[MF] My first time: with a virgin guy

I’ve been chatting with a guy on another one of my reddit accounts about our fun sex stories and he suggested I share some of them. So here we are, starting with this story:

A bit ago I was right swiping away and I connect with this one cute guy, Tommy. Blond hair, blue eyes. Boyish good looks. He goes to a local college, which makes him normally a little young for me. But I figured what the hell. Let’s go out.

I show up and he’s already there. And the way this boy smiles at me as I walk up to the table is so adorable I melt a little. Always a good start. We do some of the awkward first date chit chat, but it becomes a fun conversation pretty quickly. We’re talking about movies and books and TV, it’s rolling pretty good. Waitress comes back, my drink is empty and I order another. He gets more Coke and reminds me that if we grew up in the same school district, we wouldn’t have even overlapped in high school. But I get over it, he’s cute and fun and I’m having a good time. I can be a Jr. Cougar tonight.

By the end of the date it was a great time overall. He pays, which is sweet because I know I have way more expendable income than he does, and I ask if he’d like to come back to my place and maybe have a real drink.

His eyes get a little wide, which should’ve been a clue, but he says he’s down. I give him my address, we both jump in our respective cars and I meet him back at my apartment building. Inside I throw off my shoes and head straight for the kitchen to make us something stronger than his Cokes and when I come out he’s still at the door and acting a little bashful. I find it adorable and I don’t know why.

I invite him inside a little more directly and we get comfortable on the couch and sip our drinks and talk and he’s clearly much more nervous now. I ask if everything’s ok and he says yeah, he’s actually had a really good time. And I tell him that I’m glad, because the date’s been really fun for me too. And I’d like the fun to keep on happening. And we kiss.

It’s a good kiss. Honest. He’s got gorgeous kinda pouty lips and he knows the right amount of tongue teasing and it’s awesome. Loving it. I break it to saddle up on top of him and keep it going and that’s when Tommy pulls his head back and says that he should probably tell me something. And at this point, my head immediately goes to like, STDs or something. But that’s when he drops it.

Tommy’s a virgin.

He’s never done more than make out with someone. He’s normally very shy, but his friend actually was the one swiping around in his app. He’s really glad he went through with it and is having an amazing time, but this right now is as far as he’s ever gone.

Awesome. Ok. Let’s see. I ask him if he wanted to stop or whatever, and he very adamantly says that’s not what he’s saying. He just wanted to warn me.

Ok. A surprise, but not a deal breaker. The guy’s cute. He’s nice. We’ve had a good time. Maybe this can be fun.

I stand up and ask for his hand and tell him to follow me into the bedroom. I sit him on my bed. And then I take off my blouse and undo my bra (because there’s no way he’s getting past that thing on his first go).

Tommy’s eyes are wide. I grab his hands and put them on my breasts and he’s kinda frozen in place, which I find hilarious. I tell him to feel them. Lick them. Suck on them. He starts slow, but boy does he get into it pretty quick. I love my nipples being played with, so I’m enjoying it nearly as much as he is.

Eventually I pull back and tell him to slide his hand up my skirt. Again, his expression is hilarious and it gets even better when he realizes that I’m not wearing any underwear. He stares me dead in the face and whispers, “Holy fuck!” And I just start cracking up. “Surprise.” I feel him slowly caress the outside of my lips, tentatively feeling around blindly without trying to push his fingers in at all. It’s a nice start, but I’m starting to be hungry for a lot more.

I step back and slide the skirt off and just stand in front of him. He’s absolutely drinking me in, which makes me feel amazing about myself. He starts going on about how much he loves my body. I’m glad, but I tell him it’s my turn to see what he’s hiding.

He rips his shirt off faster than I’ve ever seen a guy do it, but slows down when it comes to his pants. I can see why. He’s wearing white boxers and they are SOAKED. I mean, the tent is definitely still there, but the underwear themselves are drenched. I ask him if he came already and he tells me no – he’s just really turned on. Jesus. The guy’s a leaker.

I walk up to him and get on my knees in front of him and lick his cock through the boxers. They definitely taste like precum. As I do, his cock is basically bouncing on the other side of the fabric. If it wasn’t so hot, it’d be hilarious. It’s definitely desperate to escape. And I can tell he’s not going to last long – at least for the first time.

So I slide them off him slowly while looking him straight in the eyes. His cock pops out and slaps me in the face. It’s a good size. Thicker than I expected and definitely soaked in precum, but other than that nothing unusual. I grab it tentatively, and he visibly shivers.

Since this clearly isn’t going to be the world’s longest blowjob, I tell him to not worry about trying to last long or anything. I don’t plan on this night ending any time soon, so it’s ok if you cum quickly. We’ll keep having fun. And with that I point the cock up and lap at his balls for a bit before slowly dragging my tongue up his dick until i get the the tip. I wet my lips and then just as slowly slide it into my mouth.

The boy’s clearly in heaven. He’s moaning and groaning as I go up and down. And damn, is he precumming. I don’t think my mouth has ever been more lubricated. Before long, like I thought, he’s starting to gasp and put his hands on my head and I can tell that he’s about to pop. That’s when I push the cock against the back of my throat and start deep throating him. Instantly, he explodes. He’s saying “holy fuck” over and over as I feel it pulsating in my throat. When he’s done, I pull him back out as he drops his head on the bed and I lick at his cock.

“How was that?”
“Holy fuck.”
“So, good?”
“Fuck yes.”
“Good. Ready for my turn?”
“I think I can handle that.”

So I climb up on the bed and push him to the bottom of it. And then I spread my legs and give him his first real good look. I can tell he’s a fan and that’s when I tell him I want him to taste it. He crawls over and tentatively licks it at first, from the bottom up to my clit. I tell him that’s good and to keep going. He starts going, licking and lapping at me with more energy every time until I’m in heaven. Virgin guys might not know what they’re doing, but damn do they have the right enthusiasm. After a while I tell him to stick a finger in and I loved feeling him slowly explore the inside of me. His face just looked like he was in a candy store. I remind him that he can finger me and lick me at the same time and he eventually gets the rhythm right and I’m on cloud 9. He’s better at this than he should be, especially when a second finger joins the first.

He doesn’t seem to get tired and I can feel all the tingles building and I’m getting pretty close to exploding myself, but I have a feeling that he’d appreciate that happening in the main event. Make him feel really accomplished. So I look down at him and tell him that I want him to fuck me.

He looks up from my pussy, the lower half of his face covered in his own spit and my juices, like I just gave him the biggest gift in the entire world.

Virgins are fun.

[Part 2 coming soon]

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5nzllm/mf_my_first_time_with_a_virgin_guy


  1. aww i agree, been with a virgin as well so i can totally understand the leaker part! The enthusiasm and excitement they have also gives them some crazy stamina, talkin multiple rounds!

  2. This gives me hope for myself :) being an introvert and a bit awkward while in college is nerve-wracking, but this guy is sure lucky to have had his first with you it sounds! I hope I’m ever as lucky. Looking forward to part 2!

  3. Sure hope I will be as much fun at my first time.

    I’m 27. There won’t be a first time, will there?

  4. This sounds like a wetdream of cute virgin boy professionaly dealt with by 26yr old chick.

  5. Very hot, I’m a virgin too, you seem like a great, accommodating girl, I appreciate that.

    So hot, about to read part 2, I’m so hard right now haha, cheers

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