[M] I Fucked My Brother’s Old Side Bitch

I fucked my brother’s old side bitch

First off let me start by saying we all run with the same friend group seeing as how we aren’t that far in age. Secondly let me say we have all known each other for years.

So it’s my bros birthday, and a whole group of us go out to a lounge to celebrate, there’s probably 30-50 of us in general. The night goes great everyone is drinking and having a good time.

We close the lounge down and everyone says their good byes and head to their respective locations, except for about 6 of us. My brothers old piece suggests that we all go back to her place and continue the party. So me and the other 5 head over to the house.

We get back to the crib and we are all sitting around the table having a good time, and taking shots. My brother being the man of the hour gets a phone call for a late night slide through from his current love interest. He’s to drunk to drive so our other brother offers to drive. It’s already in the early hour of the am so the two other remaining members all head out. I start to follow suit and begin to get up to put on my jacket.

That’s when my brothers old piece told me I didn’t have to leave if I didn’t want to. Now like I said earlier we have all known each other for years so I didn’t think anything of the invite to stay, plus I knew that she had a thing with my brother so I feel like everything is on the up and up. So I oblige her, plus I wasn’t ready to head home to my girl anyway.

We do a couple more shots and then she asked me if I wanted to watch a movie. I’m always down for a good flick so I said sure. We walked over and sat on opposite sides of the couch in a real platonic fashion. She was still wearing her clothes for the Lounge and told me she was going to go change into her night clothes.

I don’t know what I was expecting, pajamas or maybe an oversized t shirt, but much to my surprise she came out butt booty bone naked. She asked me if I minded and I told her that it’s her house, so however she feels comfortable is ok with me.

She sat back down on the opposite side of the sofa, and I was tryin my hardest not to look over at those brown areolas. Now let me say this; I have always been a whore and I have always had a weakness for Spanish women, but I was handling myself very well. That was until she put her head in my lap.

She started rubbing on my thigh and asked if I wanted to get comfy too. I declined and told her I can’t fuck a girl that’s fuckin my brother. She assured me they had been done for a while and that my brother would say the same. That was all I needed to hear. I jumped up out my pants and before you know it, the tv was watching her throat my cock.

The head was good too. Type of shit that got my🍆 hard right now thinking about it. Her mouth felt so good even better when I started rubbing that wet pussy. After wetting up her leather sofa she took me to the den, sucked my dick a little while longer than hopped on top of that mothafucka.

That pussy was good in every position. Her body was soft, her hair smelled good, and whatever she was saying to me I’m fluent Spanish kept my dick hard as a mothafucka. After about an hour and a half I blew my load all over her ass cheeks. Couldn’t cum in her because no BC. Wanted to cum in her mouth but didn’t make it in time.

She took my soft dick and licked all the leftover cum. Cleaned herself up. And told me I need to leave cause he BF Would be home in 15 minutes. I got dressed and drove home with a smile on my face. Just to walk in to my girl grilling me about why I got home at 6 am.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zjrre2/m_i_fucked_my_brothers_old_side_bitch

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