Swords and tentacles [Str8] [f] [m] [fantasy]

Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away there was a princes, not just any princess but a princess with an acient bloodline directly connecting her to the first and most powerful witch to ever exist. Although this was many generations ago and the people believe the magic to be long faded. Her name was Rainbow, now a strange name for such an exotic kingdom afteral. She was kind of short with brown hair and a big temper, hence her nickname “rainbowrage”.

She was given in marriage to a snobby prince, Alexander his name was, by her own father. Rainbow refused to marry this young fellow but had no choice in the matter, even after destroying nearly all glasses in the castle after one of her famous tantrums her father would not give in. Since their kingdom was almost broke he really needed the money, and so the princess was sent on a long voyage to the neighbouring kingdom where prince Alexander’s parrents ruled.

To protect her, and to make sure she didnt run away during the trip, she was escorted by 10 of the finest knights in the kingdom. They left early in the morning and were estimated to arrive at noon the other day. Half a day went by without a single incident, “surely princess Rainbow would have already tried an escape?” thought knight Thep (also a common name in this exotic land) to himself and a little concerned he checked inside the coach. To his surprise he found her sitting relaxed on her chair looking out of a window. “What is wrong my knight?” she asked to which Thep responded “nothing my lady, sorry to disturb you” as he blushed and awkwardly tried to bow.

Thep was just turning around when he heard a terrible sound, was it a scream of sorts? He rushed outside to see what was going on to find his fellow knights in a losing fight with a terrible monster. There was no time to think, he unsheathed his sword and was determined to slay this beast. Even if he had to cut down every last tentacle of the foul creature, and there were plenty! He stormed at the creature while shouting loudly “FOR THE PRINCESS” but was quickly tossed aside by the monster, just like his companions were. Laying on the ground in the dirt he finally had a chance to get a decent look at the monster, it was huge with atleast 10 tentacles on each side of it’s “body”. And its “body” was actually just a giant eyeball floating just above the ground and there was slimy mucus all over its tentacles, truly the thing nightmares are made of.

Laying there Thep could hear the screams of his allies while they were slaughtered one by one, blood rushed to his head as he struggled to get up. He wasn’t hurt badly besides the headache he got from getting smacked against the ground and rushed in for a second time. This time trying a different tactic, he tried to sneak up on the monster since direct attacks didnt seem to work, as proven by his now almost all killed allies. But alas to no avail, the creature was a giant eyeball afterall, it quickly finished off the last knight still able to fight by ripping his head off so he could turn around and deal with this final persistent one, Thep.

Thep swung his sword at the monster with all his might, it was more of a desperate meassure than an attack really. But it hit one of the tentacles cutting it right off. Thep regained some hope, “it is beatable afterall, i can do this. i MUST do this” he was thinking. But before he could finish that thought the monster came in for a second attack, this time Thep was not as lucky. The monster restricted Thep’s movement with only 1 tentacle and proceeded to rip his right arm off. Thep screamed in agony as blood rushed out from his giant wound. A few seconds later his body became motionless as his eyes darkened, he was done for. The monster quickly lost interest and tossed the motionless body aside, now turning his attention to the coach with the princess still inside. It is as if he knew she was there, pulling out the door from the coach revealing the innocent princess.

It grabbed her with one of its tentacles lifting her up from the ground pulling her closer to its giant eye. The princess clearly was saying something to the beast, probably begging to let her go, but ofcourse the beast payed no mind to it and started to feel her over with its smaller tentacles. It was tangling its tentacles around her arms and legs covering them in the same slimy stuff he himself was covered in. The tentacles kept crawling up her arms and legs tearing her cloths untill soon she was wearing nothing but her panties and brah. But that was not enough for the foul beast, while not loosening his grib even a little he brought more tentacles in. Touching the body of the princess all over, soon he also ripped off the only thing covering up the princess’ lady parts.

The princess became all red with shame, or was it pleasure?, while the tentacles started wrapping around her perky tits and sliding over her bare vajojo. The foul beast was even playing with her nipples, does its evilness know no bounds? more and more tentacles kept touching the princess all over, and definitely around her sensitive area, the vajojo. he kept rubbing it with his slimy tentacles, what was it trying to achieve? he spread her legs open right before it’s giant gross eye, as to get a better look. In such a vulgar position the princess became ever more red, then suddenly the princess started to scream. One of the smaller tentacles was slowly making his way inside of her, slowly crawling up further and further inside her vajojo. The scream sounded more like a moan than a scream to be honest. Her breating and heart rate also went way up, was she really feeling pleasure from such a foul thing? being watched by that giant eye while being violated by those gross slimy tentacles, even going as far as crawling up her pure virgin vajojo. Could it really be?

Out of nowhere a deafening scream, the princess was shocked to see a sword sticking all the way through the monster. The monster turned to dust and just as quickly as it had appeared it was gone, swept away by the wind. On the other side of where the monster used to be was Thep barely able to stand, surviving what must be on willpower alone. Completely exhausted he fell back onto the ground, struggling to keep his eyes open he mumbled the words “you are safe my princess, i’d gladly give my life for yours…”.

The princess, still completely naked, did not smile. Neither did she thank the valiant knight, rather she cursed at him “You stupid imbeciel, i wanted this… I WANTED THIS! you ruined my plan” she went on explaining how the adviser to her father came up with the plan to get her attacked on the road by a monster so she could avoid marrying prince Alexander. The advisor would summon the monster with his dark sorcery, the monster would not be very strong but he would make sure all the knight escorting her were actually pretty weak.

“I was just getting into it… what will i do now” The princess said aloud. Her glance turned to Thep, laying there almost fainted on the ground. “I guess you’ll have to do” she muttered not too happy. She helped Thep out of his clothes, or what was left of them anyways after the fight, and looked at his dingalo. “this wont do” she said, quickly giving it a few strokes to get it hard, well as hard as it’s ever gonna get in his state anyways. “I’m all warmed up from before, so if you dont mind i’m gonna put it in now” she said while mounting on top of Thep.

While riding Thep she could feel his dingalo getting harder inside of her, Thep starting slowly moving his hips up and down. “he’s still pretty energetic for being wounded so badly” the princess thought to herself. She felt his hand on her hip guiding her up and down, and then a second hand on her hip. “Wait what 2hands??” she accidently shouted in shock, she looked down to see Theps wounds almost being fully healed. “How is this possible?” she asked Thep in a confused voice, he replied “I’m not sure, i feel way better though. Could it be… your acient bloodline’s magic that is healing me?”.

Now being fully healed Thep said to the princess “Princess, allow me to make you feel even better” and without waiting for a response he lifted her up and changed positions, laying her on the ground and then started thrusting his hips with all his might. The princess couldn’t help but let out a little squeak, because not only was he thrusting like a madman but his dingalo was now fully erect and stretching out her insides. “ahh yessss, keep fucking me like this servant, make me cum” she shouted in ecstasy. Thep imediately started moving his hips even faster while shouting “FOR THE PRINCESS”. THis was too much, even for the princess and she had the best orgasm of her life, right there laying on the floor in the dirt being fucked by the one who should be protecting her. But Thep wasn’t done just yet, he kept ravaging her vajojo which had become very sensitive thanks to that orgasm she just experienced. The princess went mad with pleasure, screaming her long out from pleasure. Thep gave one final thrust burrying his dingalo deep inside of her and released his entire load.

The two laid there for several minutes, still enjoying the amazing orgasm they had experienced in silence. By now some of the cum was dripping out of the princess’ vajojo, but she didnt seem to care one bit. The princess looked thep in the eyes and whispered “I want you to do this to me every day, we’ll get a home in a little town and no one will know us there. we can live hapilly together and fuck every day, what do you say honourable knight?”. Thep only smiled and said “I live to serve my princess”

And so they went on to live happily ever after… THE END

>This one was a request, and i tried something new with writing in third person. Not really happy with the end result, but i posted it anyways. Feel free to leave any feedback or comments or send them via PM. And hopefully enjoy~

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5nz8o0/swords_and_tentacles_str8_f_m_fantasy

1 comment

  1. Fairly ok. Weak plotline, or excessive explanation. We don’t need to know that strange sounding names are common in this world, we can figure it out after the first one or two, and by how other characters react when introduced.

    Also, when writing smut, calling penises and vaginas, ‘dingalo’ and ‘vajojo’ just really kinda kills the mood and serves no purpose.

    That’s about it. Beyond that, it is an ok first try. Keep it up and write more. You only get better with practice. Thanks for your submission.

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