clothes around with his face. He prayed that Audrey woundn’t walk in on him sniffing around loke a dog.

Suddenly Will heard something small falling out of a pocket. A little key was laying on the floor. Could it be? Will picked up the thing and tried to fit it in his handcuffs. It worked. The lock klicked and Will was finaly free.

He was staring as his hands in amazement when he heard footsteps walking down the stairs. Audrey was back. Will had to think fast. There was no time to put the cuffs back on and Will knew that Audrey would never give him an oportunity like this again. This was the only chance he would have in a very long time.

The door swung open. Audrey stared as her husband, slowly realizing that his cuffs were gone. She was still completely naked, her hair was wet from the shower. Will pushed Audrey out of his way and ran upstairs. Audrey screamed in surprise and ran after him. She caught him in the living room, tackeld him and pushed him down with her full body weight. Will went down surprisingly easy. He tried his best to struggel his way too freedom, but Audrey was too strong for him. Will tried his best to resist, but it was in vain. Audrey held him down without effort while Will was getting himself exhausted. “Why are you so strong?” he asked. Audrey laughed, “We have training. But why don’t you tell me where you were going without your pants.” “My… oh, yeah.” Will had completely forgotten about his naked ass in the heat of the moment.

“You know what, I’ll leave the cuffs off for now,” Audrey said, “I have clearly overestimated your strenght.” Will tried one last time to wiggel free from underneath his naked wife. “I feel embaressed,” he said, “but I must admit that being held down by a beautiful women is very arousing. I would do it again if I had the chance.” “You better behave,” Audrey said, “or I might decide to put your cuffs back on.” She helped Will back on his feet and he followed her to the bathroom to wash his sweat off.
