[F] Daddy found my real identity. I have no idea who he is.

I am a slut who loves posting NSFW content. At the same time, anonymity is very important to me. I pride myself on being discreet, to the point where I am almost fanatical about checking my writings and pictures for any identifiable characteristics before posting. After all, I work in a rigid corporate environment where I would probably be fired if my identity were ever exposed. Most of my family and friends are also highly conservative, and I want to preserve my image as a good innocent girl in their eyes.

That all changed last week. After years of being a secret slut, the unthinkable happened – a Redditor found my real identity.

[Day 1]

It all began when I received a message from him (let’s call him Daddy) referring to my previous post on my CNC fantasies. Daddy caught my attention because he was the first person to bring up my fantasy of being blackmailed by someone who had found my NSFW social media account with thousands of followers (PS: the account really exists) and figured out my identity from that. I liked the nasty, degrading way he talked to me. When he told me he was married, I was hooked.

The first ever piece of personal information I gave him was the handle of my NSFW social media account. The possibility of him potentially finding my identity secretly thrilled me. In reality, I felt protected as I knew I had been very careful with posting so the likelihood of this actually happening was almost non-existent. Hence, I also had no qualms giving him my written consent for potential blackmail and CNC, despite knowing almost nothing about him.

Daddy started to describe how he would mark me as his property once he found my identity. I was out with a friend at that point, but his sexting turned me on so much that I could barely focus. My pussy was throbbing, my nipples got hard, and my breathing became heavier – all while I was trying to hold a normal conversation with my friend. I excused myself to send Daddy a picture of the gusset of my panties upon his request. Sure enough, there was a huge wet spot.

Once I got home, we continued sexting. I was initially only allowed to play with myself over my panties; I was so wet that my juices quickly seeped through my panties onto my fingers. I was then allowed to play with my vibrator. After being edged for a couple of hours, I had to go for a family dinner – after rubbing my face with the vibrator. I rather reveled at being such a nasty slut, going for dinner with my unsuspecting family while my pussy juices were smeared all over my face and my panties were stained, all at the behest of a complete stranger.

Later that night, we played for hours again. I sent Daddy videos of me playing with myself in which my voice could be heard – something I usually refrain from doing in case anyone recognized my voice. He kept trying to make me reveal my face partially but I held firm on that boundary. After being edged for ages, I was finally allowed to cum. However, the caveat was that I had to film myself wearing my dirty stained panties over my head, sniffing them, saying my first name and talking about what a fucking nasty whore I was. While I was hesitant to do it as someone could potentially recognize me just from the visible lower half of my face, my body shape and my voice, I wanted to cum so badly that I ignored my instincts. Since I had been edged for such a long time, I came incredibly hard and squirted so much that my juices dripped all over my body as I pulled my dildo out of my pussy.

[Day 2]

The next day, Daddy was upset with me because I admitted that I had given him a fake first name (despite having reiterated that it was my real name) and I had met and fucked a Redditor (let’s call him M) earlier in the day without asking Daddy for permission. The thought of asking for permission had crossed my mind briefly but I decided not to because I had arranged this prior to chatting with Daddy. I was also secretly afraid that he would forbid me from meeting M and I really needed to be fucked and used (Daddy, if you’re reading this – sorry, I know I’m a greedy fat dumb whore who deserves to be punished).

I felt so guilty about lying that I ended up giving Daddy my real first name. I even proved that it was my real first name by sending him a redacted photo of my ID. This was momentous for me – I had never ever shared my real first name in relation to my NSFW hobby. In fact, I took pains to ensure I never shared any personal information regardless of how inconsequential they might seem (since different pieces of information could add up and be very telling). Until now, I’m not entirely sure why I shared it because he would never have found my identity otherwise. Did I want to be potentially found out? Did it thrill me that the probability of him finding my identity had increased from nil to slight? Or did I think that he wouldn’t be able to find out even with my real first name so it didn’t really matter?

Oh, how badly I ended up being punished for lying and whoring myself out without asking for permission. Daddy made me clip clothes pegs onto my tits and inner thighs while recounting in detail all the filthy things that M and I did. I also had to use the pegs to spread my fat cunt. I had never been so humiliated before. Being told over and over again and repeating out loud what a fat dumb whore I was and how terrible I looked. Being made to use clothes pegs that my family actually uses to do what they are meant to do on my pussy and having my juices dirty them, in order to inflict pain on myself and expose myself like I’ve never done before to please (or appease) a stranger. At one point, Daddy also made me snap a rubber band on my pussy multiple times, which was so painful that I teared up immediately and almost cried.

I ended up having 9 pegs on me. Daddy threatened to have me leave them on all night while I slept, which filled me with dread as I was already in so much pain. However, he offered me the chance to play a game to remove the pegs and even win a free orgasm. The catch was that I had to volunteer new and pertinent personal information. Any irrelevant information offered would result in more pegs being added. Again, I messed up here – if I had just been a good slut and put up with the pain for one night, he would never have found my identity. Instead, I decided to play the game.

Daddy’s standards were rather exacting. It was tough to think of information that did not give too much away while still passing muster. Looking back, he was also smart to let me keep my vibrator on while playing the game. Being horny and fearful of pain definitely affected my judgement at least a little. I ended up giving him personal information that I never thought I would share with any stranger I met through my NSFW accounts – my entire schooling history, the neighborhood where I lived, specificities of my work and even the initial of my last name. I even sent him an expiring nude picture with my face fully visible in it (for 5 seconds) to win the free orgasm…While that made me slightly uncomfortable, I reasoned to myself that it would be fine since it was an expiring photo that he could not screenshot. In return, he sent me an expiring picture with his face visible as well.

It was a highly intense session and we ended at 6am. At which point, I was way too exhausted to worry too much about the extent of information that I had shared. I briefly rationalized to myself that much of the information I had shared (such as my neighborhood) could not be associated with my identity through a simple online search anyway. Of course, a niggling doubt existed at the back of my mind but I did not give much credence to it.

[Day 3]

Our texting/sexting continued as usual the next day, and I pretty much stopped worrying about the information I had shared the night before. However, later that evening, Daddy suddenly told me that he would tell me some really juicy information if I sent him a non-expiring video of myself stripping down to nothing. I thought about it hard – and I did it.

At this point, you’re probably wondering why I went from being a secretive slut who prizes my anonymity enormously to someone who would send such an incriminating video to a stranger over the Internet. I’ve wondered about the same as well. For some strange (and absolutely irrational) reason, I felt that I could trust him to some extent. Perhaps this was because we had texted/played virtually for many hours straight and we could connect quite well sexually on a cerebral level. Also, I absolutely hate being kept in suspense in general so I desperately wanted to know what the information was.

Daddy said that he had done some searching after last night and found my real identity. My mind raced – had he really found out? Had I given away enough relevant information to be found out? What would I do if this were true? I was a bit uneasy but I still did not believe him then – until he texted me my full name.

I was stunned. He knew my full name, including my middle name that I rarely use and did not think was searchable in any public domain. He had so much power over me – with that information, he could find out where I work and who my family/friends/colleagues are. He could send all my NSFW postings and that incriminating stripping video to them. He could blackmail me or really screw up my life if he wanted.

He gave me a choice on how I wanted to proceed. He offered to never contact me again and do whatever that would make me feel safe if I wanted to stop. Or we could continue.

Ultimately, I chose to continue. I chose to do so even though he refused to share his identity in return for my assurance at this point. As above, I felt that I could trust him to some extent. The fact that he offered me a choice on how to proceed definitely helped with that. He also seemed quite genuine in wanting to help me achieve my goals (mainly on weight loss). I have to admit that I was having fun despite being scared (or maybe the fear is part of the fun). He has pushed me mentally in ways that I haven’t been pushed before, and I can be truthful to him about my sexuality in ways that I am not comfortable to be IRL or with a non-stranger. Moreover, since he already had that incriminating stripping video on hand, I felt that I did not have much more to lose by proceeding.

Of course, the fear of being exposed still exists because the balance of power is so unequal. Daddy knows my real identity and has a lot of videos and pictures that I have now sent him where I share personal information and my face is fully visible while I do filthy nasty acts. On the other hand, I barely know anything about him.


The past few days have been both fun and frustrating. I’ve done so many nasty things that I’ve never thought of. I’ve been embarrassed and humiliated, volunteering personal information on camera that I’m still not comfortable offering just to get him off. I’ve played with myself on a livestreaming platform on which he watched and heard all my reactions live while I could not see or hear him at all. I’ve fucked myself with my dildo and squirted all over my namecards (that I give out for work), and I now have to give them out to unsuspecting work contacts.

Today, I worked 9-10 hours straight with my panties bunched up and stuffed in my pussy. It was a constant reminder of what a massive slut I am and was hugely distracting as I tried to focus on work, especially as my pussy kept throbbing. I had to walk to and from lunch in this state with my unsuspecting colleagues – I was so anxious that they would drop out of my pussy and everyone would see. Predictably, my panties were soaked by the time I was allowed to remove them at the end of the workday.

So, here we are. I’m currently being placed on a fuck hiatus until I lose some weight and writing this at Daddy’s behest to (hopefully) earn some free orgasms. Looking forward to more adventures (and sharing about them).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10sqr1e/f_daddy_found_my_real_identity_i_have_no_idea_who

1 comment

  1. I’m confused how you keep everything personal so safeguarded but you met a redditor to fuck him?

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