A new dynamic develops for an old fashioned couple (part 4) [femdom] [M/F30s]

She didn’t waste much more time and in fact didn’t say anything else. It was obvious what she wanted and what she expected.

She lowered herself down onto his waiting tongue…

John felt almost overwhelmed as she lowered herself, her sex meeting his waiting mouth, and he started to taste her. Before, he had never overly cared for doing this. It didn’t disgust him or anything, but to him, sex had always been about intercourse. Everything else was secondary or something that would just lead to intercourse. His mind was starting to be changed though, whether he realized it or not. The way she had teased him while he was helpless caused him to feel sex in a way that he had never come close to feeling before, nor as intensely. He could still feel his hard cock throbbing in the air, looking for stimulus, but ignored for now.

And now, his beautiful sexy wife was practically demanding his tongue. And he wanted to give it to her. She was so turned on and so wet, and he was in such a desperate state, that all he wanted to do was hear her moans of pleasure. And if this would cause it, it made him eager to do so.

And so, he licked her like he never had before. At first, he had used his tongue licking the folds of her labia and going partially inside her, like he always had. But it wasn’t long before she positioned herself differently and her clit was between his lips. She even said, “Lick my clit John, lick it….” and he really had no choice but to comply, not that he didn’t want to. His tongue eagerly played over it, listening to her incredible moans of pleasure and trying to work it in whatever way made those lovely sounds come out the most.

In another way, it was overwhelming too. Her silky thighs were close on either side of his head and her small body loomed over him. She was in complete control and his entire world had become pleasing her pussy. She would occasionally grind down on him and move her hips to get his tongue exactly where she wanted it. His world had become very simple. All that existed in this moment was licking her. It was all he could do, and he found it was all he wanted to do. As her breathing elevated and her moans increased, she brought her weight more fully onto his face, and her thighs came in more almost starting to squeeze his entire head.

“John, fuck….take it into your mouth, suck on it…” she demanded in the most sexy voice he had ever heard, and full of confidence that he would do exactly what she told him to. And he did, gently pulling her clit into his mouth between his lips with a light suction and running his tongue over it. She cried out, “Yes!” and her legs started to squeeze his head even more. He found breathing starting to become a challenge and he might have panicked – tied as he was, unable to move, and smothered by her sex as she writhed on top of him, there was no way for him to physically escape and let himself breathe more easily. But he didn’t. It made him feel that helpless state and how he had no control here and he let out a low moan against her clit from how much that aroused him.

Cindy was in heaven. John had rarely performed cunnilingus, and when he had, he had not been very good at it, nor spent any time or effort trying to get better. It had been almost like he was just trying to get it out of the way. But now, he was doing exactly as she desired, and she felt so powerful riding his face like this. She was going to redefine their sex life and finally, blissfully, get all of the pleasure she deserved. She had been so worked up by teasing him that she almost came on the spot when his tongue touched her. He hadn’t balked at her direction and seemed to be trying in earnest to do exactly what she wanted. That power was giving her quite the head rush and she felt a powerful orgasm coming. She squeezed his head harder and allowed herself to completely let go and enjoy taking her pleasure.

When she heard him gasping for breath, that was it. That sent her over and her legs clamped onto him hard as her entire body trembled in orgasm. She cried out in pure ecstasy from it, her hands even going to his head and pulling it towards her harder. It was incredible. The best orgasm she had ever had. She knew now that she could never go back to the way things were. This was how it should have been. She rode his face through the orgasm, he body occasionally trembling with aftershocks, before she relaxed and pulled up off of him a few inches.

She looked down at him and all of his desire was still there in his eyes as he panted to regain his breath. His face was covered in her juices and besides desire, the look he gave her could best be described as adoration. she brought her hand to his face and caressed it. “Oh, John, that was amazing,” she said a little breathlessly. And it was. She wanted very much to lower herself back down and take two or three more orgasms from his tongue, but she restrained herself, despite his eager look. She didn’t want to overdo this first time and have him become so overwhelmed that it started to become a negative experience. This was enough to start establishing things and training him on how to please her, and he had done such a good job. There were a lot of seeds planted tonight and she needed to give them time to grow, but there was one more important one she wanted to plant.

“Would you like to cum now John?” she asked sweetly and he replied, “Very much so. That was….let me just say I am only more aroused than before.”

She smiled in victory. She would slowly change how he thought of sex. And teach him that his natural primary motivation would always be her pleasure first. That pleasing her would be his path to his own pleasure.

Still hovering inches above his face, her scent filling his nostrils, she said, “I want you to ask me for it John. You’ve done so great tonight and I want to reward you with an orgasm, but I want you to ask for it. Ask me to let you cum…” Her voice was low and raspy, but confident. She knew that speaking like this and being demanding of him would feel very odd for him. Asking for permission? That would be something that might cause his male ego to fight it. But she was pretty sure she had read the situation correctly and he would do as she told him. She had refrained from telling him to beg, but that was what she wanted. It was too early to use a word like that and this got the same point across.

This would be the start of her ownership of his orgasms. He didn’t know that of course, but establishing now that he needed to ask for it would set the baseline.

She was right. His ego was in check and though his eyes were wide with the uncertainty of asking for something he had always felt was his natural right, he started to speak. “Cindy…I…I have never been so desperate…Can…Can I cum now? Will you let me cum now?” he started and she waited, not moving and not saying anything. He let out a little whimper in the silence and his voice became a little more desperate sounding, “Cindy? Can I cum now? Please?” There we go, she thought. He is getting close to begging. That ‘please’ almost pulled another orgasm from her. “Please Cindy. Please.”

She smiled with another victory and moved her body down until they were face to face. “Yes you may John,” she said and kissed him passionately, her tongue plunging into his mouth aggressively. Another thing that was the opposite of the way it had always been.

She pulled off and then straddled his hips. His large cock was still quite hard and angry looking. Intercourse had always been missionary before, but no longer. She had dreamed of doing this. Taking his cock in hand, she lined it up, and impaled herself on it…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10ti1zk/a_new_dynamic_develops_for_an_old_fashioned