The best friends boyfriend (part 1) [MF)

Sam was her best friend and all, but Christ did she go on and on about her boyfriend, she was always moaning about him, and when Sam gets started there’s no stopping her. Personally Fliss thought Sam was delusional, her fella was gorgeous… not traditional Abercrombie gorgeous, but big and strong, with these eyes, man it was like he could see into her soul. And the best bit was he didn’t even know how gorgeous he was.

She necked her wine… Sam was still talking…

‘im going bed Sam, I’m knackered’ She saw the disappointment in her friends eyes, it was still relatively early after all. But she slunk upstairs anyway. She pulled on the tank top that she’d taken to sleeping in, and got into bed. The bed was one of the main reasons Fliss agreed to stay over rather than get a cab home. She knew that sometimes when he came off nights he’d sleep in this bed so as not to wake up Sam, and the sheets would smell of him… Tonight was one of those nights…

God Fliss, he’s your best friends boyfriend, get him out your head.

But she couldn’t, and after fidgeting for a few minutes she gave up. She slid her panties off and let herself inhale the scent of him and let her hand slide down to her already wet pussy. she closed her eyes…

She thought of him over her, pinning her down, his cock deep inside her, of his mouth on hers, and she came… it didn’t take much these days when thinking of him. She finally nodded off…

She woke with a start, disorientated momentarily forgetting that she was at Sam’s. She could hear movement downstairs, he was home, Her mouth was dry from the wine, and her head a little fuzzy. She snuck out the bedroom to the bathroom and turned the tap on.

She caught sight of him in the mirror, he was looking at her. Her heart raced, he was actually looking at her. Well then, she would give him something to look at… She edged her tank top up, exposing her ass and her gently throbbing pussy, spreading her legs just a little… he wasn’t looking away, her heart skipped a beat… what if he actually liked her… she inhaled deeply, well here goes nothing

“morning darlin’, seen everything you want to see?”

She heard him falter, caught in the act like a deer in the head lights, unable to look away.

She turned and winked at him, and slowly sucked her finger, a finger that incidentally still tasted of her from her private play session just hours before. What happened next took her completely by surprise. She had expected him to blush and stumble off…

Before she could protest he was in the bathroom, shutting the door. She gasped as he grabbed her ass. God his big strong hands on her made her weak at the knees…

This is Sams boyfriend. Fuck!

She turned round to stop him, to explain she had only meant to embarrass him, but before she could say anything he grabbed her hair, pulled her head back and he kissed her, deep and hard, with this urgency, like he needed her, and god did she need him too. It was better than she’d imagined, and she allowed herself to enjoy it, just for a second, her hand rubbing against his rock hard dick, pride that she had made that happen glowing inside her, before pushing him away. She couldn’t help but smile, his dick was hard for her, he wanted her, how could she not, but still….

“That’s enough, your girlfriends is asleep in the next room, now go to bed you naughty boy”

To her surprise relief flooded through her when he completely ignored her and grabbed her again, kissing her hard. She could do this forever, being held in his arms, being the object of his desire, even just for 5 minutes in a bathroom.

He lifted her tank over her head and she started to panic a little. Sam was asleep in the next room, if she caught them, god knows what she’d do, she’s a fucking psycho at times…

“now don’t be naughty, you know we cant”

He looked at her but said nothing, instead he turned her round, roughly grabbing her by the hair and pulling her head back, taking control of her, just the thought of catering to his every whim set every nerve in her body alight. He kissed and bit her neck, and despite herself soft moans escaped her. He rubbed his dick against her ass, knowing she had made him hard sent butterflies through her stomach. His hands moved to her breasts, for the first time she felt self conscious, but the feeling couldn’t stay with her long, he was so rough with her, his want burned through his fingers and into her skin everywhere he touched.

This is Sams boyfriend! This cannot happen! Fuuck!

She pushed back against his dick, groaning her desire into him. Amazingly he understood. He pushed her over the sink again, leaving her ass and pussy exposed to him as he pulled his jeans down. She turned to look at him, not taking her hands off the sink seeing as how it was only a half-hearted attempt to give him one last chance to come to his senses

“we cant, what if she hears us?”

His eyes burnt through her, he can see she doesn’t mean it, god those eyes, they leave you nowhere to hide. He pushed her legs apart, the adrenaline pumped through her, the anticipation almost tangible, she had masturbated countless times whilst thinking about this, and now it was going to happen…

Suddenly he rammed his cock deep into her, she managed to muffle a yelp as he stretched her wide around him, he was bigger than she’d expected, grabbing her hips and relentlessly forcing himself in to her, to the hilt as she bit her lip. She closed her eyes and just let herself feel, his hands on her hips, so dominant of her, just taking her, using her, fucking her. His hand reached up, finding her rock hard nipple, pinching it an twisting it, the sensations pulsing down to her throbbing clit. From her angle over the sink his cock is hammering against her g-spot perfectly. She had never felt so full, so wanted, so beautiful.

She could feel her orgasm building deep inside her, she couldn’t help it, her desire tumbled from her mouth in moans and gasps she couldn’t control,

“yes, yes, harder, c’mon, fuck me, fuck me hard, oh yes, oh god…c’mon fuck me, fuck me…”

She could hear herself begging, she didn’t care, she needed it, she needed to cum for him, she needed to make him cum., it was all she could think of…

He grabbed her hips again and caved to her pleas, fucking her harder and faster, his cock ramming hard against her g, making her moan, she desperately tried to keep the volume down and her orgasm builds and builds, reality quickly slipping away as her orgasm takes hold, suddenly he moves and its like his entire weight is pressed against her g-spot and her orgasm crashes through her, a scream escaped her but she bit it back as her pussy continued to contract around him, her legs giving way beneath her as it seems to last forever… and he came, she felt him shoot his load into her

“oh god yeah, cum for me”

the satisfaction of the strength of his orgasm spread through her like a warm glow, she’d never cum so hard, so fast, it had ruined her, her whole body was trembling as he withdrew from her and collapsed on the floor behind her. She couldn’t move, her legs weren’t to be trusted, her head all over the place, her pussy wide and exposed to him, she didn’t care, she wanted him to see what he had done to her…

He brought her back to reality “are you ok?”

Sam’s boyfriend, fuuuck!

She turned round and looked at him, expecting to be mad, or confused, or at least disappointed in herself, but the look of the exhausted, sweaty, exhilaration on his handsome face meant she could do nothing but smile.

“you are a very naughty boy”

she pulled on her tank top, as dignified as she could with her hands still shaking, and she sauntered out of the bathroom, desperately trying to maintain her cool.

Sam’s boyfriend…. God Fliss, your such a bitch…



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