[sapphic romance] C A U G H T – my girlfriend & I try something new,

The thud-thud-thud of a driving bassline rattled me to the core, it made my lungs jump in my chest, my tummy vibrating much like my skin – I’m fucked, to say the least, Bri and I each parachuted more Molly than I’d ever really done in one night, all at once, which was to say I’d barely touched Molly. I know girls at the shelter though, girls who told me stories about it, girls who dressed like Bri was tonight regularly, were fast & loose, didn’t care what anybody thought. . . I’m not one of those girls – I’m not really a boy either though, somewhere off the binary scale, tonight I’m feeling more like a boy – especially with my special appendage, under a set of thick, baggy mom-jeans & tighter briefs.

The MC chats some shit over the bassline & the crowd goes wild, I can feel sweat practically pouring off me, my body is in a blissful state of something new, I feel hot hands on my face & only now register you’re holding it, talking to me, trying to tell me It’s time,

I hesitate to agree, I just want to dance! I’ve never wanted to dance so bad in my life, usually more of a wallflower, but this buzz is too much to contain still.

We filter through the crowd, bumping into other ravers on the way, I apologize and grimace under my baseball cap, you don’t seem to care – you’re having too much fun to. I join, it’s not hard to have fun with you, it never has been. I’ve known you too long not to be myself, you’ve made life working at the shelter bearable, life outside the shelter special, life. . . just more worth living. Not to mention how tender you’ve been with my hatching.

Crashing into the bathroom door I kiss you passionately, not the sort of kiss that says ‘hello,’ or ‘have a good day at work,’ this is the sort of kiss we reserve for fucking. The sort that leaves your lower lip and chin glistening with saliva, my tongue there before it darts into your mouth. The coast is clear, everybody is enjoying the show. . . we’ve talked about this, we’re gunna do it. The look in your eyes says it’s OK & I’m high enough to trust it. . . high enough to agree.

I pull my sweaty hair back & adjust my cap before unzipping my fly, I pull out the silicone phallus and give it a cursory stroke, feeling the weight in my hands, it’s a powerful thing. “Let’s do it,” I chirp with excitement, my boney, long face excited, pupils like saucers.

I turn you around & lift your skirt at the mouth of a stall, the music outside still loud enough I can barely hear you, but I assume you’re breathing just as heavily as I am. “I wanna fuck you, right here,” I growl into your ear as I steal your back, brandishing the fake cock as if it were my own I spit into my hand & rub it over the slightly larger tip, it’s a human shaped dildo; as soon as it has some old fashioned lube I start blindly fishing the tip toward your entrance, pulling up your skirt, aside your panties. While I don’t have the practice of a man, I have the intuition of someone who knows your body, I soon find purchase, a tight fit.

My hair is mostly pulled up into my cap, I’ve shaved the sides of my head under in an attempt to look more boyish, it feels nice to have most of it out of her face, not matted & clinging to her features with sweat like it did last time they used this particular toy. I’m not used to the motion, pumping my hips, gyrating them occasionally or just kinda, goin’ for it, I liked to think of it, when I really pistoned hips for Bri, the sort of wild fuckery I’d only ever dreamed of or seen in porno.

My boney hips clap into your rotund ass, I feel more than just sweat tacking on your skin as I pound away, you’re so wet. . . I’ve always known you to take a while to really work up to this sort of fuck-drunk state but I’m not complaining at all, I don’t feel bitter, I feel elated that you’re into it, whether it’s the risk or me dressing this way, how I’m acting, having a dick. I want those things for me, I want you to want them too. . . everything about this moment is perfect, the hard treatment I deliver to your quivering pussy not just emotionally affirming, I can feel the plug of the silicone grinding against my own slit, battering my hood & clit, grinding them into smoldering oblivion, I’m likely just as wet as you by now. . . it’s soaking through my briefs and down my thigh.

You’re begging me to continue in unintelligible moans,

“It’s so fucking good, I won’t quit, don’t worry. . .” I grunt & growl out, slowing my hips, grinding against your doughy behind, reaching forward blindly to grab your shoulder for purchase, it’s only then I notice your eyes – I follow them to the two, yelping as soon as I see them. One grins at me, I don’t like it.

You’re still begging. . . you don’t notice, I always knew this could happen, I’m starting to panic. I’m just high enough to continue. My eyes flick back to yours, I try to look sexy, invoking my best fuck-face as I resume my rocking hips,


One of the men takes out his phone, I only know ’cause I see it’s flash paint our bodies white, “Oh shit, check this out!” He calls with excitement out the door, my heart freezes over with anxiety as two more pile in.

I’m regretting my life choices, but I’m so close to. . . “Hnngfk!”

“Some dude’s fuckin’ his,” they must not have realized, between my pants being up & our bodies so close, most of the harness hidden under my briefs – I must pass. For a second I think everything’s alright, till one gets a little closer with their Camera, zooming in on the scene of the crime, so to speak.

Suddenly the pleasure mounting is too much for me to bear, the base drops in the next room & for a second you could hear a pin drop with it. . . or you would have been able to if not for my feminine whimper, my legs shake, my body cringes over yours, more flashes, I’m cumming.

The sound I make betrays me,

“Oh. . . waid’a’minute. . . he’s a she!”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zjqb30/sapphic_romance_c_a_u_g_h_t_my_girlfriend_i_try