Running guy is mine and I don’t care what anyone thinks [MF]

*This is cheating, I know many of you don’t approve but it is what it is and we all make our own decisions. You can choose to hate, move on or read.*

I had woke at 5AM to shower because the heatwave is stifling, I looked at my bed to see my daughter cuddled into her father and I felt for him because I had the best place on the mattress that night. It wasn’t nice waking up as I was on the outside without a little radiator making everything that much hotter, it’s his fault for letting her in.

After spending a bit more time in the shower than normal to let the cool water bring the core temperature down I went downstairs to get my sports bra and shorts out of the dryer. My mum was already up and again she wasn’t coming with me because she’s not feeling good, I was thinking about how interesting that was going to be when she takes a test.

I started my run from the front door and made it to the gates, I left the remote in the mailbox on the pillar and made my way up to the woods. Normally the sea breeze cools me down in the summer but not on that day, nor the day before and only a little bit before that. On this day I was sweating before leaving our grounds and looking forward to the shade.

The guy a few days before this had been a no show since. I didn’t see anyone on the trail because I was the only crazy bitch going out in this heat to workout but as soon I was under the cover of leaves I felt the reprieve away from the sun. After woodlands I have 500 meters exposed in grassland that rises upward before arriving at the forestry, this is a grueling route and here I was challenging it in the middle of the 2022 heatwave. I know, it was stupid but we all make stupid decisions.

And when I did arrive I had to stop. I was cursing myself for doing this because I was fucked already and I considered turning back, but I sat down at a bench and looked at the four cars parked up and realised they had the right idea. I should have drove there.

In that moment I only wanted water and air con and I only had one with me, I smashed through half of my bottle and I hadn’t even begun the real hill climb. I’m just over 2.5 km into my run and it’s about 7.5 in total, this forestry isn’t the bulk of it but its by far the toughest part. I wasn’t thinking about seeing him again because I just wanted to be in one of those cars with ice cold air blasting me, or home with my family and back in the shower with that cool water raining down.

I spent nearly 15 minutes sitting there unable to make my mind up on my next move because going up or down were both viable options, I always complete my run but on that day I nearly bailed out. I was that close to calling it in. I was actually contemplating calling my dad to come get me because the journey there reduced me to this and the journey back was only going to be hotter. Its only 06:24 and the furnace in the sky is only rising higher, had I not been so exhausted I would have cried.

31 degrees Celsius, 94% humidity, zero breeze. Welcome to the coastal UK summer heateave everyone, I’ve spoken to Texas here on vacation who drowned in their own sweat. I was already becoming dehydrated.

But then a van pulled in and it was him. I watched him park up and I saw him get out and he didn’t notice me as he stretched to be ready to go, I just sat with my elbows on my knees and to be honest I didn’t feel up for this. When he started to run off in the opposite direction I shouted out to him though, *Hey! You got air con?*

It made him stop and spin around, he just looked like he didn’t know what to do or say but he walked over to me. When he got close he could tell I wasn’t in a good place and remarked how red I looked on my face, all that sweat refused to evaporate away because the air here is so humid. There’s nowhere for it to go so it clings to us. There is no cooling down in the shade.

We starting talking about the heatwave and that I was going to call it off for today, he told me to get in his van and he put his air con on. It was fucking bliss! I laid back into the dirty dusty passenger seat and closed my eyes, he thinks any longer and I would have been moving into heatstroke. It was tough!

5 minutes was all it took to snap back to myself, most of that was just me silently feeling the arctic air coming out of the blowers not wanting to see the sun rays coming through the canopy above. The silence was broken when he opened to door and asked if I wanted him to call my dad or take me home himself.

I told him to come inside and we can get the big huge white elephant in the room out of the way, he was awkward about it but I wasn’t. I don’t give a fuck. I don’t give a fuck he’s married and I don’t give a fuck there’s a wife at home and if that makes me a shitty person then guess what, I don’t give a fuck. I told you that you could move on.

I started by telling him what happened happened and it means nothing much to me because it’s just sex, he wanted to know why my number wasn’t working and I told him I blocked him. He didn’t understand at first why I would give it and do that but I flat out told him when I want him I’ll text him, he remarked he wasn’t comfortable with that because he’d be working or with his wife and yeah I told him I don’t give a fuck.

At this point he regretted inviting me into his van and stated he wasn’t prepared to ruin his marriage and he wanted me to delete his number and we never see eachother again, I did as he asked showing him the number was gone but I said its in my history now. His phone called mine.

But he was nice to me. He did tell me get in the van to cool down and he was looking a bit lost, I could see he knew he messed up and he was probably thinking about his wife. I took a bit of pity and asked him did the idea of an affair enter his head after what happened a couple days earlier. He admitted it was one of the only things on his mind.

I knew he had, because he knew something was up with contacting me because he asked why he could not get in touch earlier in this post, right? I assured him if he wanted this then the only way his wife would know was if he told her, I told him I am not a home wrecker. I am not a woman scorned type of girl. I told him if he calls it off I’ll just go find someone else to pick on.

*FYI not really true anymore, since then some girl on this site was harassing me so I found her boyfriends account in her comments. Generally I’m not a home wrecker but I made an exception for that bitch!*

His mood lightened and he asked if this was really happening, repeatedly! I told him it was, repeatedly! I finished my bottle of water and made my move!

To get the message across I unzipped my sports bra to reveal the crack between boobs underneath, I put my foot up on the dash, spread my legs and grabbed my pussy with one hand to squeez it and pulled my bra down down over my tit to really drum home the message that this affair was really starting right there, right then!

I told him they were his!

All he could do was bury his head into the top of the steering wheel then look out the window away from me, when he turned back to look at me I was running my hand over my pussy waiting for eye contact. Two words was all he said. *Fuck it!*

He slid over to me and I pounced on his lap and we made out in his van, he grabbed my boobs and pulled my bra down to expose my other tit and I told him if he tore it I would kill him! I wanted him to tear it off but he took it literally!

I did the next best thing and unzipped my sports bra all the way, slid it off my shoulders and threw them aside as he lifted his top over his head, we made out a little more until I got off his lap and removed my shorts as he got his dick out and pushed them down to his trainers.

I got back on to his lap and took his cock in my hand and made out with him again as I guided it to my pussy then impaled myself on him. I rode him right there in his van in the dusty graval car park with only socks and trainers adorning my body. As I bounced on him I pulled away from our kiss and placed my hands on his shoulders and we fucked!

He had his hands all over me. My boobs, my ass, my thighs, my waist. They were everywhere and I kept glancing at his ring knowing I had him, he was inside me without a condom again and I knew he was mine! His wife was now borrowing him from me, I’m allowing her time with my man! He was mine!

This fuck didn’t last long. We weren’t going for the best longest fuck in the world. He isn’t the biggest guy I’ve ever had. This is just sex with someone I know I shouldn’t be having sex with, he is out of bounds and that is why I’m do this and that is why I’ll keep doing this.

It’s knowing in the moment that someone else’s man is so into me that he wants to come looking for me, fuck me, cum inside me and risk putting babies in me. It’s knowing that there is another woman out there who’s man wants me more than her. Its my ego. I’m a fucking narcissist and have to know that her man’s cock actually belongs to me!

I didn’t even cum that and as much as I wish I had it doesn’t matter too much because I got to play with him after he took me home in his van and I dropped my girl off to school. There was going to be other times, but things went quiet when I stopped responding to his texts but recently he reached out. Its back on and I’m going to make sure he tells her he is away with his friends for the night, I’ve got him!

The point is I am not cheating and he is, and I just can’t resist the draw of a married guy as they do things most others will not. They want to fuck in public because they won’t risk their wife walking in on me riding his cock, they’ll want to try all the things their wife won’t let them like fucking me in the ass, they want the no holds barred excitement of a stranger catching us because it makes them feel wanted, insatiable and young once more.

I help people cheat and get a kick out it. Get over it!



  1. I had a friend like you once. She would use me wherever she wanted. She used me a lot and it was fantastic!

  2. You aren’t cheating but you opened with saying your daughter was cuddled against her father. You sleep in the same bed as her father but yall aren’t together?

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