[FM] My 1.5 years V-Card collection

It’s been a while since I told what I did here, so it is well past due time for that! I am a 21 y.o. girl living and studying in London (although not originally from here), right now spending a semester in US as exchange student.

I myself had started to have sex with some regularity (meaning: every other month at least, back then) after age 16. Things were sometimes awkward, coordinating empty house schedule to get it going with a school boyfriend was a *hug* deal at the time, but I soon got a taste for it and not much longer it clicked I could separate the fun part of sex from being in love with the guy (which most of my girl friends did not understand at all). By the time I had finished basic (high) school in Italy, most of my friends, though, that were close enough to talk about it had some sort of sexual experience (even if still limited to oral sex). Although there was some peer pressure on the subject, for most it was another teenage milestone that we got into.

Fast forward, I am living in another country, following a program in a big university, when I then realized there were quite a lot of guys (and girls for that matter) who were reasonably attractive, reasonably sociable, and did not have any apparent issue holding them back, yet quite many had their VCard intact, and – to my shock – more than a few had never even made out with a girl before (as in French-kissing and other ‘safe-for-public-place’ stuff). More than what I expected.

I had got it going with virgin guys before, twice to be exactly, when I already had some experience. It was a bit frustrating mostly because the guys, in both cases, were trying to second-guess what to do, I was trying to take control (like be on top) of the situation, communication was not the best and it was kinda awkward when they had cummed really quick.

So, around the start of the previous school year, I decided to play a rather silly fantasy of my own: actively seeking a guy whom I was physically attracted to, but that had brought his VCard to the halls. However, I would outright lay down the deal to the guy, I’d have sex with him as long as he let me guide him through the night and show him a good time (thus avoiding the second-guessing and strange things that had happened on my previous dates with the other two virgin guys). If it wasn’t super awkward, I would then suggest to they guy he met me some more times in the next two weeks, I’d ‘fast-track’ him on the basics of fucking and more, it would be strictly sexual, I would tell him what and how to do, and I would not become his girlfriend.

In other words, I wanted to be his *personal sex trainer*. I was of course expecting the guy would be clumsy, and possible to have gotten all misplaced ideas from watching too much porn. What was bringing lust and making me feel horny when I was thinking about the plan was the idea I could really make a guy gain some ability himself in a relatively short period by approaching it as if I could push all his right buttons and show the way, while putting the guy in a position where he would be willing to learn.

Finding the guy was easier than I though, it only took me going to two parties on fresher week (aka ‘orientation week’ on American college lingo, a week full of parties when the academic year starts), and scanning the place for guys not overly drunk, somehow good looking, but feeling out of place. I myself took the opportunity to dress quite sexy, and off I went.

I will spare the minor flirting details just to say that, already on the 2nd day of parties, I found a guy that fit exactly the profile. He was good looking, more on the skinny side, intelligent, a bit shy though not antisocial, and basically was in that position of “I worked all my life to get into this program and did not do much more” (note: extracurriculars are much less important for competitive admissions in Europe than in US).

The first night I just made out with him, it was clear already he had little, maybe none, experience with French kissing, then the slight touch of my hands on his back made him hard, I noticed he was like trying to get a little back to conceal it, I told him it was fine, and then I helped one of his hands on my leg. Very basic stuff. He was clearly enjoying me when I asked him, and became more comfortable when I told him directly “I know you are hard, that is okay, I like it”. That night, I was dressing high shorts and a tight crop-top, it was an unusually warm day in London.

We went to home (to each of our own’ halls, that is), and then, wanting to get a tighter hook on him, I buzzed his WhatsApp when I arrived back. So after 5 min of nothing conversation turned slightly more sexual, and then he soon gave himself up he’d his VCard: first telling he was “not much experienced but very horny”, and after further questioning, just laying it out – that he was virgin and had only kissed girls twice in his life.

What I would learn much later (after other meetings with other guys in similar situations) is that once they open up that they really are virgin or maybe have not made out before, and the girl (me) doesn’t shut them off but keep engaged, it is much easier to get them to talk, flirt or sext. I guess they feel like relieved they can be honest and not be rejected?

So we were furiously messaging back and forth on WhatsApp, after a while convinced him to show his cock (still hard) in exchange for a nude of my own, and I finally told him, pretending I had the idea at the moment (though I had carefully planned the set-up weeks in advance), about my plan: “do you want to come here so we fuck right now?”. He was a bit shocked, interested, but hesitant I was for real. I reassured, and told I’d let him fuck me, but he’d have to let me tell him what to do.

Then, I think his hormones just kicked in a bit more, he suddenly became very enthusiastic and, fast forward, was in my place 15 min later. I kissed him again, told him to relax (before the awkwardness of “what do we do now”), then we sat in bed (it’s a small room in a hall), I turned on some background music (The Killers, in this case) and from that point on I took over, took my crop out, then my shorts, then his shirt, then my undies, and then his jeans and undies.

I asked how many times he’d normally cum when masturbating alone in a horny night, he told he could do it 2 or 3 times, so I put him on his back, got on cowgirl position, told him just to enjoy the ride and push up a bit. He got really hard, more than I was expecting, so I did not have to ride him much before he cummed inside me, less than 3 minutes. Getting fresh cum inside me, foregoing condoms, without unreasonable risks was a second reason I wanted to play the fantasy out. Though he was indeed clumsy and all, I felt incredibly horny when I really felt his cum coming out, especially because it was the very first time he did it.

I know it could become awkward for him after, so I just asked him to touch me down there while his cum was dripping a bit, he was genuinely impressed by the sight, then I went back kissing him again, then we kinda cuddle a bit, I realized he was still very curious about just looking at me but shy, so I myself laid down on my back and told him to kiss, touch or suck as he wanted. It was fun to see his reactions to messing around my boobs.

Some half hour later he was starting to get hard again, I kinda repeated what I had done (I think cowgirl position is the best with a guy that doesn’t know what he’s doing), but then moved to suck him, and then back riding him so he cummed again, far less cum but stayed longer.

After that I asked him to take a shower with me. So then as we cleaned up I also “unwind” the situation, tried to make it natural so he did not feel awkward, then already clothed we chatted a bit and he went to his place.

Next day, in the afternoon, I buzzed him on WhatsApp again, asked how he liked it, he wasn’t feeling awkward while chatting, then I gave my “suggestion” I could teach him some more stuff about sex, pretending I had just thought it at the moment (though I had long conceived it). He liked it, and we met some 7 or 8 times over next month.

This part was very interesting to me, because he really got into the mood, he’d ask me stuff he wanted to try, talked openly about things he saw in porn and thought was hot, asking if it actually worked or not. We only met for these ‘sex sessions’ and we never did anything more like dining out or that. He eventually found a girl he was actually interested in as girlfriend, I told him to go for it, and he was doing substantially well after this crash course in sex lol.

As for myself, I got incredibly satisfied not by the penetrative sex or oral sex he gave (which at the end was on the passable mark, but not really good skills which take lots of practice), but by the whole situation, the way I quickly gained full control over him, how he behaved with extreme interest in any suggestion I gave him, and in some way also on his raw releases of cum and sexual energy, not only physically but that reaction guys get when they orgasm, much more raw and untamed with a newbie guy. From a mental/lust perspective, I rarely felt so much of a ‘sex high’ as when playing as this.

Because I really liked the experience, I then decided to repeat it, and for the next year and a half, I ultimately added 5 more V-cards taken to my collection.

I am not sure this is interesting at all here, where most people are writing here about their advanced kinks, BDSM and threesomes or more wild/rough sex (which are fun). If you enjoyed it, I can write a second part about what happened with the other 5 guys, shorter or course than this.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5oi967/fm_my_15_years_vcard_collection


  1. Thank you for helping these guys … you are an angel. I can also imagine how hot it was knowing you are the first girl they gave their seed to. You probably set the bar way too high for their subsequent gfs

  2. As a lady, I find this INSANELY hot. I love an inexperienced guy, it does make the energy so much more intense!

    Please post more stories!

  3. Pretty cool story, but a bit creepy. Don’t really get why you wanted to do what you did, probably your dominative side. Anyways good stuff

  4. I lost my virginity to a woman with a similar motivation to you but I fell for her and found out she was crazy. I would’ve much preferred your method over hers

  5. I wish i had a girl like you to show me the ropes when i lost my v card!!!! Please share us more!

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