I [f] hooked up with my friend [M] on vacation

A friend and I went on vacation together, I was hoping something would happen between us… and it did.

Tension had been growing between us and aside from me “accidentally” getting a queen bed at the hotel I booked and having to share nothing was happening. I would nestle into him when we slept and rub my ass on him in the morning pretending to be asleep. I walked around in a towel and would wear the towel when I put my makeup on. Then I’d put on matching bra and underwear sets and dress in front of him. I could tell he wanted me, but he was just a really shy sweet guy.

We went to the beach and I would wear really tight bikinis and play with him in the water tickling his sides and locking my legs around his waste in the water. We had a few “moments” but he wasn’t getting the hint…

Towards the end of the trip I told him about this really popular hiking spot that overlooked the city we were in and he was all over it. I made sure to wear the most form fitting athletic wear I had brought with me and when we got there, to his surprise, took my shirt off. I could tell he was flustered and not trying to look at my chest. You could clearly see the outline of my nipples and piercings in my sports bra and my

We began the hiking and I kept “accidentally” stopping to rub my ass into him or bend over to examine something (a rock, a leaf, etc.) before Finally we he stopped in the middle of the trail. “Nic stop, what is this” “what do you mean” “ you know exactly what I mean” “and if I do” he sighed in frustration “you’re driving me fucking wild… if you want something from me you’re to have to use your words..” he started walking towards me and I could feel my panties getting soaked. I started stepping back as he got closer and my back hit a tree. He put his arm against the tree above my head and leaned in just a breath away “you’ve been teasing me this entire trip so you’re going to have to use your words if you want something” I was speechless and suddenly not feeling so bold anymore.. I was too turned on to speak. He was calling my bluff, but I wanted him. “I want you to fuck me” I whispered – his eyes darkened “you’re going to have to speak louder” I repeated it again “I want you to f…” my words were cut off by his mouth as he presses his body into mine. He grabbed my hips and roughly pressed himself further into me, the tree bark scrapping my back. His tongue was hot and exploring and I was more than eager to open up for him. He moved down to my neck and sucked, nipped, and bitting as I moaned.

He went further down my body, hands exploring as he released a taught nipple and sucked in in his mouth. My leggings were soaked at this point and I wanted more. Before his hand explored down, down, down exactly where I wanted him. “God your so wet” he said in a raspy voice. Between licks and sucks as his hands and tongue expertly explored my body. I did that laugh moaning thing before my eyes rolled into the back of my head. “Look at you, all spread out for me” his words were doing things for me and I was about to explode. “Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me?” He asked “yes… yesss” I moaned “no” he said – removing his hand. “I’m going to tease you just like you’ve been teasing me this whole trip”

He flipped me around and my breasts scrapped against the tree bark leaving scratches. He pulled my hair back and sloppily kissed me as he pulled down leggings. “Hold onto the tree” he told me as he pressed my face into it. Then I could feel his length pressing you against me. He rubbed it in my folds. “Bend over more” I didn’t hesitate. “Look at you listening like a good little slut” before he plunged into me in one go. He pounded at me relentlessly and every time I was about to cum he’d slow down or switch it up. My legs were shaking as he whispered in my ear “this is what you wanted isn’t it” before he finished inside me.

For the rest of the trip we fucked like bunnies. In the rental car, against the window at the hotel (we were pretty high up), in the shower, in the hot tub. Our friendship slowly fizzed out over time, but he left me with memories to cherish.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zjo6pr/i_f_hooked_up_with_my_friend_m_on_vacation


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