The Not So Silent Night [FF] [kink]

Olivette and I had been together on and off for 3 years. This was our first Christmas as a couple, and I wanted to make it count.

She had convinced her parents to let her stay at my house on Christmas night, and my parents had decided to go to a holiday party two hours away. I paid a friends older brother to get a bottle of champagne for us, and wore the silky black dress that she loved to lift from my shoulders.

We hadn’t seen each other in 3 days, but in the mind of two teenage girls it might as well have been three years. Seeing her knock on my door was a gift in and of itself. I flung myself into her arms, knocking presents all over the bricks of my front porch and kissed her cheeks, forehead, chin, and finally: lips. We lingered in the december evening air, perfectly at peace with the warmth of one another.

Eventually we collected the gifts she had brought, and brought them into the living room of my parents home. After pouring ourselves 2 glasses of champagne we opened presents. After 9 years I have a hard time remembering the vast majority of what I got her, or what she got me, but I remember the way her eyes lit up when she said “This is so thoughtful!” and the fires of mischief that blazed in those eyes when she gave me the last present for that holiday season.

As far as I could tell, it was a box filled with odds and ends. There were candles, a feather cat toy, fuzzy hand cuffs, a red bustier and matching thong, and a riding crop. I laughed when I opened it “What’s all this?” I asked “Oh, I’ll show you. Try the red thing on!” I smiled again “help me out of this dress and I will.”

she put a hand on either side of my hips, and pressed the silk against my body, lifting it slowly, and looking into my eyes. When the dress was off she leaned down to my breasts and kissed them tenderly. I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair and exhaled contentedly. She stepped back and nodded towards the currious box which was meant to be my gift.

I stepped into the thong, and fumbled with the clasps of the bustier, “how do I look?” I asked bashfully “good enough to eat” she said with a Cheshire cat grin.

My parents living room had 2 upright support beams separating the family room and dining room, Olivette had the brilliant idea to cuff my hands behind my back, and use those beams as an anchor. Knowing that my parents would be gone for hours, I agreed to be naughty this Christmas night.

Strange as it may seem, the very sound of hand cuffs tightening is enough to send chills down my spine and ruin whatever underwear I have on for the rest of the evening. Olivette knew this, And after she had tightened the hand cuffs she stepped back to light the candles she had brought.

It was strange for her to create an ambiance, but I wasn’t going to complain. She picked up the cat toy, and asked “do you know what this is for?” I rolled my eyes “Of course I do.” she stepped towards me “sure about that?” her left hand cupped my cheek as she pressed her lips to mine. She then spun the feathers against my ankle, and slowly ran them up my leg.

When she passed my knee to tickle my inner thigh I inhaled sharply and began to shake “It’s a french tickler. I knew you’d like it.” I was shocked by how wet she had made me in such a short time. She went to the candle, and brought it to me. Butterflies were in my stomach, and she quenched my anxiety with white candle wax, and a mischievous smirk. I cried out. “More?” she asked with an eyebrow cocked “yes.” I said, panting with desire.

She lifted the champagne glass to my lips “good girl.” I drank deeply. The riding crop came out, and licked my belly. I yelped, and tensed with every lash, but cried for more whenever she stopped.

Once the thong was visibly wet in the candle light, she removed it and forced two fingers inside me. She kissed my neck, and ran the french tickler up and down my spine. “Cum for me, baby.” she whispered. The flood gates opened. I screamed, squirted and went weak at the knees.

She uncuffed me, and kissed my forehead “That was good, baby. You’ll be able to take more next time.” Fucking Olivette was like being struck by lightning, then wanting go out and do it again. But, out of respect for my parents: we cleaned ourselves up, and hid the box in my bedroom closet.

We finished off the bottle of champagne before my parents came home, and I assumed we were home free. Two days later, my dad looks at me and says “I don’t know what you and your freaky little friend are doing when you have sleep overs, but if I find wax on the carpet again, you’re both fucked.” All I could do was laugh.



  1. Yet again you aroused me, and yet again i couldn’t stop reading. Great story. I enjoy Olivette’s dominance over you!

  2. Both of y’alls parents crack me up. Also I love your story telling, very arousing!!

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