Waiting for Daddy

You waited for me behind our front door for 30 minutes. You bare knees starting to sting from kneeling so long. The cool breeze keeping you erect as your naked body didn’t move.

You finally hear my car door shut. You wait in nervous anticipation, knowing this is the first time you have surprised me. The light is dim and the only color is the red ribbon in your hair. As the door opens you close your eyes and bow your head.

I walk in, seeing in your submissive position … thinking about how we’ve talked about this. I drop my keys on our side table and walk towards you. You can hear and feel my every step as I approach.

I stop right in front of you. You can sense the awkward tension, but feel alive and sexually charged at the same time. I lean down and lift your chin up. “Open your eyes Kitten” I say with a scruff in my throat.

You look up and open your eyes with such longing in them. Your heart beating, knowing you can’t speak until told to. I lean down, look right into your eyes and say “You’ve been a bad girl haven’t you?” All you could do is whimper out a “Yes sir” you know what I want and expect now.

“You didn’t finished your chores did you?” I asked with more force while still looking at you. You know not to look away. Again you answer but this time with more with hesitation “Yes sir”. But you also know this is what you wanted and have been craving all day.

“You know what that means don’t you Kitten?” I say with a slight smile on my face. You nod, close you eyes and bow your head again. But this time you have a huge smile on your face. You have been waiting all day. You have been thinking about it. And the closer it comes the more excited you are. Your legs are weak and your knees burning. And your wetness has been dripping on the floor. You are throbbing now in anticipation.

You hear my belt unbuckle and my pants unzip before falling off on to the floor around my feet. I pull my boxers down and you can smell my manhood fill you nose. You begin to ache with hunger. You are waiting for me to say it’s ok. You want it so badly.

I wait a minute, for you it seems like an hour. And finally I tell you “ok, Princess … you may take your punishment”. You open your eyes to see me hard and throbbing. And you submissively know what to do.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zjoooj/waiting_for_daddy