[sapphic romance] C A U G H T – my girlfriend & I try something new,

The thud-thud-thud of a driving bassline rattled me to the core, it made my lungs jump in my chest, my tummy vibrating much like my skin – I’m fucked, to say the least, Bri and I each parachuted more Molly than I’d ever really done in one night, all at once, which was to say I’d barely touched Molly. I know girls at the shelter though, girls who told me stories about it, girls who dressed like Bri was tonight regularly, were fast & loose, didn’t care what anybody thought. . . I’m not one of those girls – I’m not really a boy either though, somewhere off the binary scale, tonight I’m feeling more like a boy – especially with my special appendage, under a set of thick, baggy mom-jeans & tighter briefs.

The MC chats some shit over the bassline & the crowd goes wild, I can feel sweat practically pouring off me, my body is in a blissful state of something new, I feel hot hands on my face & only now register you’re holding it, talking to me, trying to tell me It’s time,

[INCEST] S O M E T H I N G E L S E. My brother sniffs my panties. . .

The moment was cauterized onto her mind, shock, panic, embarrassment & something different all at once. They all circled in her mind & wrapped a warped fist around her chest as she tried to console herself,

“I, uh,

Aaron! -shit!”

Jenifer cursed him & the whole ordeal, her face burning bright red, otherwise mostly pallid, it generally rested on the side of bitchy but right now it was seven shades of shocked. There he was, sitting on his bed, a lacy pair of her unmentionables balled up & wrapped around his fist, his pants were around his ankles, hand on his gear.

For a moment her mouth hung low, her eyes losing the panic, losing the frantic sort of offense, she covered gob with long fingernails, painted black “I uh, was js’. . .” she turned to her left and picked up a basket of dirty laundry that she’d offered to do for him, as per usual – mom couldn’t help, Jen was happy to.

Quickly she exited, hiding her face in her shoulder, trying not to stare. . . the damage was done though; she’d seen it all.