How I had the best sex of my life, and the moral implications of it. Part 2 [MF]

Previous story:

First of all, whoa! I never imagined my long-winded story would attract as much attention as it did. Thank you to all of you who left words of support and feedback. I performed a mental fist pump each time a Redditor said I helped him/her get off. Part 2 picks up where I left off, and wraps up my adventures with Mindy. Go to the break for the sex you’re all here for.

So there we were, laying on the air mattress naked. I undoubtedly experienced the best sex of my life, all the evidence of that culminating in our combined fluids on my slick penis and damp pubic hair. Mindy was still panting, my shirt underneath her butt catching those fluids that dripped out. When the guilt slammed into me, I got up slowly and wobbly, and headed towards the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower and washed myself off, paying particular attention at lathering and rinsing my dick off. I used to love falling asleep after sex with my ex-gf, and my dick would be glistening and sticky as an arousing reminder of what happened. Now, all I could think about was how I had completely unprotected sex with a girl whose sexual health I had no clue, and the potentially catastrophic consequences of getting her pregnant or passing on an STD to my fiancée.

Mindy was still laying on the air mattress when I returned, and she said with a sleepy smile, “My head is still whirling from the wine and the sex.” “Let’s go to bed,” I offered to her.

“Are you ok?” Mindy asked as we walked to the bedroom. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied probably not too convincingly. As we laid down, I timidly asked her, “I’ll get you the morning after pill tomorrow, and I know we should have talked about this earlier, but are you clean?”

“Yes,” she whispered, sounding hurt. “I’m clean, and I get tested regularly through work.” At the time she worked at a hospital, another element of her endearing, caring personality. A huge weight lifted off my chest, yet I still had trouble falling asleep. After some time, she got up, and told me, “I should probably go.”

I implored her to stay, as it was getting late and I didn’t think she was 100% sober yet, but she insisted. Before she left, she told me (paraphrased since I can’t remember precisely), “Taketomygrave, you’re an amazing guy. I really hope I didn’t ruin our friendship by coming here tonight. If nothing else happens, I hope you’ll accept this as my gift for your bachelor party. I really want nothing but the best for you.” We hugged and she went home. I barely slept all night.

The next morning, I get a text from her saying something along the same lines: she had a great time, she hoped we can still be friends, I’m a great guy and she doesn’t want to hurt me, etc. And that she took the morning after pill, so we didn’t have to worry about that. I responded that I really wish she had stayed, reiterated that I had an amazing time too, and thanked her for taking care of the morning after pill.

Around midday, I get another text from Mindy, “I still can’t believe how good last night was. I’m really really sore … I’ve never done a one night stand before yet I just couldn’t control myself.”

“I’ve never had a one night stand either. Last night was incredible for me too. I still can’t get over how you let me cum inside you when we both knew you were unprotected. I know … I just wanted you so bad I couldn’t stop either.”

“I just trusted you and felt safe with you. Though I was a little hurt afterwards that you asked if I was clean.”

“I’m sorry, we should have talked about that before the clothes started flying off.”

“It’s ok. I just want to make sure you’re ok with what happened. Your cum is still dripping out of me, and I love feeling it inside me.”

Well, that gave me an instant boner. Pretty sure my face was flushed too, and I hastily looked around to see if any of my coworkers suspected the erotic texts that were on my phone.

I replied back, “God that’s hot. I loved cumming inside you. I’ve never even gone bareback with my fiancée.”

“Really?? Never? But you’re so handsome and passionate and such a good lover. All of my girlfriends say they give their bfs that treat once in a while.”

“Never. That’s just one of the many reasons it was so special last night.”

“I asked a doctor friend of mine about the morning after pill today to make sure I’m taking it correctly and at the right time. She told me there could be side effects, and my period would start.”

“I actually feel pretty bad that you have to take that. I had a friend who worked at the campus clinic in college, and she said Plan B would make the girls who took it feel very sick.”

“It’s ok. It was worth it with you. I just hope Lanh doesn’t suspect anything, since our periods happen at the same time. I hope she doesn’t ask why mine’s starting 2 weeks early.”

“Wait … 2 weeks? That means you are really fertile right now.”

“Yes, if I didn’t take that pill, you would have gotten me pregnant.”

“Wow … we really took a huge risk then. That makes it even hotter for me somehow.”

“I had to write all of this down when I got home, it still feels like a dream.” She proceeded to reminisce from her point of view, starting from the basketball game date: how cute I looked, how some of the things I said to her were particularly endearing to her, and how she loved feeling pressed against me on the packed train ride home. Then on to dinner, how happy she was to cook for me and to see me devour her creations. Then to the sex: how aroused she became from the passion of my kisses, how she exploded when I first touched her, how good the orgasm was from my tongue and fingers, and how she came again when she felt me cumming inside of her.

Needless to say, I was pretty fucking distracted the whole day at work, and the texting continued all day Friday and Saturday. At one point, I teased her that I was eating dinner alone, and she playfully chastised me for being so silly when she would have kept me company for dinner instead of hanging out with Lanh.

Fast forward to Saturday night, I had been home all night, and made plans to see some friends on Sunday. Mindy and I texted throughout the day, mostly about what she and Lanh were up to, including a few pictures of them getting ready in various states of undress for their girls’ night dinner. Then about 1AM, she told me that Lanh was ditching her to go “see a guy who’s leaving town” and asked if she could come over. I thought that it was awfully late, and started worrying that she and Lanh were plotting this together, but my other head overruled me and I invited her over. [This time it felt … easier to ignore the white angel. I guess once you go down the slippery slope, you get used to the slide :- ]


She hopped into an Uber and got to my apartment. I waited for her downstairs, and saw her come out of the car. This time, she was wearing a more modest teal sundress that came down to her knees and showed just a hint of cleavage in a classy way. As we went up to my unit together, she kept on smiling and saying “this is so crazy.” I offered her some water, and we agreed to head to bed. She went to the bathroom to change, and came out in a t-shirt that just covered her butt, and I saw the skimpiest red thong underneath as she climbed into my bed.

I turned onto my side to face her, and she eagerly sought to be in my embrace. I tilted her chin up and kissed her full luscious lips that had a fresh application of lip gloss. We made out slowly, enjoying the feeling of each other’s lips, and when her tongue started to dart into my mouth, the intensity picked up. I caressed her cheek and her arms, marveling again at the smoothness of her skin, as she started to dig her nails into my back. I reached across her arms to get a squeeze of her magnificently ripe breasts, but she pulled me closer to cut off the angle of attack.

“Just keep kissing me,” she breathily moaned, and we continued the passionate kissing. Being a handsy guy, my hands never stopped roaming across her back, her arms, her sides, and her legs, wherever I could reach. After several minutes of making out, I felt horny and mischievous enough to slide my hand between our bodies and slipped under her thong to touch her pussy. I managed to feel her wetness briefly before she pulled away giggling, playfully slapping my hand. “This stays on tonight!”

Sensing my disappointment, she started to caress me lower, from my back and pecs to my abdomen to my crotch. The area between my dick and belly button is somewhat of an erogenous zone for me, so her hand there was turning me on immensely. She grasped my penis and squeezed it gently, moaning with approval at how hard I was for her. She pushed me onto my back, and I helped her remove my undies. Sweeping her hair behind her neck in one graceful motion, she leaned down and took the tip of my dick into her mouth.

“Ohhhh…” That was heavenly. She did the same thing as the previous night, swirling her tongue around my head and across my opening, and gently bobbing her head on about the top 3 inches of my shaft. She was crouched diagonally with her feet pointed toward my head but away from my body. From my supine position, I could only reach her back, legs, and her little red thong. I grabbed the strings of her thong and held on while she serviced me dutifully with her mouth. Again, she had me tingling all over but not close to orgasm, and I groaned out, “I need you… I need to be inside you.”

She paused for a second, and then I saw her start to shimmy out of her thong with one hand while keeping me in her mouth. She dropped her thong by the side of the bed and spun around to straddle my thighs. I sat up and kissed her, telling her how wonderful she made me feel with her mouth, and pushed her t-shirt up over her body. She eagerly helped me by raising her arms up, and she scooted forward on top of my dick.

She rocked back and forth on the underside of my penis for a few seconds, while she must have been relishing the stimulation against her clit and lips. I certainly enjoyed feeling my dick get slipperier as she covered me in her juices, and laid back down. We watched each other for a few seconds, her eyes half-closed as she used me for her pleasure, and I soaked in her stunningly beautiful figure. Without another word, she lifted off me just enough to pull my dick to alignment and sank back down, completely engulfing my penis in her luxuriously velvety walls again.

I held her hips as she rocked and grinded on me back and forth to start. There was a surprising amount of stimulation from this even though not a single inch of my dick left her pussy. I stroked her hipbones and sexy waist with my thumbs, and pushed both hands up to cup her breasts. She held my hands against her boobs, squeezing them together like what a push-up bra would do, and leaned over to shove a fascinatingly erect nipple into my mouth. I obliged her, and I licked, sucked, swirled my tongue, and grazed my teeth against her nipple like my life depended on it. Right as I released it to take a breath, she switched and fed me her other nipple, and I gave it just as much attention as its twin.

She stabilized herself on my chest and began riding me. The way she moved was incredible. Her hips and torso moved like a wave, and on each downstroke, the crown of my penis rubbed firmly against her pubic bone and front vaginal wall, which felt mind-blowing. [I tried to find this NSFW video on reddit where the girl moved and rode exactly how Mindy did it, but had no luck.] I had an unsettling thought of where she could possibly have learned to ride like this, but the sensations of her bare pussy quickly drowned them out. She was pushing me to the finish line, and fast.

“Mindy … You’re gonna make me cum if you keep riding me like that!” I warned her, giving her a chance to hop off if she didn’t want to deal with my sperm in her again. She responded by riding me even faster and gave this adorably long, sexy gasp, “Ohhhh!” Another thing I loved about her was the noises she made during sex. They were always these quiet gasps and pants, not the shrill squeaks you hear in pornos of Asian girls that really annoy me.

Hearing her gasp like that did me in. [She would later tell me that she came when I told her that her riding was making her cum, even though I couldn’t feel any vaginal spasms like the other girls I’ve been with.] I grabbed her hips again, and thrusted upwards as far as I could shove myself in her pussy, and launched my cum into her. She slowed down as I continued to throb inside her, no doubt still releasing small drops of life-giving fluid into her pussy. She slumped down on my chest, and we just lay there resting together for a couple of minutes until I softened and popped out of her. She rolled over, and I offered her my shirt without asking. She giggled at my chivalrous act that I learned from our previous session, and without any actual cleanup (which was hot), we held each other to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up first and found us in the spooning position. Seeing this beautiful girl in my arms in daylight had me aroused again in no time, given the headstart from my morning wood. I nibbled on her neck and ear while caressing her tummy and those smooth toned legs. She started to stir, and when she realized what was happening, she groaned audibly and pushed her butt back to grind against my rock hard penis.

I didn’t waste much time at all, gently signaling for her to lift her top leg up, and I reached down to make sure she was wet. She was moist and getting wetter by the second. I inserted an exploratory finger in her and determined she was indeed aroused. I reached between her legs and guided my penis to her entrance, and curled my hips to penetrate her.

Mmmm, that first feeling of unprotected penetration is unmatched. I started thrusting into her and she reciprocated by pushing back into me. After a few minutes though, my hip and leg were starting to chafe on the bedsheet, so I pulled her leg up and around, and plunged back into her in missionary. She wrapped her arms around me and started to really rake my back. I could feel her nails scratching along my shoulder blades and down to my lower back.

This was the first time I tried to hammer her as fast as I could, and of course you could guess by now that I couldn’t last long inside her like that. I pushed up in a plank position, and roared as I came in her again. I saw her turn her head, and I realized she must have gotten a whiff of my putrid morning breath, so I dropped down next to her ear.

“Sorry about my breath,” I whispered.

“It’s ok. Keep cumming inside me. Oh my god! Oh my god!” she urged me on, and the rest of my orgasm continued in diminishing spasms. Before I softened, I wanted to admire her, so I pulled out my dick from her now very well-fucked pussy, and she groaned as the head of my cock slid past her lips. “Uhhhnnn!”

I thought I had hurt her at first, but she later told me she had a mini orgasm as she felt me pull out all the way while still hard. None of my semen was leaking out of her, but I could definitely see some resting in her tunnel. I felt so proud and masculine at that moment, in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time, upon seeing her filled with my sperm.

The good feelings dissipated though as soon as the orgasmic high wore off, and the guilt took over again. I got dressed and asked Mindy to get dressed in an effort to get her to leave before I had to meet up with my friends. I had a rule when I was dating to always make breakfast or take a girl out to brunch if she stayed overnight, regardless of whether we had sex or not. [Guys, from my limited experience, the chances you get laid the next time by doing this is much, much higher!] I felt shitty for breaking that rule, but hey, I was feeling pretty shitty overall.

I managed to not see Mindy in person for about a week, with the exception of a Super Bowl party at Lanh’s place. There was definitely a lot of eyeing each other that went on at the party, and at one point she did whisper in my ear, “Mr. Taketomygrave, the things I want to do to you … My period is ending, but my boobs still feel tender and bloated” amidst loud conversations. Her boobs did seem a bit bigger than normal. And when I hugged her and Lanh goodbye, she firmly raked my back with her nails again as an allusion to our previous fuck.

The final time I was with Mindy, she and Lanh came to my building the next day, where another friend of Lanh’s lived. I was chatting and socializing with some neighbors on the rooftop when I got a text from Mindy saying that she was in the building for the other friend’s party. She didn’t have much time to just disappear from the party, but she wanted to say hello.

Thinking it’d be pretty harmless chatting, I took the stairs down two floors and met her on her friend’s floor. I surprised her by coming out of the fire door, but she smiled and walked over, and ushered me back into the stairwell.

“I can’t be gone for too long, or else Lanh will worry and ask me a bunch of questions. I told her my mother was calling.” With that, she grabbed me and started making out with me. I was a little stunned, but the soothing smell of her shampoo and perfume made me remember all of our previous sessions, and I started kissing her back in no time.

“I just want to kiss you again,” she moaned into my lips. And we kissed each other furiously for several minutes in the stairwell, which was all the more exciting that somebody could easily walk in on us if they took the stairs.

“I’m not wearing panties again right now,” she admitted in a seductive whisper. “Really??” I asked her back. “I took them off before coming out here. They were almost ruined from thinking about you.”

I tried to reach under her skirt to confirm the veracity of her statement, but she slapped my hand away with a naughty grin. “I want you to cum in my mouth this time.”

She dropped to her knees and unzipped my pants. She worked my penis with vigor for several minutes, all while giving one of those sloppy, drool-filled blowjobs. I loved watching my dick go in and out of her mouth and felt close to cumming, but her jaw must have gotten tired, so she looked up and asked me, “Do you want my pussy?”

I closed my eyes, thinking about how to refuse her this time, but when she asked me again, I just dumbly nodded, and sat down on the bottommost step. She flipped her skirt up (no panties confirmed) and sat down on me. She had a couple of days’ worth of stubble on her pubic area, which I noticed and stroked through it as she impaled herself on me.

I am ashamed to admit that I was literally a two-pump chump that time. A combination of the hotness of that stairwell rendezvous, how close I was already, and her magical pussy got me to blow my load in her after two strokes. She got off and stepped back. One glob of semen dropped on the stair step and one glob of semen fell on my pants that were around my ankles.

We put ourselves back together again as best as we could, and she gave me a kiss before dashing back to her friend’s party. I took the stairs down to my floor, hoping not to run into anybody who might see the gigantic cum stain on my pants.


I have only seen Mindy a couple of times since then, and always with Lanh and a group of friends. Each time, she avoided me like the plague. I actually texted her to wish her a Merry Christmas last week, and she responded saying she doesn’t wish to text privately with me anymore. She said she felt extremely bad for compromising her Catholic morals (I wasn’t aware she was Catholic), and asked God for forgiveness everyday, and wished me the best. I think she also blocked me on Facebook.

Sorry there is no fairy tale ending … I think it’s for the best that this story ends. Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!



  1. That epilogue tho is disappointing. Not because she cut off contact, but why she cut off contact. So silly.

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