A Sleepless Night – all parts [MF] [sleep play] [somnophilia]

*Before you start reading, this theme came in as a request when I polled this community a few weeks ago. Be aware that both are consenting parties and this story is fictional. Be kind and enjoy :)*


**PART I**

“Happy anniversary!”

I gently clinked the top of my champagne glass with Sarah’s before we took a sip. She smiled at me over the rim of her glass, her eyes twinkling.

“This place is beautiful,” she leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand. “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing more than you deserve,” I smiled back, drinking in her features. After five years, I was still so in love. The restaurant I’d picked was high-end but I had more than enough money and I couldn’t think of anything better to spend it on than my amazing girlfriend.

As dinner came, we chatted and laughed and somehow made it through two bottle of champagne.

“That’s gone straight to my head,” I laughed as our plates were cleared. “Even with the meal.”

“It’s the bubbles,” Sarah nodded, grinning tipsily. “They’re dangerous!”

“Let’s get out of here before we have another bottle then,” I wobbled slightly as I stood, setting us both off with a bout of giggles.

We climbed into a taxi, where Sarah rested her head on my shoulder. I kept my arm snaked around her waist, feeling her satin dress hug her curves. I rubbed through the fabric softly.

“Mmm,” she mumbled into my chest.

“You asleep babe?”


I kissed the top of her head and held her close until we arrived back home. I was prepared to carry her in but she awoke suddenly as we pulled into the driveway.

“Let’s have another drink inside, shall we?” she grinned and trotted up to the front door.

“Another one?” I laughed as I let us both in. I took off my suit jacket as she made her way to the kitchen.

“Why not? It’s our anniversary!”

“You’ve got me there,” I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and sat heavily on the sofa. Sarah came through moments later, a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. I watched her hips as they swayed when she walked. She noticed and smiled mischievously.

“Maybe we can save it for after, hmm?” she sat the glasses and bottle down, making a show of bending over so I could see the curves of her ass through her dress. I felt my cock begin to throb.

“After…?” I asked hopefully.

Sarah didn’t say anything but turned to me, a smile still playing on her lips. I sat back as she climbed on top of me, her knees on each side of my thighs. The position made her dress ride up until I could see the flash of her red panties. I groaned as all the blood in my body rushed to my cock.

“Fuck…” I exhaled as Sarah cupped my face and leant in.

Her lips pressed against mine softly before I took control, parting her lips and sliding my tongue in. She responded in kind until we were making out like teenagers. I ran one hand up her back, pulling her in close while the other grabbed her ass, her skin bare from where her dress had been pushed up to her hips. I knew she liked it when I was bit rough, as much as I enjoyed being rough with her, so I dug my fingers into her ass until she gasped.

“You want me to fuck you on the sofa?” I mumbled against her mouth. “Bend you over and show you how good girls get treated?”

She giggled and moaned, her tongue sliding over mine.

“Leo…” she whispered and I took the chance to begin kissing the soft skin of her neck. Her perfume wafted over me, ramping up my horniness.

“Hmm?” I answered, my mouth not leaving her neck.

“Can I ask you to do something for me?”

I broke away to look at her.

“Of course, babe. Anything.”

She suddenly appeared shy, her cheeks flushing and her eyes lowering.

“It’s…” Sarah stopped, biting her lip.

“Babe, don’t be shy,” I smiled encouragingly. “It’s me. You can ask me whatever.”

She took a deep breath, placing her hands flat on my chest. I took the cue and sat back, waiting patiently.

“Okay, so it’s just this fantasy I’ve had…”

“Oooh,” I grinned. “Go on.”

“I don’t want you to think it’s…”

She paused.

“It’s what?” I prodded gently.

“I don’t know… weird or creepy,” she lowered her eyes again.

“Sarah,” I put my finger under her chin and tipped her face up so she could meet my eyes. “I won’t ever think that about you. You can tell me. Even if I’m not into it, we can talk about it; I won’t judge you, you know that.”

She chewed her bottom lip nervously but nodded.

“Yeah, you’re right,” she took another deep breath. “Well… I really like the idea of you… kind of… having sex with me while I’m asleep.”

Sarah’s eyes quickly ran over my face to gauge my reaction. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that.

“While… you’re asleep?”

“You think I’m a creep.”

“What? No!” I ran my arms behind her back and pulled her towards me. After a slight hesitation, she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me back. “I don’t think you’re a creep at all. I was just surprised, that’s all.”

“Really?” she pulled back and looked at me.

“Really,” I emphasised, smiling. “But I’m… I guess I’ve never really thought about doing that. It feels like I’d be taking advantage, y’know?”

“I know,” she nodded. “But you’d have my full consent. I find it really hot.”

“Well…” I thought it over.

I wasn’t sure. I liked it when I could see how much she was enjoying it and could reciprocate. I thought of the countless nights we’d had, watching her take my rock hard cock, her tits bouncing and her eyebrows knitted together in pleasure. Fewer things turned me on more. But Sarah seemed to like the idea of it and I wanted to stay open-minded for her. I needed to dig a bit deeper.

“What do you like about it?” I probed.

“I…” she nearly hesitated but decided to press on when I gave an encouraging nod. “I like that you want me so much, so badly, that you need to have me no matter what. I like the idea of my body belonging to you, for you to use whenever you want. Even… even when I’m asleep. I’m there to, y’know…” she shrugged shyly. “Service you.”

I mulled this over.

“I have to admit,” I said. “That does sound hot as fuck.”

I’ve always been dominant in bed and the way Sarah was describing things made it seem like another extension of that. But I still had my doubts. I didn’t know how fun it would be to have to take it slow and gentle so she didn’t wake up; I liked it rough and hard. Plus, I wouldn’t get to see her enjoying it or the amazing expression on her face when she cums. Could I even go that slow? Every time we were naked together, it was like I was taken over by a feral animal; I just wanted to touch, fuck and please her, and nothing else really mattered until I’d finished and my head cleared.

Besides, there was the issue of consent. There was a worry in the back of my head that was telling me I was crossing a line, that I was taking advantage. Even with Sarah’s explicit verbal consent, I was having trouble jumping that hurdle.

Sarah was looking at me with big, hopeful eyes while I mused. I looked down and saw a wet patch on her panties.

“Is it turning you on this much just to talk about it?” I smirked, looking pointedly at her crotch.

She blushed and nodded.

“Well, maybe…”

“Leo,” Sarah leaned forward and ran her hands through my hair. Fuck, I loved it when she did that. She looked me straight in my eyes. “I want to wake up with your cum in my pussy.”

A sudden surge ran through my body at her words and I found myself with a raging boner once again.

“Okay,” I said and her face broke into a wide smile. “Let’s try it.”

Sarah squealed and kissed me hard on the mouth.

“You’ll do this for me?” she said between kisses. “You’ll give me it to me good when I’m asleep?”

“I’ll do that for you.”

“Thank you, baby,” she kissed me deeply and passionately. I knew then I’d made the right choice because I’d always do what made her happy. Her body pressed against mine and her tongue in my mouth was already firing me up. “Let’s do it tonight!”

“Tonight?” I replied, trying to think with my head and not my cock.

“Yes, please. Look, you’re already hard,” she teasingly ran a finger over my bulge. My hips bucked slightly under her touch and I groaned. “You just need to wait until I fall asleep tonight and then…”

She smiled coyly and planted a few gentle kisses on my lips before tracing them over to my ear.

“And then you can ravish me,” she whispered, her breath hot. I swallowed hard, all thoughts leaving my head.

“Okay,” I said. “But we need to go to bed right now.”

She giggled and hopped off my lap, heading for our bedroom at a happy trot. I took a few deep breaths and thought of football to try and bring myself back down. It took several minutes but when I was ready, I followed her. All my hard work was completely undone when I found her in the bedroom.

“Christ, Sarah…” I muttered, my cock standing to attention once more.

She was on her back, the covers kicked off. She’d gotten rid of her bra and swapped it for an old, cropped t-shirt (a hint of underboob was peeking from underneath, sending my mind in all sorts of directions). She kept the red panties and left the rest of herself bare. Her body was stretched, her midriff smooth and kissable. I wanted to devour her.

“Sarah?” I asked, half-hoping she was already asleep.

“Come to bed,” she mumbled sleepily.

Sighing, I stripped down to my boxer briefs and slid under the blankets. This part was familiar; Sarah instinctively shuffled over to me to lay her head on my chest and I curled my arm around her, letting my hand rest on her waist. Like we’d done a thousand times before, only this time I was going to stay awake.

“I love you,” she whispered, her body completely relaxed against me.

“I love you too,” I replied, kissing her forehead.

I tucked my free arm underneath my head, staring at the ceiling. I wasn’t sure how long I was supposed to wait for so I just stayed still and turned the thoughts over in my mind. I considered that since she knew what was going to happen, the excitement might keep her awake. I didn’t mind – I had so much blood rushing to my cock at the sight of her that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep for a while.

About forty minutes later, when Sarah’s breathing had been regular for a while and she hadn’t moved, I cautiously decided to test the waters.

“Sarah?” I whispered, gently shaking her.

I waited a few seconds but she didn’t move, her breathing still steady.

“Sarah?” I tried again, my voice a bit louder, just to be sure and shook her again. When she didn’t respond the second time, I figured she was as asleep as she was going to get and it was now or never.

Slowly, I rolled her onto her back. Her limbs splayed out and her head fell to the side but she didn’t wake up. I threw the covers back so I could position myself between her legs and looked at her in the dim light.

Her t-shirt had ridden up slightly, exposing even more of the soft skin of her underboob. I exhaled, marvelling at the sight of her. All the anticipation and nerves had killed my hard-on but now it was coming rushing back. My beautiful girlfriend was laying almost naked in front of me and she wanted me to do whatever I wanted to her. I was starting to see the appeal of the situation.

I gently pushed her t-shirt up to free her breasts and began to fondle them; it wasn’t long until I was rock hard again. I spend a few minutes just feeling the perfect contours of her breasts, something I never get tired of. I kept one careful eye on her face, checking for signs of awaking, but she slept soundly, oblivious.

Once I was sure I was safe, I dipped my head and began to suck on one of her nipples, feeling it harden like it usually did under my touch. They were as delicious as ever, hot and soft beneath my tongue. I began to enjoy myself. Maybe this wasn’t so bad – she may be asleep but her body was reacting the way it would when we had sex any other time. I’d still get to enjoy knowing she was enjoying herself, even unconscious. The thought gave me a secret thrill and I grazed my teeth over her nipple, eliciting a small moan from her mouth. I froze and looked up but she was still peacefully asleep. Perfect.

I continued to suck and play with her breasts for a while longer, enjoying being able to take my time. Normally, I would be all over them but never taking my time. But now, I could really play with them, suck and squeeze and jiggle them. I filed the feel and look of her away for future jerk off material.

I then decided to test out how much she could really feel while she was asleep. I loved being able to make her cum – what if I could do it even while she wasn’t even conscious? The thought made me hard as a rock.

Carefully ensuring I didn’t put any of my weight on her, I shuffled further down the bed and gently pushed her legs further apart. I knew that while she was awake playing with her nipples always made Sarah wet so I wondered if it had the same effect while she was asleep. The wet patch on her panties was still there, bigger than it was before. The thought made me grin and only encouraged me to keep going; at least I knew for sure that she was definitely enjoying what I was doing. I couldn’t wait to taste her again. I bent down until my mouth was inches away from her panty-clad pussy. I could smell her arousal and it was intoxicating. All of my prior doubts were beginning to melt away as I fully started to believe that she was really into this and I wouldn’t have to miss out on all the delicious things her body does when I’m turning her on.

I moved forward and gently kissed the fabric of her panties, running my tongue over it and getting a hint of the taste of her. I could already feel the heat radiating from her and had to fight with the feral part of my brain that wanted to skip all this and plunge my cock deep inside her.

I spent a few more minutes licking the outside of her panties, and then, not able to wait any longer, I hooked a finger around the crotch of her panties and pulled them to the side. Her lips were glistening with arousal, ready for me lap her up. Without hesitation, I ran my tongue along the length of her slit, parting her lips and licking the juices from her pussy.

Sarah shifted slightly, moaning. I paused, waiting with my tongue on her pussy for her to move again. Once I was sure she was still asleep, I happily continued.

I drank her in, sucking and licking her lips like it was the best meal I’d ever had. I used the flat of my tongue to lap at her clit, causing her to groan in her sleep. She was as wet as she’d ever been, almost more so. I could feel my cock straining so I reached down and stroked myself as I ate her out. The taste and warmth of her drove me crazy and I wanted desperately to be rougher and harder, but I couldn’t wake her. Instead, I pumped away at my cock, keeping myself ready to fuck her.

After a while, I moved my hand away from my cock. I slipped a finger into her hole and felt her grip me tight. I moaned into her pussy, thinking of my cock being where my finger was and began pumping it in and out, making sure I was rubbing the sensitive spot inside her that I knew she loved.

Soon, I could hear her breathing becoming ragged. I looked up, fully expecting to see she’d woken up half-way through but to my surprise, she was still sound asleep, despite the finger-fucking and my mouth on her pussy.

I kept up the pace, sliding my finger in and out while flicking my tongue over her clit. Sarah quivered and moaned, her body tensing as she came on my tongue.

I felt an instant pride at bringing her to orgasm without her even knowing it and my cock responded, throbbing so hard it was almost painful. I knew I needed to fuck her then and was excited at having the freedom to do so however I wanted. I couldn’t believe we hadn’t tried this before.

I repositioned myself quickly, but carefully, so I was kneeling between her legs. She was spread in front of me, completely for me to use like she had said. I ran a hand up her body, admiring her, and squeezed one of her tits – it was soft and warm beneath my fingers and even though I wouldn’t see them bounce this time, I was happy being able to fondle them while I fucked her.

I quickly grabbed my cock, lining it up with her pussy. I decided to risk some dirty talk.

“You want this cock, don’t you?” I whispered. I waited a moment but she didn’t stir. My cock head was pressed against her pussy lips and I could feel the warmth and wetness of her. It could all my restraint to keep myself from slamming in and fucking her as hard as I could.

Slowly and carefully, I eased myself in. Her pussy enveloped me, her walls like velvet on my hard dick. I let out a low groan; she felt so fucking good.

I gradually pulled back, retreating from the warmth only to slide myself back in again. Her lips gripped me like a vice, drawing me in every time I pulled back. I watched myself fuck her as she lay sleeping beneath me.

Even though I loved a hard, rough fuck, I couldn’t deny how good it felt being forced to go slow. I could feel every inch of her wrapped around my cock and I was able to savour it all. For once, I could take my time and enjoy the feel of my girlfriend’s pussy as I fucked her.

“Look at you taking my cock so well,” I whispered, my voice hoarse with lust. She looked beautiful laying there, her hair spread across the pillow, her face so peaceful despite my dick being buried inside her.

I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. The thought of leaving her with a cream pie was enough to send me over the edge. I bit my lip to stop from making too much noise and sank myself inside her one last time. I unleashed my cum deep into her womb, the muscles in my body jerking with each spurt of pleasure.

I kept myself in her for a few minutes longer before withdrawing a softened cock. It was slick with both of our juices and I’d normally look forward to her licking me clean after sex, but my orgasm had been so built-up and powerful, I was suddenly exhausted.

I collapsed onto the bed next to her, spent. As usual, Sarah instinctively snuggled up to me and I reciprocated, wrapping my arms around her. I smiled, thinking about the load of cum I’d left inside her and fell asleep.

When I awoke the next day, the sun was only just starting to rise, sending a golden glow filtering through the blinds. I blinked slowly, waking to the back of Sarah’s head as we spooned. She was pressed tight with her back against my chest, gently snoring.

I reached up with one hand to rub my eyes, wondering what the time was. It was definitely still early and I closed my eyes again, ready to go back to sleep. As I lay there, the events of the night before came back to me and my cock began to stir.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head slightly, craning my neck to see if Sarah was definitely still asleep. She was completely still, apart from the rise and fall of her chest. She’d probably been sleep throughout the night.

Curious, I slipped my hand down her body until I was between her legs. I cupped her thigh, pulling her legs apart slightly and allowing me better access to her pussy. My fingers wandered over to her lips and I dipped a finger inside her.

She moaned quietly as I fingered her, searching. As I hoped, my cum was still inside her and my fingers came away slick with hers and mine. As I watched her, sleeping and unaware of what had happened last night, another thought entered my mind. I remembered what she’d told me; I want to wake up with a load of your cum in my pussy.

Well, I thought, what about two loads?

My cock was already hard at knowing she had slept all night full of my cum. I continued to play with her pussy, using the cum as lube and gently circling her clit. I brought my other arm around and cupped her breast, feeling it soft and heavy in my hand. Sarah stirred slightly against me but made no sign of waking.

I withdrew my hand from her pussy and brought it to her hip, slowly pulling her ass towards me and curving her back. Soon, she was in prime position for fucking.

I lined up my swollen cock with her hole and, holding her in position, began slowly thrusting. Her pussy was tight and warm but the combination of her arousal and my cum meant there was little resistance.

Every slow thrust raised the sensitivity in my already throbbing cock until I could feel my balls tighten.

“You want my load, baby?” I grunted quietly, feeling the pressure build.

My orgasm washes over me as I fill her to the brim with thick ropes of cum. I shudder and grip her tights, almost forgetting that I’m trying not to wake her as my mind goes blank with pleasure.

I slip my cock out and kiss her softly on her shoulder, nuzzling my face into the back of her back.

“I love you,” I whisper before I drift to sleep again.


**Part II**

I haven’t always known I was into it, but as soon as I did, I was really into it.

It started when Leo and I were having a lie-in on vacation; he’d got us this beautiful villa in Montenegro, with our own swimming pool and floor-to-ceiling windows. It was beautiful and secluded.

We’d decided on a lazy day and so stayed in bed for a few hours longer than we would have. I was dozing in and out of sleep, occasionally changing position from resting my head on his chest to going on my side of a spoon. Basically, a cuddly morning.

I guess I fell asleep at some point and Leo hadn’t realised because I woke up to one of his hands groping my breasts while he kissed the beck of my neck. Every time he twisted my nipple between his fingers, it was like a straight jolt to my clit and I was soon getting aroused. I let him continue, unmoving as his hand slipped down to play with my pussy. He had a wonderful way with his hands, always rubbing in a gentle but firm way that made me melt. After a few minutes though, he stopped suddenly.

“Sarah? You awake?”

I stayed where I was, not wanting to break the spell, but Leo withdrew his hands until he was cuddling me again.

“Sorry, babe,” he apologised even though he thought I was asleep. Me though, I was turned on beyond belief. From them on, I’d always fantasise about Leo touching me and fucking me while I was sleeping. About him needing me so bad that he had to have me. The idea of me naked and vulnerable while he had his way with me… well, it brought me to orgasm on more than one occasion.

I started to read more and more about sex while sleeping. Husbands and boyfriends groping and fucking their partners while they were sound asleep, even making them cum. Them waking up to a sticky mess between their thighs, knowing they had been fucked and having little recollection.

When we celebrated our five year anniversary, I got a little tipsy and turned on and I ended up spilling the beans. I don’t like he was very keen at first, he’s definitely someone who likes active participation from both parties, but he loves me so he kept an open mind.

For me, the night went slightly differently. I change into something enticing for him, an old t-shirt that showed underboob when I raised my arms and kept the red panties that he seemed to enjoy. I didn’t think I’d get to sleep easily because I was so worked up already but the combination of too much champagne and a comfy bed meant I was nodding off within minutes.

“Sarah?” I heard him call from the doorway.

“Come to bed,” I replied, half-asleep.

I heard him strip off and then the tell-tale movement of the bed as he climbed in. I snuggled up to his chest, feeling his warmth and hardness under my cheek. I sighed happily and soon I was fast asleep.

The next thing I remember is that I’m lying on my back. Everything is dark, pitch black. I’m in our bed, I think, but my limbs and eyelids are so heavy that I can’t lift them. I’m comfortable, so comfortable, that I just lay there, limbs splayed.

I feel a cool breeze whisper over my bare skin, bringing up goosebumps, before something warm is touching me. Rough, firm hands are on my breasts, fondling them and pinching them pleasantly. I try again to open my eyes but it’s like my eyelids are made of lead. I decide I don’t want to move anyway; I feel like I’m in a warm, cosy cocoon and I’m happy. Everything is quiet and peaceful.

The hands continue to grope me before one of them is replaced with something hot and wet. It sucks on my nipples and it feels good. I want to moan but I don’t have the energy to make any noise so I lay there and let it happen. My body is a playground for this person and they can enjoy me as much as they want.

I am briefly disappointed when both the hands and the mouth leave. I lay, floating somewhere between the conscious and unconscious world. And then something else happens.

Something soft and warm has touched me between my legs. My foggy brain took a few seconds to understand; a tongue, maybe? Before I could formulate any more thoughts, something was moved, but I wasn’t sure what. Some conscious part of my brain knew I was vulnerable and exposed but I was too content and comfortable to care.

The person’s tongue returned, this time on my bare pussy. I shifted slightly; not a conscious movement but my body responding to the stimulation. Their mouth continued to work on me, licking the length of my slit before sucking on my lips. Their tongue delved deep into my pussy as if they were desperately seeking more of my nectar. A small moan escaped from my mouth, more of a happy exhale than anything, but I felt them pause, hesitating.

What felt like a lifetime later, they resumed. But now they had slipped something inside me, something hard that stroked against the walls of my pussy. I lay there and let them finger me while their tongue danced on my clit. Something was building. I wasn’t sure what, but I didn’t care. I just let it happen. The person continued to pleasure me, gently lapping at my sensitive bud while their finger rubbed against the most sensitive parts inside me.

Moments later, a wave of pleasure crashed through me. It was powerful, enough to move my limbs slightly, and surged through my body as I lay there limply. I lay basking in the glow of my orgasm, although I don’t know for how long. It could have been minutes or hours.

And then the next thing happened and it took me a while to work out what. Something hard was pressing against the entrance of my pussy. Was I about to have sex in this dream?

Oh! I thought to myself. A dream. That’s where I am.

Calmness and understanding washes over me. I’m just in a dream. I cannot move my limbs and I am imagining all of this because I am dreaming.

Suddenly I hear something for the first time.

“You want this cock, don’t you?”

The voice sounds familiar but I can’t place it. It sounds far away, like an echo. Nevertheless, the words get to me. The hard thing pushing against my hole is a cock and it’s going to penetrate me. I feel my pussy gush at the thought.

As I process this, the cock begins to push itself inside me. It feels good, the way it stretches me and fills me up. I want to spread my legs further for it but I can’t so I just let myself relax and feel the way it rubs pleasantly against the nerves in my pussy.

It picks up the pace slightly, but still a slow, steady thrusting that is setting my body alight. A hand finds my breast again and rubs it, all the while the hard dick is sliding in and out of me.

“Look at you taking my cock so well,” the voice comes again, slightly closer this time. Why does it seem so familiar? Why is it so far away from me? Nevertheless, I enjoy the words, as they spark something inside my brain that brings yet more pleasure.

The person continues on for what I think is a few more minutes, but I’m not sure, while they have their fill of me. Before long, their cock throbs and I feel something hot spurt inside me. Their cock twitches while they pump their cum in my pussy, and my body responds in kind, squeezing them for every last drop. When they finally withdraw, I feel almost empty but I remember the load they’ve left inside me and I’m happy. I am having a good dream. I fade out of wherever I am and remember nothing.

And then…

Someone is rubbing my clit. His fingers are slippery and glide over my bud easily, sending small jolts of pleasure through me. I’m not lying on my back anymore, but half on my side. My back is pressed against something firm and warm. My limbs don’t feel as heavy, but I don’t want to move. I allow him to stroke my clit deftly and I wonder how I am so wet.

His hand moves to my hip before I’m able to cum again and I realise this is not for my pleasure, but for his. He is going to use my body to cum and I can’t stop it, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I let him pull me into position, my back arched slightly, as his cock enters me again.

He is not as gentle this time, but still moves slowly, pausing every so often to check if I have responded. I feel like I could, but I don’t want to. I want to let him use me.

His cock slides in and out of me while his hand grips my hip. I feel like a sex doll, limp while he uses my pussy to stroke his dick. The thought turns me on.

“You want my load, baby?” the voice is clearer now, but still too far for me to reach. My mind is foggy.

When he reaches his climax, thick ropes of cum are unleashed inside me. He has used me and dumped his cum in me. I am so full I can feel it spilling out when he withdraws, running onto my thighs.

I only half-understand what’s happened but I know that my body is on fire. I tumble into a deeper sleep, lost to my memory.

My eyes snap open.

The morning sun is shining through the window, casting a warm glow over me but stinging my eyes. I groan and shut them again, bringing my hands up.

It’s only when I’ve finished rubbing the sleep from my eyes that I feel it. There’s a pleasant ache between my legs. Confused, I reach down and my realise my panties are gone and my thighs are sticky. I explore further, running two fingers along my pussy. They come away slick with cum.

I whip my head to the side and see Leo sleeping peacefully.

He did it, I think to myself. He really did it.

Carefully, I climb on top of him. As I move up, his cum begins to freely leak from inside me. I place myself over him and lean forward so my nipples brush his lips.

“Hmm? Mmm,” he half-awakes and pulls a nipple into his mouth, sucking it gently. His morning wood is poking me in the stomach so I manoeuvre myself until its aligned with my pussy. As he begins to wake up, I slide him inside me and begin to ride him.

“Thank you, baby,” I whisper to him. Although my pussy aches from the night before, I’m so turned on I can’t even think straight.

“Mmm,” Leo moans sleepily. “You like having two loads of my cum?”

“Two?” I exhale. I grind myself against him, rubbing my clit against his pubis. “You fucked me twice?”

He grins lazily and I moan.

“Fuck, I had no idea,” I put my hands on his chest and push myself upright. My hips sway as I ride him, desperately needing to cum.

“You even came,” he tells me. His hands find my ass and he squeezes. “You were so fucking hot, baby.”

“Tell me,” I pick up the pace. “Tell me how you fucked me.”

“I licked your pretty little pussy until you came,” he says. The sound of our fucking fills the room as I ride him with two loads of his cum acting as lube. “And then I fucked you real good.”

“Keep going,” I gasp.

“And when I woke up you were still asleep, so I pulled you close and fucked you again. I used you until I was done.”

An orgasm rockets through me and I cry out, back arched. Leo rubs his thumbs across my hips until my body stops shaking and I collapse on top of him.

“That was amazing,” I mumble into the crook of his neck. He strokes my hair and kisses my forehead until I slowly slide off of him. “Let’s do it again tonight.”

Leo grins and kisses me.




Thanks for reading :)
If you enjoy these types of spicy stories I publish weekly to www.vickerson.substack.com

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10sp5n1/a_sleepless_night_all_parts_mf_sleep_play


  1. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any theme suggestions for my next story?

  2. I love this! Such a fantasy of mine and it was written beautifully! I hope there’s a sequel 🤭

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